

In the bustling city of New York, Peter Parker, a brilliant but struggling student, grapples with the challenges of balancing his dual life as the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and a dedicated student. He strives to maintain normalcy as new threats emerge from the shadows, threatening to plunge the city into chaos. Will he also stand tall with Earth's greatest heroes the Avengers, as his planet continues to become under threat to alien invasions and villains planning to rule the world? Can Peter protect his loved ones? Can he maintain his relationships with friends, family and maintain a love life? Can he beat the villains that threaten him and the city? Or will he crumble and die trying? *Hello everyone the Author here. This is my first attempt at writing a novel so if its a bit stinky please understand and type your critiques in the comments so I can improve. There will probably be some breaks every now and then due to exams and planning out the future story/chapters. If I plan on stopping this series I will announce it, so unless I do that it just means something is currently going on. Thank you for listening to my rambling, I'll try my best to write a story you all enjoy and I wish you all an amazing day. Peace!*

MassiveSimp · Komik
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77 Chs

20) Supercharger (2)


Ronald was unconscious on the floor, and he was slowly waking up while slowly opening his eyes. He felt the cold surface of the floor and the sounds of electricity sparking. He was confused feeling a sharp pain in his head and back, as he slowly stood up. He looked at his surroundings and it was almost fully destroyed, with the machine in shatters. His arm had a slight cut but seemed to be healing on its own.

He looked down next to him to see his father laying there, not moving. "DAD!" he yelled as he stumbled towards him and cradled him in his arms. His legs where missing, with his intestines spilling it leaving a puddle of dried blood on the ground. Ronald cried while holding his dad close.

He questioned why he lived but not his dad, they were both pretty much the same distance from the pylon that overloaded. He blamed the superhumans and heroes he idolised that made them research how to make them. 

After his tears ran dry, he slowly stood up and walked towards the exit. While walking past the broken control station, he placed his hand on it to support himself.

Electricity zapped into his hands and his veins and eyes glowed blue. He felt a small tingling feeling in his hand and he looked down at his hands that glowed blue. Small streams of electricity beamed out. He held his hands closer together and they zapped to each other in between his hands. 

A large sharp pain jolted in his mind an he fell to the ground holding his head and screaming. He suddenly felt a strong hatred towards superhumans and he began to hate himself as well. He remembered all the news articles and reports of deaths involving superhumans and the image of the corpse of his father flashed in his mind. The picture of the destruction of Dallas due to Ultron rampaged in his mind. All the death and pain. 

'Why is everyone in love with these monsters. They have so much power and no-one to control them. Why are they worshiped when they can kill you like a bug. I must show them that we are not to be trusted. I must send a message, so they will all understand. I was given a purpose and I must fulfill it.' he thought to himself.

Over the course of the next week, his mind spiralled into insanity, growing an immense hatred for superhumans. He became more and more unhinged thinking of the best way to show the world and preach his message. 

The shock that went to his brain rewired his thoughts and feelings leading to this sudden change and escalation. 

He thought to himself that if he went and did a mass murder at a school, everyone on television would see it. Everyone would see the danger of superhumans as the children die. They should be grateful that they died to aid such a cause he told himself, getting excited to spread his message. 


"Your kind are always so arrogant, I'll show you that i'm not to be taking lightly" he snapped at Peter, angry how laid back he was in front of him. He raised his hand and charged another ball of blue electricity. 

Peter tried to web his hand to stop it, but it easily burned away while being zapped.

"That's not ideal" he muttered to himself as the man finished charging and shot it towards Peter.

He jumped to the ceiling, planting his body on it, letting the orb to zap past while webbing the man's eyes. 

"What?" he yelled, confused at what blinding him. It didn't last for long and his eyes glowed blue burning Peter's web to dust. 

Peter had closed the distance in the meantime and webbed Superchargers leg and pulling. He fell to ground hard, banging his head with the large clank of his battery pack hitting the floor. 

He quickly fired another orb towards Peter's head, which he dodged by leaning far back. In that time supercharger began to charge a large orb of electricity that zapped the corridor wall, leaving black marks. 

It quickly grew to cover the entire hallway and Peter began to look around for cover.

"Uhhh..shit" he said holding his hands near the top of his head getting flustered. He threw himself out the window and slung himself to the roof with his web. 

The orb flew past destroying the entire hallway slowly dissipating before it reached the end of the hallway. 

Supercharger stood up and looked down the hallway, seeing that the masked figure wasn't there. He looked around as to where he could have gone, eventually eying the broken window. 

Peter readied himself on the roof before running off and shooting a web to the wall, slinging himself through the window directly towards Supercharger. The glass shattered and he looked at Peter as he flew towards him. Peter's feet slammed into the side of Supercharger sending him flying through the wooden door into the classroom. 

Peter slammed onto the floor and rolled over, "OW, that was not my best idea" he told himself before getting himself back up. 

Supercharger groaned before picking himself back up, as the wires and battery pack attached to his back sparking. "Shit" he exclaimed hitting it trying to fix it. He scoffed before ripping the wires out of his gauntlets and taking it off, making a loud thud. 

"If you plant a light bulb in your garden does it turn into a power plant?" said Peter leaning against the place where the door should be. "Not my best, just give me some time and i'll think of some better puns." said Peter. 

"Very funny. You know fully well we use electricity to kill bugs, Spider boy" he responded. 

"That's definitely not scary" replied Peter getting ready to fight. 

The room was filled with music equipment and cables. The man looked around the room and opened his arms spreading his fingers. Electricity zapped from the keyboards and power sockets into his hands and his eyes grew much brighter. "That was just the warm up" he said.

"Well shit" Peter said out loud, looking at what was happening. "I'd prefer it if you know, uhh... didn't do that" replied Peter, taking a step back. 

"Now I'm all charged up and ready to go." he giggled and mocked. "Get it?".

"That was uncalled for" Peter replied, trying not to shit himself right then and there.