
Spinning as Naruto

After Naruto touched a weird glowing necklace he acts a bit different it's almost as if he's a different person.

Lor_D_Twigo · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


it's the day of the test the drastic difference from me a year ago and me today is astounding. Anyway after debating with myself for a bit I have come to the conclusion that I'm just going to pass the test no shadow clones. To the people that may ask why all I have to say to them is.

"Dumbass the reputation of the uzumaki clan runs far and wide. It's's badass patriarch a man of spirit a paragon of total masculinity. As if there could be more than one of me the great Naruto Uzumaki. Just who in the hell do you think I am."

I get to the school and get ready for the test and instead of kissing Sauske I just sit down in a seat. After a while Iruka walks through the door. After he quiets the class down by using his patented big head jutsu. He passes out the test And honestly I'm ashamed to say it but this test was probably the easiest thing I've done in both of my lives. like a first grader could pass this.

After taking the surprisingly easy test I turn it in and wait apparently the jutsu test has to be taken in alphabetical order. Wich is dumb to me but I'm not in charge.

Eventually I get called in and it's I'm asked to do a clone I focus on the energy inside me and while no one noticed it my eyes begin to glow red. And I end up making one clone easy. Iruka looked proud and he deserved to be proud he gave me the instructions to pass the test and I did.

After grabbing my head band and walking out the last person goes. Iruka tells us that tomorrow we will get our sensei and sends us home after giving a speech congratulating us on getting through the academy.

After going home I take off my necklace and bring out the spear. I look at it and say "It's finally time we gonna see some action. After saying that I activate it one last time before i use it and it spins it spins so fast that it causes winds that affect my room. Yeah were ready. I go to sleep. In my sleep I see spirals all around me and there spinning for constantly growing evolving. in a flash I'm awake.

it's time to head to the academy and meet my team. After going through the process of washing up I head to the academy. Once there I sit down without causing any commotion. Iruka walks in the door after. Ok class this is your last day being forced to be here. now you sensei are going to walk in and call you name you are to walk up to them and the follow them.

And three by three everyone get called up and taken until there where three. Me, Sasuke, and Sakura. And after literal hours of waiting he finally arrived Kakashi the copy ninja. He walks into the room and says you all are boring and tells us to get up to the roof. He then walks out the door. After he does that me Sasuke and Sakura all look at each other then at the door the back at each other then we all sprint for the door.

I like the absolute chan I am get out the door and into the stairwell first. But out of nowhere Sasuke is next to me and trying to overtake me. But I'm not letting that happen. So I kick it into high gear and in doing so I zoom pass him. After I pass him I reach the top of the stairs and run through the door knocking it off it's hinges.

After doing that I act like absolutely nothing has happened and sit down on a bench. Sasuke and Sakura then sit next to me.

Then proceeded the cannon likes and dislikes. In Wich Sakura said Sasuke, Sasuke said his emo shit and Kakashi said nothing. the comes my turn. I tell them my name is Naruto Uzumaki and my dream is to be the strongest ninja ever. He then told us to meet at training ground seven and to not eat or we would regret it. He leaves. And since he leaves I leave.

Fuck I forget how much I dislike that guy. Whatever it doesn't matter I'll become the strongest with or without him. I think to myself.

After reaching my house I eat clean shower sleep. I wake up and eat cause I'm not doing anything on an empty stomach.

After first finding the training grounds i get there and why did I even think for a second he was going to be on time.

Sasuke and Sakura are already here and we wait. After what seems like forever he arrives and tells us the rules of the test. he sets the timer and tells us to come at him with the intent to kill.