

*A slug in a dream like rapid world , full of haste and speed , here I'm dull and dumb,

Living , a slug like sluggish slug life .

The day before today , the day long gone , portion of my life well or unwell spent, underneath it lies what I'm going to impart ,

A slug's memoirs of the past ;

Yesterday coming from school I saw what I would have ,under normal circumstances never believed, when I saw it , I hurriedly shut my eyes , for a sober gaze , I gave my eyes a little rest, I looked again and there it was

A hanging body

Probably a teen , in between 9-15 , pale white skin , fingertips with a mix of abyssal blue and reddish red , a rope around his neck

What ? Why? I questioned myself,

Gauged the severity of the case ,

Hurriedly called the police,

The body hunged , giving me freeks,

'round the spine , ran the chills,

Now surrounded by bystanders, relatives to strangers, crying meekly around the corner,

"Why" exclaimed by many ,

Unanswered by the dead ,

Piqued my zoomer brain, crowded by thoughts, I asked myself "does having to know that someone would be grieving his death, would have saved this little life ?"

Maybe not maybe yea

Dead can't answer,

The police investigating the child now long dead , asks what drove you to this , tearful his eyes , with timely sighs, heart blazing like a sun , but yea what indeed drove this little one to take his life , what is appealing about death?

After being at the scene for while, I left the scene, with a broken and numbed heart,

I kept questioning myself about the death and the eyes of the dead , in one way or another I could see myself in the eyes of the dead man,

It was fear but at the same time it was an excitement , thrill like no other, I was captivated by the rope that killed the young boy

I was grinning,

Strangely I had never experienced such a thing as this ever before in my life

I was grinning at death

After arriving at my house, I ran off to my room on the second floor, I sat on my desk th en , I searched "SUICIDE"