
Spinning as Naruto

After Naruto touched a weird glowing necklace he acts a bit different it's almost as if he's a different person.

Lor_D_Twigo · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

spin on

Ok let's figure this out. I guess the only exit is the way that he entered. I look at it and its like a ramp of mud this sucks how am I gonna get out of this one.

Then I remember the drill turns into a spear. So I do that and I stab it into the mud and start to pull myself up.

eventually I got to the top after a couple of slips that we won't talk about. (He slid back to the bottom like 7 times.)

Once at the top I turn it back into a necklace and put it one and start my walk twords the village. Maybe this is the way. after walking for a while in the rain. I eventually see something moving through the trees. What is that wait nevermind I don't wanna know that's how scary movies start. So I keep walking ignoring this thing in the trees and after a minute ok stalking me it charges out while roaring at me. It's a bear god damn it. Can I escape no bears can run up to 30 miles an hour. So guess I have to fight but how do I do that. I don't know how to use this spear yet but I can try.

After grabbing the spear I wonder can I make it spin. the bear is like 10 feet away and it's charging at me again. I get my spear into position and I calm down I try to remember what Simon said. 9 feet 6 feet as the bear is six feet away time feels like it stopped and I say spin on.

And absolutely nothing. Nothing happened but I can't worry about that now so I thrust the inactive drill at the bear and stab it. the drill goes right through the bear like butter. I can feel my heart beating in my chest. This was exhilarating. This was the excitement I needed in my life.

I put the necklace back on and start walking again. eventually I find the opening in the gate take naruto or I guess I should say I entered from seeing as I am Naruto now.

conveniently all the blood from the bear got washed off from the rain. As I walk out of the forrest I see the buildings and I don't know how to explain it but the buildings get familiar. the feeling guides me I follow it straight to my new house Naruto's house.

when I look around when I get there I look around. Wow this place is a mess. While I should have just went to sleep I just couldn't in this dirty apartment so I clean and clean. When I'm done I can hear birds chirping and I say fuck it and go to sleep anyway.

I wake up violently to banging on my door who ever it is has a death wish caus it feels like I didn't get any sleep at all. I open the door and start to scream at them but before I can I get screamed at.

Naruto uzumaki do you know what time it is. Your late for the academy. Now come with me. Iruka said "calmly." As he grabbed me. And then I'm teleported into a classroom after recovering I realize that im tied to a chair. Pretty sure this is child abuse. But I'm going back to sleep anyway so it doesn't matter.

I get woken up by getting an eraser thrown at my face. What was that for Naruto wake up. As I do I realize that I'm untied. Why I'm tired i say sleeplessly. Iruka then says fine you can go to sleep if you answer this. what nature release did the first hokage use.

I responded without thinking and say wood release and put my head down on the table Going back to sleep. I wake up again this time on my own.

I look around and see class is letting out. How convenient. as I go to leave Iruka asked me to stay back.

Naruto I know you have trouble in class and I don't want you to fail again. So here this is a scroll for the 3 jutsu you need to know to graduate. I take it knowing that with this I'll be able to graduate pretty easy.

Thank you Iruka sensei. while I might not like you your pretty cool.

He smiles and dismissed me I leave. After leaving I go to one of the schools training grounds. I open the scroll and I read it. After a while of reading I try to put it into practice. I did everything the scroll told me to do and nothing happened.

I think about the possibilities of what could be stoping me. As I do this I sit down close my eyes and breath. After a while I feel something inside it's spinning. in a circle no a spiral.

this is it this is what I needed I need to use this energy to make the clones. so I get up and try again. This time as I use the hand signs I guide the energy to my hands as so the can shape the energy to make the clones.

And in a puff of smoke there's an alright looking clone next to me. I'll have to get better at that. But more importantly let's see if I can make the drill spin.

So I attempt to do just that and as I do I noticed something I feel it sucking out my energy. And it slowly started rotating. Wich is a good start of you ask me.

The next day after going back home and going to sleep. I go to school and stay awake this time when I get to class I look around the room and all I see are people that don't really have any importance. the most important being Sakura and Sasuke. Shikamaru being a close second in importance. But seeing as I don't really like him I'm just not gonna interact with any of them until I'm on team seven.

So the next year goes by pretty quickly. Every day all I do is put more energy into the drill and practice with it. After 6 months of putting in the energy it started spinning fast enough to drill through stones. I'm proud though it still sucks energy out I was hoping it was going to stop doing that maybe later something cool will happen.

Anyway today's the day of the graduation exam and I'm ready for it.