
Spinning as Naruto

After Naruto touched a weird glowing necklace he acts a bit different it's almost as if he's a different person.

Lor_D_Twigo · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


The intent to kill it a very vague thing to say to people who you don't know. I said to Kakashi as I grab my necklace.

Spin on I say as I activate it as it's spinning I'm trying my best to hit Kakashi but I am very unsuccessful in my attempts. he's making it look super easy with how fluidly he is dodging my attacks.

If only I had more drills I could cut off his Dodges

Eventually he slips up and fell down. His mistake I take advantage of this and drill into him but instead of blood all I see is smoke.

It was a clone. I then here a scream from the woods. that was probably Sakura being put into a genjutsu. I head in that direction looking to find Kakashi. As I do I hear the sound of fighting and head in that direction instead I eventually find myself in a clearing I look around for a second and see Sasuke in the ground.

I walk up and ask if he needs any help he looks at me and the does what seems to be turning his nose up at me.

And I took that personally so I decided to not help him since he wants to be a snot nosed brat.

Yes I know this test is about team work but I'm very annoyed right now so let me have this. I move to find Kakashi but I suddenly feel hands around my feet.

I blinked and missed it I'm stuck in the ground now. Well Simon wast called the digger for nothing. I start to claw my way out of the ground.

After getting out I see Sauske struggling and wordlessly I grab my drill and I dig him out.

After I finished I hear a bell go off the test is over we failed.

We make our way to the stumps once there we sit down and Kakashi walks up to us and tells us that we brought shame to not only our clans but the entire leaf village. And the he was going to make sure we wouldn't even get to go back to the academy after the pitiful showing we just had.

He the left us two lunches and said to decide amongst ourselves who will be important enough in the next round to need one.

At first I quickly grab one as does Sauske. We open them and are about to eat when we hear a really loud growling. We turn to Sakura to see her a little pale and the source of the noise.

We look at each other and the back at her and at the same time offer her our lunches. At first she tried to deny that she was hungry but we weren't hearing it instead Sauske and I started talking and making a plan to defeat Kakashi together. After Sakura was done we ate our lunches.

After finishing we stand up and mentally prepared ourselves.

Kakashi eventually comes back and as use if we were ready of course we answered yes. He then asked who got the lunches. I tell him that we all shared because we are all equally important.

"Is that so. Well in that case you all pass."

Excuse me we all responded.

You excused anyways all you had to do was prove to me that you could work as a team. And you guys did jus that so you pass. Good job.

But we made a plan I said really wanting to stab him.

Well you might get to use it later. anyway tomorrow show up at the Hokage's office for your first mission.

Super late post sorry