
SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

After her death, a young woman is reborn in the world of Young Justice. But wait…why am I in jail?! Why am I Gwen Stacy, and what the hell is a Street level system?! ___________________________________________ Additional Tags - Harem, Yuri, Lesbian, Decent Harem, GxG, Young Justice, Love, Action, Romance, Multiverse, System, Smut, Lemons, R18, Cartoons, Anime, Live Action. Current World - Young Justice Confirmed Love Interests - Artemis Crock, Miss Martian/M’gann M’orzz, Raven.

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73 Chs

Chapter 38

Huge thanks to Huxley for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[3rd POV] [Mount Justice]

Nearly two weeks had passed since her system had a evolved, and a little bit had happened.

For one, she ended up going out as Maki again, and got her last three kills. All of which were...pretty useless villains that just weren't good people. This being: Kite-Man, Captain Boomerang, and Trickster.

She had to leave Gotham for the latter two, going to Central City for their kills. She also had to be VERY careful when there, as that was where The Flash was, someone who was definitely faster than her...by a wide margin.

The kills were easy enough, as none of them were really enhanced individuals or anything, and were all scum in their own ways. She had the idea to raid Belle Reve, as it was full of villains that were scum. She decided that was...a bit much for now, as killing them woudn't be difficult, but it would more than likely get the League directly involved, which would cause serious problems for her.

She ended up using her UL ticket, and got an SL character. Meaning she got two for the price of one. Both of which were...pretty good characters.

Silence | Marvel Earth 616

Silence, aka the combination of Anti-Venom and Scream. This symbiote has all the powers of Scream and Anti-Venom, but slightly boosted. Granting the user an additional 90 tons of strength or so, increased speed, increased durability, increasing all Anti-Venom powers the user already has, etc. All the powers the user already has from Anti-Venom, have been doubled through the assimilation of this symbiote, if not further.

Hybrid | Marvel Earth 616

Hybrid, aka the combination of 4 different symbiotes. Hybrid is the combination of Phage, Riot, Lasher, and Agony. This grants the symbiote all the powers of the ones it is made out of, but boosted slightly. This symbiote has the ability to absorb chemicals, muscle mass enhancement, acid generation (through spitting it) which can burn through most substances, and all other powers of the symbiotes it's made out of. Also gives the user to fire small pieces of their symbiote for a period of time, which moves independently, which can be used to track others, send messages, etc. He can also glide through the air by forming a membrane, and more. Also has the power to lift roughly 50-60 tons at maximum.

Both the symbiotes were welcome additions to her SL arsenal. As it was a good increase in power, and gave her a few new abilities, but they weren't entirely the most useful in the world. The strength increase of roughly 150 tons was a good bonus though.

She would have preferred someone like Tony Stark, The Doctor, or Rick Sanchez, but this was good too. As she wouldn't complain about a boost in strength and some new powers.

Besides getting some new characters, she had also went on a few more missions with the team. One of which involved Tio Morrow. The man couldn't create Volcano, due to the lack of Red Torpedo, Inferno, or Tornado.

So instead, the team (with the aid of the Reds) tracked down the mans secret base, destroyed his android self, and even found his old self.

Gwen also took the liberty to yoink all the schematics inside, and the data the man had. As making an army was something she planned on doing eventually in future worlds, and having Red Volcano in that army, would be...helpful to say the least. The thing was strong, stronger than it's siblings.

They were even joined by Zatanna on one of their less dangerous missions. Which mostly consisted of her and Dick flirting like...constantly, which Gwen found cute.

She had also begun to train in her usage of Aura, having gotten quite far in its use already. She could already imbue it into her weapons that she weld, and even use it in combination with her adamantium claws, strengthening it quite a bit.

Currently Gwen was standing in the mission room, alongside the rest of the team. Except Raven, who was currently out, doing a missions with Zatara.

"So pops, what are we here for?" Gwen asked, looking to Bruce.

"A training exercise" Batman responded, looking to Martian Manhunter who nodded.

There was 6 stone blocks in the middle of the room, which Martian Manhunter was standing around.

"Each of you lay on the stone. Then, I will link each of you psychically, before putting you into the training exercise. Said exercise is in an artificial reality in which you will train for various circumstances" Martian Manhunter said simply, causing the team to glance at one another before moving.

"What about Gwen?" M'gann asked, moving to the stone block.

"She will watch over you alongside us" Martian Manhunter replied.

Gwen, upon hearing what this was, breathed in deeply "And you're sure this is a good idea?"

"I am" Batman said with a nod, confident in Martian Manhunter and his idea. J'onn was known as the most powerful telepath on the planet, and for good reason.

"What if something happens? M'gann...M'gann is a lot stronger than you understand, Dad. If something goes wrong inside there...I'm not sure J'onn will remain in control" Gwen whispered to her dad, while making sure Superboy couldn't hear.

"Nothing will happen Gwen. And if anything did, then I am certain J'onn can break them out of it, he is the strongest telepath on the planet for a reason" Batman replied, putting a hand on Gwen's shoulder.

Gwen glanced at M'gann with worried eyes, before looking over the rest of the group with a sigh.

'I know this is a part of the teams development. To steel them for the possibility of something like this happening, but...it doesn't mean I have to like it' Gwen thought with a small scowl, before stopping as everyone began to lay down.

Moving forward, she crouched next to M'gann "I'll be here when you wake up, love. I promise" Gwen said softly, pecking M'gann on the lips, who returned it with a small blush and smile.

Stepping back, Gwen let out a soft sigh as they slowly went under, being pulled into the simulation. She moved back and leaned against the wall, silently watching the team, and her father as it officially began.

'This is not going to go well, at all...'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Sorry about the length of the chapter, but I kinda struggled writing this one lol. Next chapter should be longer.

Next chapter should be a lot better, and have some moments with M'gann. Soon she'll be going on a date with Artemis too. With Raven coming after that. The chapter after that will have a timeskip, and will more than likely skip the Halloween episode.

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses (like more than 25 exclusive stories) on my patreon for three dollars a month! Or 30 dollars for an entire year!


(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

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