
Spinning as Naruto

After Naruto touched a weird glowing necklace he acts a bit different it's almost as if he's a different person.

Lor_D_Twigo · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Twink or swim

After beating the two ninjas. Kakashi goes on to explain that they were the demon brothers Gōzu and Meizu, two chūnin from Kirigakure. And that he was impressed that we were able to defeat them. But he wanted to know if they were after his head of the bridge builders. But we killed them so now we will never know.

We start to walk again until we get to a point where we need to cross a lake we wait for a friend of tazuna to come and give us a ride across. While we wait I talk to Sauske again. This time about how he and I both train and what we train in. This time he talks with me. We got back and forth with techniques that we train in. Then it comes out that he trains himself past the point of exhaustion. At that point, Kakashi joins in to tell us that training like that only leads to more harm than good.

After around 20 minutes of us talking about food and what everyone likes to eat and what is good for training tazuna's friend reaches the shore and we start to get in the boat after me sauske and sakura get on it turns out the boat is too small for everyone. Tazuna suggests two trips but Kakashi says hell just walk alongside us. When asked how he explains that's it a chakra exercise that allows ninjas to cling to surfaces including water. He then demonstrates this by walking on water. He tells us he was going to teach us this later and to not practice this yet because is a more advanced version of the exercise. Sauske and Saskura tell him they won't. Kakashi then looks at me awaiting a response. And i explain that I can do both. as we begin to cross the lake it took about an hour. During which I explain the reason why I know water and tree walking already.

Once we reach the other side our journey began anew. As we fell into a comfortable silence as we walked after about an hour of this it began to get misty and quiet. To quiet it put us one edge and made us jumpy to the slightest sounds. At some point, I hear a bush rustle and I throw a Kuni at it. After going to retrieve it I see that it was just a rabbit that was scared to death. A couple of seconds after that Kakashi yells for us to get down as a sword flies past us and into a tree. After that we rise we see our assailant. A weird-looking man with no eyebrows.

After a staredown that he shares with Kakashi, he introduces himself as Zabuza from the hidden mist. After that, a heavy mist starts to roll in. We all tense up and prepare for battle after getting into the diamond position around Tazuna I take my spear out and start it using the low hum of the spin to distract myself from the killing intent.

After a couple of minutes of him and Kakashi fighting I notice just the slightest movement behind Tazuna and thrust my spear at it. And I hit something that then burst into water. A water clone after that we hear Kakashi yell great breakthrough and the mist clears after a powerful blast of wind comes through.

I look to the fight and see Kakashi get caught off guard and trapped in a water prison. "Leave me run," Kanashi says. "No what is it that you said abandoning your friends makes you worse than trash or something," I responded. I look at Sauske and nod he nods back as I rush forward. As I do Sauske starts throwing Kuni at Zabuza to distract him. While he's doing this Zabuza takes his left hand and makes a hand sign and summons 6

Water clones. And they rush at us. Once I reach them I stab my spear forward going straight through one. They honestly move pretty slowly I guess im just fast I then try something I've been wanting to try for a while and I flood my spear with spiral energy past its limit causing It to glow a deeper read than it ever has until it happens.

My spear formed a drill around it made of pure spiral energy something I can manipulate however I want as it's not a physical thing until I want it to be so I get in the direct middle of all the clones and make my spiral drill shoot out at all of them. Some try to block but there's nothing I can't drill through and a fake water sword just won't cut it. So after I do this I start running at Zabuza. Sauske is throwing his weapons still as I run around Zabuza and start attacking him from behind. Now usually a plan like this wouldn't work because he would just turn around and kill me but not only is his hand trapped. Someone is attacking from the front so while he's carefully dodging my attacks he wasn't on his prepared to get out of the way of the fireball that is headed his way.

Reacting as a Jounin would he takes his arm out and jumps. As I dive underwater expecting him to dodge. This lets Kakashi free to battle again and with me there his chances don't look too good. Kakashi starts to attack with a ferocity unknown to me while he's doing that im sending extended drills at Zabuza while Sauske and sakura are throwing whatever they can get their hands on. All of this culminates in Zabuza getting hit with a lot of stuff.

???? Pov

Master Zabuza Is losing badly I gave to go help

Naruto pov.

As the situation starts to look dire a blur moves in front of Zabuza and stops all the Kuni from getting to him. Enter the twink I say to myself

"Master Zabuza I know you said to stay back but I can't let you die we must fight them together or we could lose". The masked person said fine let's do it your way he responded

As the battle begins again I notice mirrors appear around me. "You are the second biggest threat to Zabuza. If I eliminate you killing the rest will be easy". Haku said coldly. Fine let's do this I say to psych myself up after the home of mirrors around me is completed a couple of fireballs hit it from outside. I'm good here help Kakashi he running on empty. My battle begins with me getting hit in the back with a couple of senbon he's moving so fast it's like he's invisible it's bull shit honestly but I'll just have to figure it out.

After about 10 more seconds of just getting hit with senbon I decide to see if I can just drill out of here and as I go to drill I can easily make the hole and drill in but he is constantly repairing the ice as I drill. There is no use this ice is unbreakable he says. So I'm back to square one gettin hit with senbon. Then unexpectedly he moves again but this time I can see him. I don't know what it Is but I can see the what I thought was invisible. But seeing is just the first part. Now we have to touch. Well more like drill. But you get the point after a couple more times I get his pattern mostly down and as he goes form one mirror to another I'm already jumping because he faster than me so I just have be where he's trying to be before he is there and I clip him not a direct hit but better than nothing. Ok next time he's done as I say this I pop out five more drills for a total of six and jump again. As I jump my drills each go for a different body part as my main one goes for the middle and my drills drill true as I touch the untouchable. As I'm drilling I call back the others. so I can focus on one and I drill through him and into one of his mirrors breaking the unbreakable. As this happens the rest shatter as Haku Takes his final breath. I look over to see Zabuza looking like a pin cushion who's Kakashi's arm through his chest I walk back onto dry land give Sauske a fist bump unwilling of course and I collapse. After doing the impossible I think I earned my nap.