
Spiderman World of Heroes

A boy is reincarnated into the body of Peter Parker and decides to become the greatest superhero in the world. Patreon~! https://www.patreon.com/Travel_X_Wolf This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of the Marvel Universe. Please support the official releases and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content.

Travel_X_Wolf · Lainnya
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9 Chs





Looking at the furious Aunt May before I could only sigh. She had been going on like this for over an hour. Honestly it was kind of impressive her voice could last that long.

Seeing me be so dismissive of everything Aunt May actually got so angry she stopped shouting and started grinding her teeth.

Hear the silence I decided to speak up.

"Can I talk now?"

"You better have a good explanation for this" she growled.

"I do" I nodded my head "I decided that school or at least high school is pointless for me."


I put my hand up and covered her mouth before she could go off again.

"Before you start screaming again can you at least let me finish."

She backed up removing my hand from her face.

"Fine" she eventually spat through gritted teeth.

After collecting my self for a moment I continued.

"Like I was saying High School is pointless for me. There isn't anything I can actually learn there anymore."

After staring at me for a moment she asked "What do you mean by that?"

I looked her in the eyes "I know you know I'm smart but, do you understand just how smart I really am?"

Aunt May seemed confused not exactly sure how to answer.

"I secretly took an I.Q test a couple years ago and do you know what the results were? Over 270 the starting point for being a genius is only 140. That means I'm in the 0.0000001% that is literally one in a billion."

"Just because you're smart doesn't mean you can do whatever you want" Uncle Ben jumped in "You could have seriously hurt that boy."

I turned to Uncle Ben who before this had just been giving me disappointed looks and shaking his head.

"I wasn't actually going to hurt him. I just wanted to scare him a little he's been relentlessly bullying me for years I just wanted a little payback."

Uncle Ben sighed "Look Peter just because you can do something doesn't mean you should."

"I know Uncle Ben I didn't go looking for him. I was just trying to leave the school when Flash cut me off, I tried to just ignore him but, he wouldn't let up."

"I'm just worried about his mother I hear she is a very skilled lawyer. I'm worried we might get sued."

"They won't sue us for one I didn't actually hurt him I doubt I even left a bruise. And two he had done far worse to me so if they do take it to court he won't get much sympathy. What with me just being the helpless nerd who finally had enough and him being the big jock who always bullied me."

"This is all besides the point" Aunt May chimed in "even if High School is pointless for you, what exactly are you planning to do now? Get a job" she scoffed?

"Actually I was planning on going Empire State University to get a couple degrees as well as start a company."

"And how are you going to pay for all this both of those things are very expensive?"

"I just said I'll start a company."

"The world isn't that easy Peter just because you start a company doesn't mean you'll make money. You should just apologize and do everything the normal way" she pleaded.

"Alright" I challenged "how about this. You give me one month if I can make $100,000 which is enough to go to ESU. You let me do whatever I want."

"Peter, you can't just-"

"Do we have a deal or not" I stared her down trying to show just how determined I was about this?

She saw my eyes and let out a deep sigh "But, what about MJ and Harry?"

My face wavered for a moment "I didn't tell you about this before but, the three of us aren't friends anymore."

"What" both of them exclaimed in shock!

"Yeah" it was my turn to sigh "After MJ got pretty she abandoned me to go hangout with the popular. She doesn't even try and stop the when they insult and bully me."

"That can't be" Aunt May refused "Mary Jane is the kindest sweetest girl I ever met."

"That's what makes it even worse when we're alone she still acts like she's my best friend and that every things exactly the same."

"What about Harry" Uncle Ben asked?

"He changed too, after his father transferred control of some of the companies he took over to try and teach to manage a business the money changed him. He was always insecure and when he realized he could use money to make friends and be popular. He became the usual rich scumbag that throws money everywhere.

And once he became popular he started picking on me just like everyone else because it was the 'cool' thing to do. He and MJ are apparently dating now too.

That school was tolerable when I had friends but, now I'm sorry I just can't stay there any more" my eyes started watering outside of my control.

"Oh, my baby" Aunt May cried and pulled me into a hug.

Uncle Ben pinched his brow and sighed "Fine" he gave in "If you can really make that much money in a month we'll let you skip High School. And even if you fail we can still send you to a different school."

"Thank you" I nodded towards him with Aunt May still hanging on me.

"But, you need to understand this Peter you may be smart but, you can't just go around using it to do whatever ever you want. You have a gift Peter and I don't want you to go down the wrong path. You need to use your gifts to help people not hurt them because with great power comes great responsibility."

Hearing that infamous line I gave Uncle Ben the brightest smile I could manage and said "I understand."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

One hour later after wrestling away from Aunt May, I was up in my room sitting on my bed and typing on my laptop.

I didn't want to waste a whole month just to make $100,000. I was planning to use that time to master my powers and make some decent equipment.

This first part of my plan was to make a fake identity to use for the bank account I wanted to make. I had an idea I could use to make alot of money very quickly but, the problem was it wasn't exactly the most legal thing. So I need to make sure I wasn't found out.

Hacking into the couple of Government databases that I needed to was terrifyingly easy or maybe I was just too smart. Either way I had my new online identity which I couldn't stop myself from naming Bruce Wayne.

With that done I spent the rest of the night coding. I was making a program to play online poker for me.

I was going to use them to cheat for me so that I could make some quick cash.

And I didn't even feel that bad about it those online poker games were always super sketchy. Because they had their servers in open water they technically didn't have to follow any countries rules, and were used as a sort of make shift bank by all sorts of criminal organizations to launder their money through.

The program that I made would use make hundreds of accounts working together to win as many games as possible.

It used basically probability to determine the best move to make along with the basic understanding of human psychology I programmed into it to trick the other players.

The accounts would start and quit from hundreds of games until they found one with at least two of my programs playing and then work together to scam the opponents.

The money would then be funneled through a bunch of other fake banks accounts I made before ending up in Bruce's.

I only had the $200 hundred dollars I had saved up to start with. But, I was confident that I would easily make hundreds of thousands of dollars by the time this was done.

I went to bed that night dreaming of all the awesome things I could do with all of my new found money.