
Spiderman: Blood On Webs

Peter Parker in the world of heros and villains...

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19 Chs

Chapter 10 [ Spider-Man vs KingPin 2]


My spider sense went crazy. Each attack from him was with a killing intention. He tried to grab me but I jumped over him before he could catch me with hands the same size as my head. Each time he ran towards me and swung his huge and heavy arms I countered him.

'I have to focus everything on speed and agility.'

I thought if I dodged him long enough he eventually would ran out of gas. But that was a mistake. As I was ready to counter his attack he managed to grab me. He rammed me against a wall which then broke and threw me through another.

'How can he have such brutal strenght for a normal human.'

I was laying on the ground coughing as he slowly approached me.

"I know what you are thinking. How can he be this strong for a human. Well I shall tell you. My body has about 2% body fat..."

He grabbed me.

"That means I am, as for physicality, stronger than even a super soldier. That also means that my punches hurt you. JUST LIKE THIS ONE."

He punched me in my stomach so hard that I flew 10 feet away from him.

'Fuck me...he wasn't bullshitting...this shit hurts.'

I managed to get up, took a deep breath I tried to focused again but I cracked and started laughing.

Fisk was confused.


I looked at him.

"I have something for you, Willy. I have been working on these for quite a time. Listen...You are so fat...that when you cut yourself shaving...marshmallow fluff comes out."

He looked at me still with a confused face.

"No...ok how about that one..."

I continued.

"You are so fat that your high school yearbook photo was taken from a helicopter."

His confusion changed into anger.

"Oooh..tough room..."

I still continued.

"Wait let me think...ok how about...you're so fat that when you get on a scale it says: One at a time."

He ran towards me angrier than before.


"Wait wait...how about this one...you're belly button makes an echo."

He again tried to grab me but I managed to evade his attack.

"What you didn't like them..."

He was swinging his fist's at me wildly.

"Well how about this one...you are such an arrogant evil piece of shit that you think that you can just walk all over everyone in this city. MURDERER!"

I again dodged his fist and threw mine hitting him clean on his jaw bringing him down on his knees as he quickly got back up. It seems that he was really embarrassed kneeling before me. He grabbed me and threw us both with full force on the ground, which then broke and we fell into the lower floor of the house. In mid air, I managed to get on top of him as I punched him over and over again. I still hold back but I had to admit that he ate those punches quite good. Nonetheless he started bleeding and before we hit the ground I managed to web him up and hung him upside down as I sailed myself down next to him.

"So...should we kiss now ?"

He looked at me with a furious expression.

"I would love to talk to you Willy but the police will be here soon.."

I heard steps coming towards us and before the police could see me I vanished. All I heard was Captain Stacy.

"Mr. Willson Fisk you are arrested for murder, bribery of nationals, stealing and washing money, arms trafficking, drug trafficking as well as human trafficking. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used in court against you."

Captain Stacy turned around.

"Get him down from there..."

"Yes Captain."

Captain Stacy walked outside of Fisk's mansion. With a light smile on his face.

'Not bad Spider-Man...'

I was swinging as fast as I could through the mansion.

'I need another look at Fisk's room before the police comes. What was so important to Fisk that he fired guns even against the N.Y.P.D.'

I again got into the room where the fight started and hoped that his computer didn't got damaged. I swung to the desk.

'Yesss not even a scratch. I will take that home and hack it there.'

I was ready to finally get outside of that house as I heard a clicking sound. Out of the vantilation shaft a woman with white hair a full black suit and a mask that was revealing her eyes and her face features but still hid her face, crawled out. The only thing that seperated us was a thick wall made out of glass the same as KingPins glass cage. She looked at me.

"Hey there, handsome."

She walked towards me. Elegant but playfull.

We now where face to face. Only the glass seperated us.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here..?"

She just grinned at me.

"That was quite a brawl you two had. I am impressed you survived...Spider-Man."

She whispered as she looked me up and down and took glances at my damaged suit that revealed my abs that were covered in blood as she quickly and lightly licked her lipp.

"You know...you made this easier for me and for that I thank you."

She turned around and took a painting off the wall and broke it in half.

"What are you doing.."

I cut myself off as she took a drive out off the frame of the painting.

"Again...thank you very much."

Still grinning and holding the drive between her metall made, 2 inches sharped nails.

"Wait what is that...hey...what is on that drive."

She walked at the shaft that she came out form and before she went inside she turned around.

"The name is Cat. Black Cat..."

She let out a slight laugh.

"We will definitly meet again...spider."

She looked at me with her green eyes as she vanished into the shaft.

'Oh man...things just got a lot more complicated...'

I swung outside the mansion and wanted to go home calling it a day as I saw how Fisk, in handcuffs and damaged suit and a bleeding face, was taken to a bigger police car than the other ones. But then he spoke up:


"Alright thats enough. Get in the damn car!"

Captain Stacy tried to push him inside and Fisk went along with it and before the car door closed he again screamed:


I stood on the building and looked how KingPin was transported away from his mansion. I felt the adrenaline leaving my body and the pain taking over.

'What a crazy day.'

I swung to the house where backpack was webbed on and put Fisk's computer inside of it. I quickly changed my outfit and walked home my last thought being the Black Cat and the drive she had in her hand.

'I want to know whats on that drive...and I want to meet her again.'

Chapter 10 END