
chapter 3

Kyra opened the door of the class room attracting everyone's attention even the teacher herself.She entered and closed it then as she started moving to where her seat was located at the back end.

"Miss Blax your too early for the next lesson "Mrs Benson said in a seroius tone .Kyra turned and looked at her thinking whether to reply her rudely or politely.She lately on got a solution in her mind "let me just let this one go" then replied "am sorry it won't happen again".

Everyone's mouth in the class just dropped open all thinking one thing 'did Kyra Blax just apologize to the teacher '.She wasn't that type of person inmost cases when she came late for classes and a teacher begun spouting senseless words to her ,she would elegantly leave the class and wait for the next .Well that's her she's some pain in the ass for almost everybody just because her parents are freaking so rich.

"ok it's fine go take a seat"that was all Mrs Benson could say.

"thank you" Kyra replied heading to the back end .I wonder why everyone is looking at me in that way she thought to herself then took her seat next to Emma and Iris with Alexa just at the front of her desk. She sat down looking at only one person in the corner of the classroom well what can I say Kyra's one who got for her that seat politely hahaha never had Kyra ever been polite to her.

'why does it feel like somebody is looking at me 'Marika thought busy looking her book then lifted up her head to see who it was 'ohhh gash does it always supposed to be her' she thought again .It was Kyra who was looking at her to her astonishment she winked at her as she took her seat . The lesson took place quietlyas sometimes Mrs Benson told them to read some chapters from their novels then explain but some people in class were busy stealing glances at each other. Some students were bored as hell of course Kyra the first one on the list.

Hopefully the bell rang and lessons ended that was the last lesson of the day.

Marika picked up all her things and prepared herself to leave went to the locker with Amber put their things in then headed for the parking yard.

Amber was usually picked by their family driver while Marika's elder sister Mia was the one to pick her since her work place was just a few blocks away from Wilson high . Both left for home at the same time.

"Rika goodbye and please take care whatever happened today leave it in today coz tomorrow is a brand new day girl"Amber said while looking at Marika who was seated down at some bench before heading to where her family car was parked.

"I well Amber I promise you know me I always begina New day with a new me" Marika convinced Amber .

"okay you know I love and trust you at the same time " Amber said .

"yeah I know and I love you too take care too okay "Marika replied .

"I will but if anything like what happened today happens again I promise I won't forgive those bitches even though you plead athousand times "Amber said before heading ti the car again.

"nothing like today will ever happen to me again I promise anyways better go ahead your keeping your driver wait for long"Marika reasoned out .

"okay bye once again but I need a hug before I go"Amber said while stretching out her hands for Marika to dive in her embrace . After a few minutes they broke the hug then Amber went to the car waving good bye to Marika entered then the driver sped off immediately.

From a nearby corner of the parking lot somebody has been eavesdropping their conservation unnoticed "I swear you gat lots of scenes like that of today to come in the nearby future that's a promise from me"Alexa mumbled to herself as she turned to leave too .

After a few minutes of waiting Marika spotted Mia's black Benz enter the parking lot.

"hey girl have I kept you waiting for so long"Mia asked Marika through her car window who looked to be deep in her world.

"not really actually let's go"Marika replied beaming a smile to her sister.

Mia has long black hair ,green eyes full lips and a pointed nose .She is a little bit beautiful than Marika .She was well curved were necessary .She is 5.8ft talk while Marika is 5.7ft .

"so how was your day sis"Mia asked her sister who was seated in the front seat just next to her.

"the same as always "Marika replied half heartedly .

" what do you mean girl"

"nothing my days never change there ever the same"

"don't tell me Kyra bullied you again "Mia asked in a concerned tone.

"nahh she didn't "Marika repiled with afake smile.

"stop lying to me amnot a kid Rika tell me what she did again "

"She...."Marika stammered .

"she what tell me "

"she ordered Alexa one of her friends to pour hot chocolate in my hair though it was cold"

"she what!!!!"Mia exclaimed angrily .

"yah they bullied me agian you know Amber had gone somewhere during lunch and so I was seated alone .I felt so helpless as they poured chocolate on me it was soo embrassing. I can still see the scene vividly even now. Can you believe it that Alexa called me a slut too"Marika said in sobbs making her sister park the car and attend to her first .

"don't cry that's enough baby they don't deserve your precious tears" Mia concealed her lil sister.

" I know but it hurts "Marika added even crying more.

"yah I know baby so don't cry that's enough okor you want me to cry too"Mia said while wiping away Marika's tears.

" no don't even think about it am done crying it's time to think of a solution "Marika said through hiccups.

"that's enough let them be I guess it's time I take action am meeting up with the principal tomorrow "

"no please don't I can handle this"

"you can handle it yet your in this situation those girls are torturing you mentally and physically . am meeting up with him tomorrow and no more words that's it"

"please don't I promise nothing like this is she happening again coz am tired of it too "

"if your tired of it then tell me what's the plan "Mia asked while driving away from where they had parked.

"I have no plan yet I need to think first "Marika replied with a smirk on her face .

"okay lil sister "Mia said with a grin after seeing her sister's facial expression.

"Mia lets pass via the saloon I need some new make up from there and a hair redo too "Marika said

"really !!! don't tell me your gonna trim your hair" Mia asked jokingly.

"hell no i canr do that to my hair just take me there"