
Chapter 42

[Third Person's PoV]

Once they were a few buildings away they decided to turn invisible and land on top of a rooftop.

"Gwen I need you to do me a favor" Peter said sitting unable to deal with the pain at the moment due to the amount of swinging he just did.

"What is it Peter?" Gwen asked worriedly,

"I need you to go back while invisible and clean out all the blood"

"Why?, I mean I know why but I still don't think they would be actively looking to clone us right now, we're barely known, it just seems weird." Gwen asked, confused.

Peter then looked at her and blinked for a few seconds "sigh, I really envy your positivity and optimism on the potential of people. I just don't want a clone of myself running around in the future, who I would then have to catch and then teach moral ethics to."

Gwen reluctantly nodded and said "Just wait here for me"

Peter nodded and waited for Gwen. After a few minutes of waiting Gwen returned with a zip lock bag with a metal shard with Peter's blood on it.

"Luckily I got it on time, it was about to be driven away for examination" Gwen said with a hint of relief in her voice.

"Did you clean the blood that splattered everywhere?" Peter asked anxiously.

"Yup, I had Arnny scan the area and after I was done freezing it to bits, it was all clear."

Peter let out a sigh of relief, "come on we have to go to school, we're going to be in so much trouble"

Gwen then hung her head "Dad's going to kill us. I can already hear him already. "Because of that punk, you have been behaving badly and not going to a lot of your classes recently"" Gwen said while doing an impression of her dad.

Peter just chuckled, "Let's get going, we'll have to deal with detention later on the day so it's better to get this over with quickly"

Gwen nodded her head as they started to swing away back to school, they turned invisible once again when they got close by and climbed their way on the roof where they left their bags at.

After grabbing their bag they quickly made their way into the bathroom from the window and started changing inside the stall. While Gwen put the metal shard inside her bag.

When they were finished they came out of their bathroom at the same time and raised to class, and as they went in and opened the door, the bell rang signifying the end of their class.

The teacher looked towards the door with an unamused expression "What perfect time for the two of you to join… detention after school the two of you… not any second later"

Both Peter and Gwen hung their head "Yes Mr. Patrick" both of them said at the same

Everyone then started walking out of the classroom and started heading towards the lunchroom.

While walking towards the cafeteria, Peter and Harry were walking behind everyone talking.

"Where do you and Gwen keep disappearing recently, you two couldn't possibly be doing it in school"

Peter who had his bag over his good shoulder just shook his head with a smile as he just said "We were just busy with something"

Harry just gave Peter a teasing smirk as he slapped Peter on the back "Peter my ma-"

"Arghhh" Peter quickly covered his mouth and whinced into his mouth with tears in his eyes "Harry, I'm going to fucking castrate you, Fuck!"

Harry when he slapped Peter's back felt something wet on his hand and when he looked at it, he saw it was stained with blood.

His eyes widen In shock as he started to breathe heavily while looking at his blood stained hand shakily. He then was about to scream out in panic but before he could do that Peter quickly got in front of Harry to cover his now blood stained back

"Don't scream out or anything… sigh, hide your hands and follow me to the bathroom, stay behind me so my back isn't seen, quickly!"

Harry wanted to ask a million questions but chose to follow Peter's orders as they sped walk towards the bathroom.

As they arrived Peter was glad it was empty. Once inside Peter locked the door. And as he did questions just kept coming out of Harry's mouth.

"What the hell Peter! You're bleeding! It doesn't look good, do you want me to call the ambulance or something? What happened? Why are you like this? I'm pretty sure you weren't like this before you left with Gwen! Just what the hell is going on?"

"Harry if you don't shut up in the next 5 seconds I'm going to punch you in the throat" Peter said calmly.

"Wash your hands" Peter said while pointing at the sink. Harry, although still in a state of shock, nodded his head and did what he was told.

"Please Peter, I'm really worried here just what is going on…" Harry said while washing the blood off his hand.

Peter slowly took off his shirt and showed Harry his webbed up back. Seeing this Harry took out his phone and was about to call an ambulance at what he was seeing but Peter shot his web and yanked the phone off his hands.

Harry looked at his hands in shock before looking up and once he took a better look at Peter's back, and saw what he was wearing underneath his shirt Harry almost yelled out "SPIDER-MAN!!!" But Peter reacted quickly. He shot a web, webbing Harry's mouth up

"Don't worry about it, I said, there's no need to call anybody, it'll heal but I'll need your help. And yes I'm Spider-Man"

Harry was in so much shock he didn't know what to say at this point it was almost overwhelming. Harry then started to connect the dots, he ripped off the webs from his mouth with a disgusted look before saying "Wait if you're Spider-Man… then that means Gwen is… oh my God"

"My friends are Vigilantes" Harry said unsure of what to do with that information but then he remembered Peter said he needed his help.

Harry was terribly confused about everything that was going on, although he's slowly getting it, it still doesn't make it any less confusing. But still nodded his head, he's seeing his best friend bleeding out of course he's going to do everything in his power to help.

Peter pulled up his sleeve and grabbed the bracelet he always wears, he took it off and threw it to Harry who caught it with two hands.

"What do you want me to do with this?" Harry said while looking at Peter strangely, "You're not hallucinating due to blood loss are you?"

"When I punch your face for slapping me in the back then we'll see who's hallucinating. Just put that damn thing on" Peter said, a bit irritated.

Harry just but it on and looked at Peter tilting his head "What now"

"Flick your wrist" Peter said.

Harry nodded while still looking at Peter strangely and flicked his wrist, and as he did the bracelet started expanding slightly and with a small button was placed at the middle of his palm.

"WOAH!" Harry said shocked, looking at his wrist in fascination, "Just what is this?" He asked examining every part of his wrist.

"It's my web shooter, now Arnny switch to first aid webs" Peter said as a hologram appeared all around Harry's wrist, the hologram then started rotating from different symbols, one of the symbol was a thunderbolt, another was a regular web design, another web design appeared but this one appeared to be wet and drippy.

Until it stopped at a bold cross and the hologram disappeared "Just how much are you hiding Peter" Harry said in disbelief.

"Sigh, I'll explain everything later for now. Just follow what I say, I need you take off the webs on back"

Harry slowly nodded his head and appeared behind Peter's back, he started to slowly take off Peter's back web, which was agonizing for him, and disgusting for Harry.

Peter was holding onto the sink with shut eyes, while gripping the sink, it started to slightly crack due to the force of which Peter was holding it.

With one final pull Harry took out the last bit of Web, Peter sighed once again before saying, "Now I need to aim at my back with the web shooters and press the middle button, it will release a thick web, these webs are bath in disinfectants and other materials that help in sanitizing the wounds and help in better healing.

Do not let go of the button, it will keep releasing the webs as he shoots it out, I need you to walk around me wrapping me up with it"

Harry nodded seriously as Peter backed away slightly and lifted his arms slightly. Harry then started following Peter's instructions until his wounds were wrapped back up…