
Spirit Martial Artist (DD)

Spirit Martial Artist Reynold Westwood, a maniac of martial arts, a strong supporter of harems and a lover of maids, fills up an internet survey and ends up in Spirit Land! In a place where cultivation is real and practising stuff can make you possibly achieve real Godhood. He decided its time to put his expertise into practice. Unleashing a multitude of martial arts from Boxing to Tai Chi and Kung Fu to Spearmanhip Reynold Westwood now Xue Long, Fourth Prince of Heavenly Duo Empire is out to become Dragon God of Martial Arts with help of his Golden Dragon King Martial Spirit! Oh... And he will have that harem of maids! Additional Tags: Extreme AU, Madlad Mc, Absurdly Op Martial Arts techniques, Harem, OP MC, Elements from other Soul Land series (girls, Spirit beasts, Martial Spirits) adventure, gore, My Discord link: https://discord.gg/56SVYQexDJ

Dragon15681 · Derivasi dari karya
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103 Chs

'The Battle'

Qian Renxue looked at the blonde maid who was standing behind the Fourth Prince and HER future husband. Her eyebrows were twitching hard. 

She simply can't allow these females to multiply around someone who is hers!

The moment she heard that he accepts the proposition it became official! The moment she is the Fiance of the Fourth Prince, a Princess of Heavenly Dou Empire, it was time for her to act!

"Since we are engaged then I wish to fight you." The blonde girl said with a matter-of-fact voice. Her words made everyone look at her with confusion.

"...oh? And why would I fight my fiance?" The prince asked her curiously. While he wanted the reason she can see that he is interested in fighting her.

A smirk appeared on her face. She is trained by her grandpa AND she is a disciple of Golden Crocodile Douluo. She has confidence that she will be the one who will be in control of this relationship!

"It's simple. I win, you will dismiss all of your maids. It's not like you need them since you have me." She said that with a straight face and an absurd amount of confidence.

Xue Ye, the Emperor of Heavenly Dou Empire gulped down nervously when the girl mentioned dismissing his maids. Which caused an instant serious reaction from the Fourth Prince.

"Hmm, and if I win?"

"... then… I will listen to you." She said this with a frown. However, she has confidence that she can win.

"I see. This is fair. We shall fight then."


"Xiao Xue'er are you sure? He is two ranks higher than you." Qian Daoliu said to his granddaughter as they were outside in the main royal gardens.

There is some distance between these fighting parties. Her grandpa was giving some last-minute pep-talk and trying to persuade her not to do this.

However, in the end, he realises that his granddaughter needs to lose… sometimes.

"I am fine. I will use my angelic descent to attack him! My second spirit ring ability is not blockable!" Qian Renxue said that quite proudly.

"...Best of luck then." Qian Daoliu said with a sigh and walked over to where the Emperor was. 

A small smile appeared on the First Worship's face as he saw how this quite large lion was around in this place. It's fascinating to see Spirit Beast living alongside humans like that. 

This just shows to him that his choice was the right one. Only that his Granddaughter needs to get over her pride which she inherited from Bibi Dong.

"What a beautiful beast. I assume this is raised by Fourth Prince?"

"Yes. Qiu'er has some dragon blood and was attracted by our son's Martial Spirit. He eventually brought her back with him from Star Dou Forest."

As the Emperor explained the Golden lion smelled the blond man. She found him good enough not to try to bite…

"It appears she likes you enough not to try to bite." 


"Taste things, Long'er has been training her rigorously. So she does it less nowadays."

"Fascinating to hear how people are training spirit beasts like this." The blonde said with fascination as he strokes the fur of this golden lion. It was an interesting experience as he expected it to be more crystalline but it's still proper fur.

"It was strange but we got used to it."


While the adults were talking Qian Renxue summoned her Martial Spirit, the Seraphim. 

The Martial Spirit aura spread through the garden as it revealed a woman with four wings dressed in white clothes.

Sure enough, it fused with the blonde girl and now she had two pairs of golden wings.

"Very beautiful Martial Spirit." Xue Long didn't hold back his praise. He truly found it beautiful.

"It is. And it's your future wife's Martial Spirit. Now, why don't you show yours?" As she said that she was floating in the air quite casually.

"Since my fiance asked when I will do so." As he said that huge Golden Dragon King shimmered into existence behind him.

The way it appeared has caused the pair of blondes to be curious!

'There was no energy outburst, no rise in spirit energy…nothing… it's like…' Qian Daoliu's eyes widened in realisation.

'He has been merged with his Martial spirit all the time! What incredible control he has over it!' 


The golden beast stood up on its hind legs spread its wings and roared. His roar made Qian Renxue frown because she sensed how this thing is suppressing her Martial Spirit!

'What monstrous is this Martial Spirit able to suppress my Seraphim!?'

That moment she got slightly uncomfortable to fight him. She had this feeling that the blonde might lose, BUT! The deal has been made and she needs to win so that she could have him all to herself!

As the girl was thinking about this Xue Long instantly fused with his martial spirit and with golden glow turned into his Dragonoid form. 

The girl noticed that he does have wings and most likely can fly. Yet, he is allowing her to have air superiority. Which is rubbing her in the wrong way. 

In other words, he was allowing her some things! And not treating this seriously!

"Let's start!"

As she said that her spirit rings appeared behind her. It was two yellow and one purple. Her second yellow one glowed and released a burst of blinding light. 

