
Chapter 54

[Third Person's PoV]

As Peter punched the Lizard with a fist full of electricity it was sent flying back destroying the ground as it went along leaving a long trail within the dirt.

As the Lizard stood up it once again shook his head, as the fist imprint on the Lizard's torso started to fill itself up healing very quickly.

But as Peter saw the imprint he couldn't help but quip "I always seem to leave a "Shocking Impression" on everyone I met"

Peter then turned towards Gwen "It seems its regenerative abilities are on a whole other level, I tore his jaw earlier and it's been healed up since it appeared."

Gwen nodded her head "Yeah I saw, I knocked out a few teeth out earlier and they just regrew, it looks like we need to exhaust it until it can't regenerate anymore"

Both Gwen and Peter then started running towards the Lizard and the Lizard ran towards them as well.

Instead of sending its claws towards them it spun around rapidly and whipped its sharp tail in their direction.

Both of their Spidey-Senses went off causing them to move out of the way. Gwen rolled under the tail while Peter jumped over it.

They both then started fighting the Lizard in harmony with each other, no words were exchanged, people could tell how well they knew and trusted each other by how in sync they were being.

Peter would send a punch across the Lizard's face making his head turn towards Gwen's direction, which she also followed up with a bunch.

The Lizard would come close to hurting and scratching them but they would pull the other out of the way with their webs making it more difficult for the Lizard.

Peter went and kneaded the Lizard right on the face causing its head to snap back, which Gwen used as an opportunity. She slid underneath the Lizard and as she did she shot a web towards the back of it's snapback head and proceeded to swing and throw it's entire body onto the ground causing it to crack and cave in slightly due to the force.

Peter and Gwen then started to start to web the Lizard as it tried to get up, they shot a web towards him and ran around in opposite directions wrapped it up making it difficult for it to move.

Gwen then went and kicked the Lizard right under its jaw sending it flying off the ground but before it could start falling Peter appeared from behind Gwen, stepped on her shoulder and uppercutted it lifting him up even further into the sky

Peter flipped in the air and shot a web behind Gwen and pulled him downwards. When he landed behind Gwen he put his hands underneath her and launched her into the sky where she proceeded to uppercut the Lizard in the stomach blasting him up even further.

As soon as she blasted him Gwen shot her webs downwards and onto Peter pulled him up and flung him towards the Lizard where he proceeded to also uppercut him him the stomach

He then shot his webs towards Gwen as he did he proceeded to say "We call this technique 'The itsy bitsy spider up the waterspout'" and launched her towards the Lizard.

"We are not calling this that" Gwen said as she punched the Lizard further into the sky.

"How about the string out of hell"

(A/N: If you know you know, and if you don't that's too darn bad)

"We're not calling it that either" Gwen said as she shot Peter past the Lizard.

Peter, who was above the Lizard, then said "Fine, since we're having trouble coming up with a name, how about a lesson on physics for a change of pace."

Peter then got on top of the Lizard and pulled Gwen towards as she also landed on top of it.

"What goes up must always comes down" Peter said with a smirk

And when Gwen landed on the Lizard and pressed down on him she also said "And the heavier something is, the harder it falls"

The Lizard then started plunging into the ground due to both Peter and Gwen pressing down on him, the Lizard started to panic and started thrashing around trying to escape its webbing but couldn't.


The Lizard landed on the ground causing it dust, dirt, and pieces of the ground to fly everywhere. The Lizard's body was embedded on the ground and knocked unconscious much to the relief of Peter and Gwen.

They both turned towards each other and high-five, which they started doing after a successful fight.

Before they could discuss anything else, Arnny Interrupted them "I would advise to take Ms. Watson to the hospital. Although her wounds are covered it's not a permanent solution.

She has lost blood, which isn't something the base has in stock so if she's in need of a blood transfusion it won't happen there. So once again I advise you to take her to the hospital as her life could still be in danger."

"Shit, she's right let's go" Peter said as he started running towards MJ.

"What about this Lizard thing what are we going to do about him"

"Honestly at the moment I couldn't care less about it, MJ is much more important currently. I can always recapture it if it escaped but I won't have a chance to make sure MJ is alright if she dies"

Gwen looked at Peter slightly before nodding her head, when they arrived MJ looked sickly pale much to Peter and Gwen's dismay.

Peter and Gwen shot a web towards their bag and put it on, Peter went and grabbed MJ before turning invisible alongside Gwen, who did the same, they both then exited through the broken window and swung away towards the nearest hospital.

When they got onto a rooftop and they went jumping and swinging from rooftop to rooftop and building to buildings.

When they got close to hospital they took off their bag and undid their invisible and jumped down towards the main entrance of the hospital

As soon as they arrived they ran through the door and handed MJ to the nearest doctor, Peter put her on a wheeled stretcher and explained what happened.

He explained that she lost a lot of blood and what they used to stop the bleeding, which were the webs, what they do and what type of medicine it was laced with.

The doctor on sight nodded his head when Peter explained explained and called a nurse to help

"Bring her to room 303 it's currently empty" He said towards a nurse that appeared as he took a small flashlight from his coat pocket, he then went and opened an eyelid, flashed the eye with it, repeated the same thing with the other eye.

The doctor didn't pay any attention to Peter anymore as he helped wheel the stretcher. Peter then sighed and looked at Gwen, they both nodded and exited the hospital.

When they reached outside they jumped and swung away towards the building where they left their bags. Once they arrived they made sure Arnny secured any visible cameras that could watch them.

When they did, they took off their mask and started to change back to what they were previously wearing and waited a few seconds so they could go as Civilians to visit MJ.

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Shadow_D_Monarch3creators' thoughts