
Spinning as Naruto

After Naruto touched a weird glowing necklace he acts a bit different it's almost as if he's a different person.

Lor_D_Twigo · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

my drill will pierce…this mountain???



'OK now to find where this necklace is trying to take me.' I think to myself. As I explore this village.

While I was walking around I noticed that something was off. there was something different walking around here than when I walked around the leaf village.

It took a while before I realized that people weren't staring at me instead they were glancing at me and noticing my hair giving a weird look and looking away. Some even smiled at me 'I could get used to this.' I think to myself as I stare into a shop while I walk.

When I turn my head back to the road I see I'm about to run into someone. At the same time notice me I doge to my left and they Dodge to their right. Which makes us run into each other. And fall to the floor.

"Damn, I really thought I dodged there. Oh sorry, let me help you up." I say as I put my hand out.

"Thanks, you need to watch where you going." She says to me.

"Well, I could say the same to you," I replied

"Wait I haven't seen you before and Im sure I'd remember that red hair if I'd seen it before," she asked.

"It's rude to ask someone's name before giving your own you know. But if you must know my name is menma entai."

"Menma doesn't ring any bells you must be new here I am Kurotsuchi granddaughter of the third Tsuchikage. And one day I'll take that hat from that old man. But enough about me what brings you to iwa? Especially now with all the earthquakes going on right now."

"Well, my uncle is a traveling merchant. we came here to resupply and see if we could sell anything. We will probably leave in about a day or so."

"Oh, that sounds fun what does your uncle sell?"

'Damnit woman why are you asking me questions that I don't have answers to.'

"He sells toad oils the cure to any illness," I say proudly.

"That sounds like a rock falling upwards," she responded.

"What? Is that an insult? I feel like I should feel insulted."

"Sorry, I forgot you're not from around here. It basically means what you said sounded like something that could never happen or just untrue," she said as she giggled.

"So it was an insult you're calling me a liar."

"No no, you misunderstood… well I guess I am but it wasn't supposed to be mean I swear. Wait where are you from?

Well, my uncle said I'm from Konoha but I haven't been there in a while. Sometimes I miss the place it has the most beautiful views.

She quickly lost her smile. As she said "Eww you're a tree hugger. Never mind I was insulting you.

"Wow, that's rude I'll have you know that Konaha is a beautiful village better than this dump," I respond

How dare I how dare you. You know what come with me you are getting a tour of the village. And by the end, you have to admit that iwa is way better than that shitty tree village.

————-———Time skip—————-—-

"After a full tour of the best places in Iwa, we end our tour on this mountain. It has the best view of the village," she explained

"It is really beautiful" I reply is I look at the sun setting over the village.

Then a ninja appears next to us forming out of the ground. "Noble granddaughter your presence is requested." The ninja says.

"Well that's my que to leave. It was nice to meeting you have fun the view only gets better." As she ended that sentence she and the ninja make a couple hand signs and turn into rocks.

'Well now that she's gone time to continue my search.'

I take my necklace off and hold it by its string and it's pulling straight down. So hard that I can't keep a grip and it drills into the mountain.

Well fuck how am I supposed to get down there without my drill. I guess I'll ask Jiraiya. He should be back at the hotel by now.