
The Calm Before the Siege      

Later that night, Rain was ready to dive back into the Spirit Realm. By now, his troops would be nearing the Dustplain, and he couldn't afford to linger in the real world any longer.


He knew he'd have to come up with some convincing excuses for his impending absence. Missing school for a day was one thing, but he was planning on being gone for much longer — days, maybe even a week.


As Rain paced his room, he considered paying off the local doctor to write him a medical excuse, something that would cover him for at least a week.


After all, sieges in the Spirit Realm were anything but predictable. The Gnome stronghold was infamous for its unyielding fortifications and ruthless anti-siege machines. What might begin as a battle of days could easily spiral into a relentless war of attrition, stretching on for weeks.