
Spiderman World of Heroes

A boy is reincarnated into the body of Peter Parker and decides to become the greatest superhero in the world. Patreon~! https://www.patreon.com/Travel_X_Wolf This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of the Marvel Universe. Please support the official releases and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content.

Travel_X_Wolf · Lainnya
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9 Chs

New Beginnings

The next morning as soon as my alarm went off I had already jumped out of bed and ran over to my laptop to check if my program was working.

But, when I saw the numbers displayed on the screen my heart stopped $1,243,012.

"Holy Crap! I expected it to work but, not that well.

In one night I made over a million dollars and the numbers were still going up and by several thousand at a time.

"Hahahaha" I could stop myself from laughing out loud. One month I didn't even need one night.

I transferred 500k from Bruce Wayne to my personal account and went down stairs to show my family.

Aunt May was making breakfast and Uncle Ben was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Good morning Peter" she smiled "I made you pancakes."

"Thanks Aunt May" I hugged her "your the best"

I sat down to eat my pancakes while she was looking at me with slightly conflicted look before seeming to decide on something.

"Listen, Peter" she said I know we made made a deal yesterday but, you need to know your never going to make that much money. Me and Ben were talking and we decided to call Maddison High. They said they'll take it's kind of far away and you ne-

"I'll stop you right there Aunt May" I raise my hand. "Look at this" I pulled up the banking app I had on my phone and showed her my account.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ben was relaxing in his living room watching the news and thinking about what he was going to do about Peter. He leaned back and ran his hand through his hair.

"What would you do Mary?" (Mary Parker, Peter's mom)

He was broken from his thoughts by a scream from the Kitchen.

"May" he jumped up and ran ready to deal with whatever was inside!

When he arrived in the the kitchen he saw May looking slightly pale and leaning against the kitchen counter clutching her chest, and Peter awkwardly scratching his head at the side.

"What's going on" he ran over to May to help steady her?

"Tha-that" May shakily raised her hand and pointed at Peter raised his phone up for Ben to see.

"What" he screamed nearly collapsing the exact same way May had, leaving Peter who could only watch their antics in embarrassment.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So how did you make so much money so quickly" Uncle Ben asked in accusation after finally calming down?

"I made a computer program to invest the $200 I had into the stock market. Even I didn't expect it to work this well."

"I guess this means you won the bet" he relented.

"Ben" Aunt May yelled "You can't really be thinking of letting him quit school!"

"Of course not" Uncle Ben dismissed her. "He still has to go to college. Right Peter" he glared at me?

"Of course I'll still go to college I need to get a couple PhD's or the other scientists won't respect me."

"Scientists" Aunt May asked "didn't you say you were starting a business?"

"I am" I looked towards her "I'm going to start a tech company like Stark Industries or Oscorp."

"What" Ben interrupted "no nephew of mine is going to be making Weapons!"

"Relax, uncle" I laughed "I won't be making any Weapons."

"At least not to sell" I added in my head don't want any bad guys to use the against me while I'm swinging through the city.

"You better not I won't have any Merchants of Death in my family" Uncle Ben continued.

"I'll only be selling consumer technologies and maybe one or two ideas to the Government. And if I do sell anything to the military it would probably be armor or medicine to save lives not take them."

"Good" he nodded in satisfaction.

"Now if you'll excuse me I need to finish my pancakes quickly before I have to leave."

"Why were are you going" Aunt May asked?

"I'm going to get my G.E.D. I can't start college before I get my diploma can I?"

They both just looked at me like I was crazy.

Ten minutes later I was walking out the front door to go to a nearby bus stop so I could head down town.

But, as I was walking toward the streets I heard the sound of an opening door from the side.

"Well this is awkward" I thought it was Mary Jane she was leaving her house too.

She looked like she was crying Aunt May probably called her grandmother yesterday to tell her what happened, I bet she got an earful.

When she saw me it looked like she wanted to say something but, was struggling. However before she could make up her mind a familiar sound came screeching around the corner.

"Every single time" I whispered.

"Morning babe" Harry drove up in his familiar lambo and greeted her. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses that both made him look like a complete ass and were probably incredibly dangerous to wear while driving.

Liz and Flash were with him as usual the former was given me a death stare for hurting her boyfriend. While the latter was looking silently at the floor like he was pretending I wasn't there.

I completely ignored them and continued on my way while Mary Jane silently got into Harry's car.

"Alright let's go" Harry adjusted his glasses and revved the engine.

"Wait" came a shout that caused me and Harry to pause.

It was Flash he had a steely look on his face as he opened the door and got out of the car.

Everyone was watching him in confusion including me as he slowly made his way towards me.

"What do you want Flash" I growled at him?

He completely ignored my question and kept walking forward until he was only a few feet in front of me. And then he did something that went against everything I thought I knew about him.

He threw his head down to bow while saying "I'm sorry."

It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop absolutely no one expected him to that.

It took me a couple of seconds to process what I was seeing.

"What the FUCK do you mean your sorry" I shouted with tears threatening to fall from my eye! "Do you think apologizing like this makes up all the shit you put me through."

Flash took a deep breath "No I don't think apologizing like this can ever make up for what I've done but, no matter what it's still something I have to do. I know I'm nothing but, a dumb jock and that I'll probably never amount to anything.

It was wrong of me to take all of my insecurities out on you. The truth is I was jealous you're so much smarter than I am and no matter how hard I tried I could never live up to my families expectations. And after yesterday I had a long hard look at myself.

They wanted me to be a lawyer too but, the only thing I will ever be good at is Football. And when I saw you blowing through all your classes so easily it made me hate you. So I just want to say I'm sorry.

I realize I'm a terrible person but, I-I'm trying to change that so I hope you could find it in your heart to forgive me" he looked up at me with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Damn, it Flash how am I supposed to keep hating you when you go and start crying like that" I cursed with tears now covering my face.

"I'm sorry" he said again stepping closer to me.

"Okay, alright I forgive you just stop cry you're ugly enough as it is."

"Thank you" he said tackling me into a bear hug!

"Let go of me Flash! Your getting your snot all over my clothes" I complained while trying to push him away without hurting him.

After fighting with him for what seemed like an eternity I finally got him to let go.

"Alright" I said wiping myself off "we both have stuff to do today so we should end this here."

"Right" he nodded while using his sleeve to get the snot from his face.

We stood there awkwardly for a moment until Harry honked his horn.

"Come on Flash enough with the soap opera all ready we have places to be!"

"Uh, right s-see ya Pete."

"Ya, b-bye."

we both separated going our separate ways.

"Damn it" I cursed again "hey Flash wait."

"Hm, yeah" he turned around.

I walk up to him and held out my hand "I'm sorry too about yesterday I wasn't really ever going to break your arm. I was just in a really bad mood at the time.

"It's alright" he shook my hand "no harm done plus I did kind of deserve it."

I took my hand back "Alright, Flash I really should go for real now I have a bus to catch."

"Okay, see you around" he waved goodbye.

As I was walking away I spoke one last time "Oh, and Flash you're definitely not just a dumb jock. You actually came and apologized to me unlike some 'people' not just anyone can admit their wrong."

Flash smiled and shook his head while returning to the car. Liz grabbed onto her boyfriend's arm looking very pleased with him, while MJ silently cried in the front seat and Harry impatiently put his car in gear and drove off.

When I heard them drive off I looked back towards my house and saw Aunt May crying in the door way.

I had a weird feeling in my stomach and had a hunch it would be there for a while.

"Bastard, ruined my whole day" I smirked.