
Read This.

My newest fic is up on Webnovel, so check it out, it's called...

Son of the Savage. An SI that is the son of Vandal Savage with Todoroki's Half Hot Half Cold quirk.

And because I'm such a good guy, I present you with something to take up the rest of the space:-...



The Fabulous Animal Man.

Chapter 1: Discovering How To Beat A God with The Powers of a Fly.

(General P.O.V)


The God of Mischief and Chaos. Eventually the God of time and stories.

Once a villain, later a hero.

But right now, in Buddy's eyes, all he could see was a face in need of punching.

"Kneel before me."

The Norse God of mischief demanded, four of his illusory clones hounding a panicked crowd into an open section of the street.

Buddy was one of them.

This was his second life. And he had exchanged his Karma points for a chance to traverse to Marvel.

All for the sole purpose of punching this guy's teeth in. Was it a stupid goal? Yes. Yes it was.

Did he care? Not really.

"...you crave subjugation."

Loki went on with his speech.

Oh god. Buddy grit his teeth. That voice was grating when he was watching Avengers the first time at 15, and it was even more grating now.

Aiming to finish this before Captain America arrived, Buddy called up his interface, a neat text box with his chosen ability in full display.

This particular ability had cost him every memory unrelated to media. Meaning, he forgot the faces of his family. If he even had one.

It was a worthy trade in his eyes however. For while the ability sounded basic and kind of weak at the early stages...it truly shone when used the right way.

[Animal Man Template]

(10% assimilated)

(5 slots available)

-A Fly's reaction speed.

-A Swallow's flight.

-An ant's proportion strength.



Basically, he could draw specific biological attributes from any animal nearby, The range was yet untested as he had only just appeared in this world, which also limited his options somewhat.

But Buddy was confident. A fly's reaction time was 20 milliseconds, 10 to 12 times faster than an average human.

An ant could carry 10 to 50 times it's own welght, meaning as a human, Buddy could lift a little over 800kg.(1763 pounds)

And a swallow could fly at 20 miles per hour. Which wasn't that fast but not slow either.

And those three animals were what was readily available to him. If he had time.

No. No time. Loki was about to kill an old man for failing to kneel before him.

The scepter in the God of Mischief lit up with a bluish glow, the energy of the Mind stone placed within it agitating the very air.

Buddy stood up, jumping into unassisted flight as he flew forward, trajectory aimed for Loki. He soared over the crowd, his shadow passing over them, hands spread outward for balance and coordination.

At the same time, Loki released the scepter's blast at the old man. Buddy knew the Captain had arrived and would use his shield to block the attack, saving the old man in the process.

He on the other hand had a different mission. Winding around the beam easily, (his increased reaction time allowed him to react almost instantly) he arrived before Loki.

The Asgardian only had time to widen his eyes before Buddy's fist landed on his cheek.


Taking into account the mass of 800kg packed behind the punch, and the accelaration of his fist at just above 30 miles per hour, a whooping 107,280 Newtons of force was transferred to Loki.

The God of mischief sailed through the air at fast speeds, smashing onto the wall of the building behind before falling onto the ground, dazed.

Buddy landed softly before Loki, much to the surprise of everyone around.

Cap, lowering the shield in his hands looked at Buddy curiously.

Before he could approach him, the two of them had their attention grabbed by the loud blaring of Shoot to Thrill" by AC/DC coming from the sky.

Iron Man had arrived.

-just something fun.

-part of my 'power mechanics' fic ideas.