
Chapter 69

[Third Person's PoV]

Each Spider-Person secretly swung through the city making their way towards the public memorial service that was being held towards Spider-Man.

They all secretly watched as MJ got on the podium and started giving her speech with Aunt May standing behind her, each of them giving them their silent support.

Peter sat on top of a building looking down towards everyone that was wearing Spider-Man mask with Gwen sitting on his lap.

"It looks like this Spider-Man is really loved" Gwen muttered seeing everyone gathered together.

Peter just wrapped his arms around Gwen tightly, "This is honestly a real eye opener" Peter replied, "This Spider-Man has impacted the lives of so many people, I can't help but feel a bit motivated"

Gwen nodded her head in agreement, "I know what you mean. It's making me glad that I decided to keep being a superhero and not just quit" She said softly.

"My Husband, Peter Parker, was an ordinary person. He always said that it could have been anyone under the mask, He was just a kid that happened to be bit." MJ started off.

"Yeah I'm not getting used to that" Gwen pouted.

Peter just chuckled and kissed her cheek, making her scoff before smiling and paying attention to the much older looking MJ.

"He didn't ask for his powers, but he chose to be Spider-Man. My favorite thing about Peter is that he made us each feel powerful. We all have powers of one kind or another. But in one way we all are Spider-Man and we're all counting on you"

"We have another Spider-Man unaccounted for" Aria interrupted, showing a much… rounder looking Spider-Man in their HUD.

"You sure that isn't just a regular guy wearing a Spider-Man outfit? There's a lot of those here today" Gwen asked, looking at his appearance with skepticism.

"I was looking over the footage last night as you guys were getting busy" Aria said with a teasing tone causing Gwen to blush.

"And look at what I found" She then showed a Spider-Man coming out of the portal and hitting an electric billboard face first before falling down off of it.

"Are there any more spider people that we have no knowledge of around?" Peter asked

"Nope, that's everyone accounted for"

"Keep an eye on him" Was all Peted said as he watched Aunt May go up on the podium and give her speech. After her speech they all started paying their respect until late in the afternoon, with each Spider-Man watching like a silent protector

They all then regrouped and escorted Aunt May home. When they were all together Aria used Peter's speaker on his phone to announce something.

"So I have good news and bad news which one would you guys want to hear first."

They looked towards Peter in confusion causing him to sigh before pulling up his phone and projecting Aria's image.

"Bad news first" Spider-Noir said with his arms crossed.

"Well Miles accidentally broke the goober"

"WHAAAAT!" They all shouted.

"We're all going to die!" Spider-Ham screamed, dropping to his knees.

They all stopped and looked at Spider-Ham with a deadpan expression. Seeing everyone looking at him he stood up and pretended none of that happened.

"So what's the good news?" He asked merrily.

Most of them just rolled their eyes as Aria then showed a video of the much older Peter Parker following close behind Miles as he was making his way towards a graveyard.

"A Spider-Man is making contact with Miles Morales" Aria said.

"How is that good news?" Peni asked, confused.

"It's not but I thought if I add some news and say it was good news it would make the bad news better" Aria proudly stated.

They all sighed as Gwen2 asked, "How did Miles even break the goober?"

Aria then showed a video of miles walking up the steps to a building, realized that it was too high, walked back down, and went right next to a much shorter one.

He took a running start to jump towards the building in front of him before tripping on his laces and falling off the building hitting everything on the way down, landing on his side.

He slowly took out the goober chip in which the video ended.

"Hahahahahaha" Aria's laugh resounded through out the room, "It's funnier the second time I watch it"

Mostly everyone had their faces buried in their palms.

"Didn't this world Spider-Man have a copy or something?" Peni asked

To which Aria's small holographic image appeared shaking her head, "He doesn't. I already checked his servers, It appears he stole it. I would have gotten it from Alchemax's servers but it appears they are stored in a independent server, so it has to be accessed manually"

"Well it looks like we have a mission, meet up with Miles, then go get the the computer at Alchemax, bring it here, make another goober/ override key, take the goober to the collider that brought us here and go home"

"Why are we meeting with the kid? We could get everything done without him and not put his life in danger" Noir asked with a brow raised.

"1. I don't think he would appreciate it if we did it without him since this was a task given to him by this world's Spider-Man.

2. After we leave, this world is going to need a Spider-Man to look after it and as we all know that Spider-Man is going to be Miles, so might as well train him as best we can and put him in danger within our presence so we could properly guide him" Peter stated.

Noir nodded his head in understanding, "Makes sense, now that Spider-Man is dead this world is going to need someone or else a lot of lives will be lost and everything will fall into chaos"

Everyone got geared up and exited Aunt May's house before they took off, in the dead of night.

"Follow me, I already have their location" Peter said taking the lead.

Soon they saw something which left them in shock. Miles and a Spider-Man sticking to a train with webs, while Miles screams in panic.

The Peter with the beer belly appeared to be unconscious as Miles tried his best to guide his way through traffic, which only caused them to swing uncontrollably.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH" Miles screamed as beer belly Peter smashed into a light post as he started to regain consciousness, losing it again, he then hit a snowman, before they ultimately ended up on the floor in the middle of a crosswalk.

"Just walk right by us citizens of New York" Miles groaned with Peter beer belly Parker unconscious next to him.

Out of nowhere webs shot from the sky grabbing both Peter B. And Miles from the floor and pulling them up towards the roof of the closest building.

"AHHHHHH!" Miles screamed taken by surprise.

They were both then surrounded by everyone, "Dude talk about chaos, if this was a Pinball game you would have scored big. You hit almost everything in the way." Peter said in a teasing tone.

Miles' spidey-senses alerted him off everyone around him, which was the same for them as they looked at Miles.

"It's the same as last time, you guys are the same as me" he muttered, "Who are you guys?" He asked, standing and looking around with caution.

"Well that's a long story" Gwen2 said as she took off her mask
