
Spinning as Naruto

After Naruto touched a weird glowing necklace he acts a bit different it's almost as if he's a different person.

Lor_D_Twigo · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


It has been three weeks since the bell test. And every day has been more boring than the last. And I'm starting to get restless someone should have reminded me that D-rank missions were so boring. So far we've captured a cat 12 times painted 5 houses and plowed five different fields.

Well, I for one can't take it anymore. So today I'm going to very nicely ask for a C-rank or something and who knows maybe I'll get the bridge builder mission. Either way, I'm doing this.

I get to the Hokage's office and I wait for my teammates the first to arrive is Sasuke and for a bit, after he gets here I stare at him pondering in thought. My main reason for this is I don't know how I should go about handling him.

Because I know he eventually mellowed out but I can't be sure he won't try to kill me. So the main thing is if I should kill him before he can do that on the other hand I could offer my help to him and hopefully, he'll take it, and then I'll have an ally who is in the future known widely as the strongest Uchiha. At the very least I could be nice.

Coming out of my deep thinking I notice Sauske was staring right back at me. Honestly, it was a little creepy. Then I decided to be the grown-ass man I know I am and talk to him.

"Sauske I know you're a bit like me so there's no way you are ok with just doing these d-rank missions.

So I have a plan. When we get to the Hokage's office I was going to ask that we get a higher rank mission. But I think with you backing me up it will be a guarantee that we get a better mission.

After I say this Sauske stared at me for a bit longer and said "ok".

After that, I walk up to him and put out my fist. Prompting a fist bump but it was never completed as Kakashi and Sakura walked past us and into the building. Kakashi said it's time for another mission let's go, team. And Sauske ignored my fist bump. Walks past me. This is gonna be a work in progress.

After getting to the top and walking into the office the Hokage offered an assortment of D-rank missions for us to take. But I take one look at them and say. "No".

We will not take these missions they are a waste of our time and our skills isn't that right Sauske? He responds with a grunt and a nod. Which was all I needed for support. Hiruzen looked at me then Sauske and then finally at Kakashi and asked him are they ready. Kakashi responded by saying there all right I should be able to cover any of their weaknesses. I wouldn't be a good Jonin if I couldn't.

All right then that's all I needed to hear send him in. In walks the bridge builder Tazuna.

After a short conversation involving insults. We were told the details of the mission. Kakashi told us that we leave in an hour and told us to pack our bags.

I pack a bag with a couple of changes of clothing some rations and a toothbrush. That's all you need right?

After that, I started walking to the meeting point knowing Kakashi was going to be late. I decided to try and talk to Sauske again on our way to the land of waves

A couple of hours pass and we are on the path to the land of waves. During this time I talk with Sasuke more like I'm talking at him because he is ignoring me and after a while, I stop trying and just walk. Making sure I remember everything that happened in this mission.

Let's see if I remember correctly there was a rabbit but it was the wrong color and turned out to be a ploy for Zabuza. Then Kakashi gets captured. naruto does the demon wind shuriken thing. Then Zabuza gets beaten the gets saved by the twink or was it a trap now that I what's the difference between a twink and a trap?

--------------------Third pov --------------------As our protagonist goes into this line of thinking the group walked past a weird puddle. Now you might ask why this puddle was weird. Well, that's because it hasn't rained in days.

---------------------First pov ---------------------

I guess traps would be actively trying to trick you but..... Then all of a sudden Kakashi gets cut to ribbons and there are two men with a weird-looking weapon that Is shared between them. Sauske is the first to act by throwing his Kuni at them hitting the weapon and getting it stuck on a tree he then runs forward. Not one to be left behind I run after him.

While doing this I yell to Sakura to protect the bridge builder. I take off my neckless turn it into my drill spear and activate it pushing my spiral energy throughout it and making it spin. During this time I catch up with Sauske and we are about twenty feet away from them at this point I tell Sauske I got the one on the left. He nods in agreement and rushes past me.

Getting within reach of my opponent I test the waters by at first just stabbing at him but he deftly dodges and tries to counter-attack. With a quick claw attack but I see It coming a mile away.

Did you think you could hit me with an attack that slow? Who in the hell do you think I am? I say while completely outplaying the man. I look over to Sauske to see that he's almost done with his fight. He's good I think to myself But im better.

Let's end this shall we I say charging my spear to full speed while rushing at him. Everything seems to slow down as I do this. It gets clearer and I can notice all the movements that he is making I can tell that he is going to dodge to the left and swing his claw at my neck. So I shift my body to the perfect position and I stab my drill completely going through his body with no effort.

The feeling almost immediately goes away it must just be how everyone sees right before they get their first kill so they can burn their victim's face into their memories that's the only reasonable explanation.

Anyway, Kakashi comes out of nowhere and says good job, everyone you all handled this situation like professionals, and I applaud that I wanted to see what these guys were after. But that truly doesn't matter. Well, let's go.

What do you mean well let's go I say I thought you died I look where his dead body was and saw a cut-up log oh ok I see what happened here. But why did you let us think you died?

I told you already I wanted to see what their goal was you worry too much naruto.

As if I would ever worry about you. I say back. Ok let's go we are wasting daylight and we once again head off toward the land of waves.