This made her rapidly descend into her future husband who was simply standing there with closed eyes. There was easy going smile on his face.

Qian Renxue bite her lower lip as she saw this. She can't wait to punch his smug face!

Yet, very last moment he capture her incoming fist. All the preparations for this attack and he just stopped it like this!!!

"Impressive skill, the light blinds the person and then there is your avatar which looks like it's going to hit me, but in truth, it's your fist which is the true attack of this."

"Y-You are wrong! It's both! The avatar delivers damage just as much as I do!" She said that while trying to get free from his grip!

By this point, she is even using her legs to push him away and pull herself out of his grip!

"Oh? Didn't feel anything. Well, if you say so that it does. I won't going to argue with you, however…"As he said that he spin her around like some doll and locked both of her arms behind her back.

Effective immediately she was beaten and subdued…

"L-Let me go! Why you are holding me like this!?" 

"You expected me to hurt you in some sort of way?" He asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Y-You asked for this!" She said that with an embarrassed frown her first spirit ring glowed as she gathered her energy and she was about to release it in a blast-like fashion with her being the centre of it…

"Xiao Xue'er…*Sigh*" 

Qian Daoliu summoned his martial spirit and created a barrier between them and where Qian Renxue was, making sure the garden isn't damaged.


Golden blast consumed the whole area, as dust spread through the whole territory there was a crater in the centre.


Aftermath… was… the same…

Xue Long was still holding both of Qian Renxue's hands behind her back. She was struggling silly by this point to get out but it was not working…

"I have won. Now surrender."

"No! You didn't do anything!" She quickly denied the fact that he won.

"You seriously want me to fight you?" 

"Yes!" She quickly agreed to him! Anything to get out of his grip! This was embarrassing!

As she said that Xue Long looked at her Grandfather who sighed and motioned him to get on with it. Maybe he can fix her pride issues…


As he said he pushed her away and released her hands at the same time. 

Qian Renxue quickly turned around and spread her golden wings ready to face him.

Only for her eyes to grow big as she realised that he was already in front of her and his palm touched her stomach. 

As a huge amount of energy slammed into her that moment her eyes bulged out and her wings disappeared. Before she can collapse on the ground she was caught by him and picked up in princess carry.

Not long after the Emperor and First Worship walked over to him who was holding his fiance closely. 

"Your speed rivals those of rank 60 and above. Truly frightening power you possess but it's not your Golden Dragon King. I suppose it's your pure dedication to your arts is it not?"

Qian Daoliu asked him as he looked at his granddaughter who has no will to look at him anymore. There was a deeply embarrassed blush on her face.

She has lost her face big time…

"It is martial arts. I suppose we should return to the palace. Is it not my beautiful future wife?" He said that with a teasing smirk. Which did wonders for her as she didn't say anything for a few moments. 

"As you wish…husband. Can you let me down now?" 

"Nope. You will be staying like this until I say otherwise." As he said that he found her blonde hair quite fascinating.



"Grandfather… what should I do? I lost against him!" 

This was not according to her plan! No! Her plan is utterly ruined! She was supposed to be the one who establishes dominance so that she could have him for herself! Yet, now she has no confidence to say 'no' to him!

"Are you afraid that he will forget about you?"


"Hmm, then make sure he has his eyes only on you." He simply said that before his wings sprouted from his back. 

"...I understand."

After she said that she said goodbye and then Qian Daoliu was gone in speed she can't even fathom.

Once he was away Qian Renxue looked at the palace she will be living from now.

A frustrated sigh escaped from her mouth as she walked inside. Time to form new plans.

~~~~~~Somewhere, Realities Away~~~~~~

Sea God Tang San looked with satisfaction at the scene where his little darling daughter is about to regain her true Martial Spirit.

But, at that moment something happened as there was instability in the fusion as in the Martial spirits didn't match!?

'How? Did Wang Qiu'er side mutated!?' 

As he thought he saw his daughter in a huge amount of pain as she later simply… exploded!

That moment his entire world has stopped spinning! 

With a burst of godly speed, he ignored all rules and simply descended into the mortal world!

"Tong'er!!!" He said that as he looked around with a sweaty forehead. What the hell just happens!?

"W-Who are you? How did…."

"Be silent I am thinking!!!" Tang San snapped at the teenage boy. His mind going a thousand miles per hour. He is trying to grasp what just happened!

There is nothing left of Tang Wutong, no residue Spirit aura! nothing!

"W-Wutong where are you!?" The Sea God said with some desperation in his tone. As he started to lose it.

"...You are…a God?"

Tang San's gaze snapped at the boy and tried to control himself.

"Yes! And Wutong is my daughter! Now tell me what has happened here!"

"Wutong father is a… God?" The teenage boy said with disbelief but he quickly caved in when he saw the angry and frustrated gaze.

"...well… Wang Qiu'er and—"

The boy said an identical story to what Tang San saw but there was no new information for him to learn.

"However… I felt some sort of ripples in the world itself. There was… spacial distortion?" The boy nervously explained this instantly gave some hope to the Sea God.

Well more like a… start of a wild goose chase…

Without saying anything Tang San simply disappeared.

Once he was gone the teenage boy started to space out as he realised what just happened.

"He is God…yet this can still happen? Even Gods can't stop this!?" As he said that his whole body started to shake and he started to cry as he realised that Tang Wutong was gone.


My Discord server for advanced chapters:


Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel