
Spiderman: Blood On Webs

Peter Parker in the world of heros and villains...

Eremei · Komik
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19 Chs

CHAPTER 15 [ Power of the Grim Hunter ]



"Would you look at that.

The "Devil" himself.

Isn't it a bit late to take me."

"What are you doing in this city?.

Who do you work for?."

"I'm just....what do these americans call it...ehhhh...oh yeah sightseeing.

I would answer your other question but unfortunately I have a spider to catch."

Kraven smiled.

'A spider to catch?.

Don't tell me...is he after "HIM"?'

As Kraven was about to jump to the nearby building, still holding the unconscious Felicia, the man in the devil costum threw one of his sticks at him.

Already wounded and exhausted, Kraven dodged and the stick bounced at the ground, then at a ventile then the satilyt and finally returned in the devils hand.

"I really am tired for a dance with the devil.

But if you insist..."

He put Felicia down and got into his fighting position.

So did Daredevil.

Even though exhausted Kraven made the first move.

'I will do it in one blow.'

With each meter he got closer Kraven felt unconfortable. Daredevil just stood there in peace and silenece.

'He isn't trying to run away. Is he waiting for a counter attack.'

Before he reached him, he jumped in the air and focused his whole force into his right fist.

Centemeters before it could connect Daredevil dodged and Kravens fist cracked the ground.

'He's unbelievably fast...no, that's not it...'

Kraven continued with a rain of attacks but Daredevil dodged them all right before they could connect.

'Something is not right. I am definitly faster than him...unless...'

Kraven stopped attacking.

"How do you do that ?.

Knowing where I will strike before I properly get into position.

You have even better senses that the Spider."

"Call it instinct."

The man replied.

Kraven grined when suddenly an extraordinary amount of pain craved through his body.

'If this fight drags on, I'll be done for.'

This time Daredevil attacked first.

Fast, agile and with reflexes that Kraven had rarly seen in his lifetime.

However...one thought didn't let him go...and so he intentionally lowerd his guard. Daredevil of course didn't hesitate and went for the opening.


Dardevils fist connected and Kraven stepped a few steps back.

'So...my guess was true. Aside from his sense he is just ordinary human.

Trained in martial arts but nothing special.'

With that knowledge Kraven attacked and it didn't take long before he gained the upper hand.

Soon enough he landed a solid punch which send Daredevil to the ground.

'He is strong...stronger than me...maybe even stronger than Fisk.

Relying on my senses alone will not help me any futher.'


Your undeniable skill only drives me to fight harder!"

"Well that's the problem relying on strenght alone.

There are other ways to skin a hunter."

Both rushed at each other and even though with injuries, Kravens strenght and speed made him look superior.

'Think...he is superhuman so how can I win....come on.....think'

However it doesn't matter how fast he may be...if he is fighting someone who senses his attacks before he makes them it will be difficult even for a man with hundreds of years of fighting experience. But...

In the middle of the fight something unexpexted happened. Kraven stepped back spread his arms and looked into the night sky.



Daredevil looked at the screaming man.

'His heart is beating much faster than before.

His blood is shooting through his veins.

Is he high just from fighting ?'

Kraven pointed at him.

"You there. Devil.

You know him don't you?.

"The Spider-Man"?."

"I don't know who that is."

Kraven licked the left side of his upper lip.

"Liar..." he whispered.

Kraven attacked Daredevil again.

Punching him across the rooftop.

The hunter felt phenomenal.

Even though the pain and fatigue surrounded his body, he fought with happines in his mind.

On the other side however life never hurt that bad physically for Matt Murdock.

He heard his ribs crack.

His fists shatter.

His muscles tear.

His blood dripping from his ears, nose and mouth.

He held his own but soon he realized that there was no way to win.

No outcome in which he could beat a real superhuman.

Maybe his mentality and his sheer will helped him beat fisk a few times but a real superhuman.


The Devil realized that he was too weak.

After a few more punches the hunter stopped attacking.

Daredevils blood was spilled all over the roof.

But still, even though there was no possibility of victory, he stood on his feet. Blaming himself for being too weak but still with his fists up ready for his opponent.

Kraven who stopped smiling came at him with a second wave of attacks.

And finally Matt Murdock fell on his knees unable to move and the hunter stood right before him, holding a ten inches long knife in his hand.

"Very good...you have my respect.

What is your name?."



'I could use u as bait too but you have giving me joy and fought honorable.

And for that...'

"Die knowing that your life will be honored in my memories."

The hero closed his eyes and smiled ready to die.

'Well...I had a good run.'

Kraven swung the knife at him aiming for his heart but...


Kraven backed away, holding his head in pain.

Matt sensed another person infront of him.

Heart rate at around eighty beats per minuted.

Scent is....

'A woman?.'

"You bitch..."

Kraven looked up, with anger and blood forming his face.

Infront of him stood the woman who was supposed to be the spiders bait.

Regaining her consciousness.

"You will pay for what you did to me."

She said.

Bloodthirsted and with already extendet metal claws.


You there.

I didn't safe you so that you can just lay around.

Stand up already and help me for fucks sake."

Dardevil raised his head wondering if he should continue fighting.

It took a couple of seconds but he stood up.

Standing next to "The Black Cat".

"You should have run away when he was busy killing me.

Why would you safe me ?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself.

I don't really care about your life.

I only saved you for two reasons:

1. I need you if I want to kill this guy. Looking at his wounds and his limited movement the "Spider" managed too rough him up quite a bit.

The odds are higher to kill him at this state instead of running away and let him heal so that he can hunt me with his full strenght.

2. I still owe the "Spider" something.

Giving it you fought together against Fisk you two are friends right ?."

"We are only `partners` occasionally."

Daredevil answered.

"That is good enough for me."

"You still owe him..?"

"Do you want to keep asking questions or win against that guy."

'She is not lying.

She really wants my help.

She really wants to kill him.'

"I will help you if you promise not to kill."

"For now, priority number one is to survive."

Taking a deep breath he joined Felicia and took his fighting position.

Kraven stared at both of them until his glare changed into a smile.

"What fun...



He too took his fighting position.

All three focused and not realizing that it started to rain.

The water slowly washing the blood of "Daredevils", "Black Cats" and "Kravens" suits and across the rooftop down the gutter.

While all three waited to make the first move, they shared one single thought together.


The hunter took out his blade and charged at both of them.

'I will split them apart and go for the Devil first. He is the easier too kill in his condition.'

As she saw how much power "The Hunter" had still left even though badly injured Felicias hope for the win faded started to fade away.

'Fuck...how can he still be this fast...fucking monster.

We need a plan or...'

Both of them dodged Kravens attack by splitting apart.

Kraven quickly changed direction and rushed at Daredevil.

Daredevil managed to avoid Kravens deadly attacks and get back to Felicia.

"We need a plan or its over !"

Felicia said.

Although out of breath Daredevil responded:

"Listen...you still have energy left right?.

Attack with all you've got and I will match you attacks."

"How do you plan to do that when you don't even know where I will punch ?"

"Don't worry *cough* *cough* I will sense it. You need to trust me...please.:

Her stress level rising Felicia took a deep breath and calmed herself down.


She made herself ready.

"Try to keep up!"

She attacked "The Hunter".

'Alright then...come on Murdock...with all you've got left...'

Aiming for vital points with her claws,

"The Black Cat" made on attack after the other.

While Kraven was busy to dodge her Daredevil punched Kravens body every time she pulled her hands back after an attack leaving no chance for an opening.

'It works...'

Felicias hope to win increased with each time she brutally scratched "The Hunters" body.

Felicia swung wide as Daredevil attacked Kraven's body.

With claws extended, she aimed at the hunter's heart.

Grinning, she pierced the mighty Kraven's skin and pushed deeper into his chest to reach his heart, but her hand stopped before she could completely pierce his chest muscles.

Her smile disappeared.

Pulling out wasn't an option either because Kraven grabbed her arm with his hand and held her tight.

He looked "The Black Cat" in the eyes and a psychotic grin spread across his face.

"Got you.." he said.

He hit Felicia in her stomach with his right hand, pulled her claws out of his chest with his left hand and back-kicked her in the stomach.

Spitting blood after these devastating attacks, she flew back a few meters.

After she hit the ground, Daredevil ran to her.

On his knee hewas listening if she still breathes and if her heart is still beating.

After a couple of seconds he breathed out.

'She lives...barely.'

Before he properly got up he felt a monster standing behind him.

"The Grim Hunter"stared down at his prey.

"Do not fret over her Daredevil when your own life is in far greater danger."

With a spining kick he hit daredevil in his head witch resolted into him losing consciouness.

He lifted him over his head and walked at the edge of the roof.

"I would have given you a more honored death but you required the help of a woman to fight...

And you should be greatful that you are not awake to witness your final fate."

Ready to throw him over the roof.

With a kick to his liver from behind, she managed to unbalance the hunter so that he let go of Daredevil.

He was now lying there on the edge of the roof and unconscious, just like she had been recently.

With her left hand resting on her stomach and her right hanging down with claws extended, she looked at Kraven.

"You aimed for my stomach and not for my head back there to not accidently kill me right.

Because you need me if you want "him" right?."

She lifted her head up and grined.

"l will not play your bait.

Go fuck yourself haha you will have to kill me."

"Very well then."

He took out a knive.

"I will enjoy this.."

Ready to attack, his knive was suddenly ripped from his hand...by a web.

Stil raining he saw a man landing on the watertank of the rooftop.

"Would you look at that..."

The Hunter said.

The man jumped from the watertank and landed before "The Black Cat" and across




Peter Parker cracked his knuckels.

"Round two you hairy shithead.

Giving your injuries and comparing them to mine we are in an equal amount of pain right ?."

Both of them in their fighting position.

"Lets see which one of us is hunter and which one prey when we both fight under eqaul terms."

Peter said.

"As you wish Spider"

Without tacking his eyes from Kraven he said:

"Hey..."Cat"...can you do me a favor?.

Please take my friend and leave.

I will handle this."

"Youre rescuring me?

Do I look like a damsel in distress to you?.



"Yeah yeah I got it handsome"

She turned around but before she walked to Daredevil, who slowly regained his consciouness, she stopped.

"I own you again. Thank you..."

With that, she helped Daredevil up and with the strenght they had left both of them jumped from building to building slowy vanishing in the rain together.

"You know Spider...

Hunting is a dance of life and death, where both hunter and prey find their place...

And no hunter should end his days as prey.

Better to die in the hunt than on old age.

That is my dream...dying to a worthy opponent.





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