Reincarnating into Peter Parker and Spider-Man isn't what it's all cracked up to be... Would the Mc have what it takes to wear the symbol and the mask. You would just have to read and find out ... My Mc is a heroic type, killing isn't going to be what goes through his mind when he's Spider-Man, sorry for those that want an edgy and dark Spider-Man but mine doesn't have that boner... This is an Algamation of different Spider-Man stories and making it into one big universe, so some dates won't match with what you know... anyways enjoy
[Third Person's PoV]
"I wasn't listening, what was my speed by the way?" Peter asked Aria curiously after Gwen and MJ finished examining him for any potential lingering injuries.
Peter bent down and picked up Felicia from the ground. She began whacking the top of his head with her paw in a reprimanding manner.
He mouthed an apology to her with a sincere smile, and she turned her head away.
"You're a Type 1 speedster," Aria said matter-of-factly.
"A Type 1 speedster?" Johnny repeated, unfamiliar with the term. "The hell's a Type 1 speedster?"
"I'll try to explain this as best as I can, so bear with me," Aria said. "Based on the top speed of how fast a speedster can go, they fall into different categories. They're classified from Type 1, which is the slowest, to Type 5, which is the fastest."
"So that means you're the slowest speedster there is, huh?" Harry teased.
"I don't want to hear that from someone who doesn't even qualify," Peter scoffed.
"Oooooh! He got you there," Johnny said, flicking his hands to stir up mischief.
"No, Harry qualifies," Aria said. "Harry could technically be considered a Type 1 speedster as well."
"I can?" Harry asked in disbelief.
"He could?!" Peter echoed, equally surprised.
"Yes, but barely. It's safe to say that if Harry really pushed himself, he could just qualify as a Type 1 speedster," Aria explained.
"You still haven't explained what the classifications are exactly," Susan said, curious about the distinctions.
"Oh, right, my bad. Type 1: someone who can move at a speed of 617 - 6,174 KPH (383 - 3,836 MPH), beyond subsonic speed and reaching hypersonic speed at their fastest. During Father's test, the speed he reached was approximately 2,414 KPH (1,500 MPH).
As for Harry, using his Fa Jin abilities to push himself forward, he was zooming around the room and reached 643 KPH (400 MPH), making him just barely qualify as a Type 1."
"HA!" Harry laughed in Peter's face.
"You're still slow compared to me," Peter scoffed. "I don't want to hear it."
"I wasn't enhancing myself with my chi, which means I can potentially go even faster," Harry said smugly.
Aria came to Peter's defense. "To be fair, Peter's only problem is his body. If he had a suit to protect him against friction, he could theoretically surpass you by a whole tier."
"HA!" Peter shouted back at Harry.
"But you don't have the suit, do you?" Harry teased before freezing, a realization dawning on him. "The Ancient One…"
"The who now?" Reed asked, surprised and curious, along with the others.
A look of comprehension appeared on all their faces as they remembered. Peter set Felicia on top of his head and began clapping his hands like a child. "That's right! The Ancient One said she was building us a suit using the Vibranium we found. Knowing her, it will have everything I need!"
"Yeah, but you still have to wait, don't you? She did say it would take a week to be done, didn't she?" Harry reminded him.
"Yeah, she said in a week... so it should be next Saturday," MJ said, recalling the deal made the previous Saturday.
"Isn't that your birthday?" Gwen asked, looking at Peter in amusement.
All their eyes widened. "WHAT?! YOUR BIRTHDAY IS NEXT SATURDAY?!"
Peter rubbed his head in embarrassment. "Yeah, June 15…"
"Do you think she planned that?" Gwen said, still amused. "Maybe she was planning on giving you the suit as a birthday present."
"Are you throwing a celebration?" Johnny asked.
Peter shrugged. "Nothing too big, just a friendly get-together between family and friends. Of course, I'll invite you guys, don't worry," he said with a wink.
Before the matter could be discussed further, Peter waved them off. "We can talk about invitations another time. Let's continue with the testing first. Aria, I want to hear about the other classifications for speed."
"Petey over here gets embarrassed and shy when we focus on things about him for too long," Harry teased out of the corner of his mouth to Johnny, loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Shut it, Larry," Peter glared, his ears turning slightly red. "Go on, Aria."
It was Harry's turn to glare, while Aria continued with her explanation, a slight chuckle escaping her.
"As I already explained Type 1, I'll move on to Type 2. Type II: Speedsters can move at speeds between 6,175 and 10,793,000 KPH, beyond hypersonic speed and reaching relativistic speeds at their fastest.
Type III: Speedsters can move faster than relativistic speeds. They can move near, at, or beyond the speed of light.
Type IV: Speedsters have infinite speed. They can move indefinitely while time literally stands still, traveling anywhere instantly within the infinite universe.
Type V: Speedsters have 'immeasurable' speed. Their speed cannot be measured as they can move beyond linear time. Since speed is distance divided by time (S = D/T), if time is undefined, the speed formula cannot be applied. Immeasurable speed is superior to infinite speed, which is defined as movement in zero time. The difference is that beings with infinite speed can go everywhere instantly, whereas beings with immeasurable speed can go everywhere and everywhen faster than instantly. It's like instantly reaching the beginning or end of the infinite universe, which has no beginning or end because of its infinity, with their speed.
Although I say speedster, I'm using the term loosely. Practically anyone who could move at that speed can be categorized into these classifications."
"Can there actually be anyone who falls in the Type V category?" Reed asked curiously.
"Who knows? The multiverse is a big place; there could theoretically be someone like that out there," Peter shrugged.
Peter then turned to Susan. "So, do you want to go ahead and be next?"
"Hm?" Susan asked, momentarily forgetting about the testing. "Oh right, sure. I don't see why not."
"Well, for starters, you, Susan Storm, have Light Manipulation," Aria began. Seeing their surprise, she continued, "It's not entirely clear how or why, but the cosmic energy interacted with your cells in a way that produced a new form of energy with unusual properties. One of those properties involves the manipulation of the electromagnetic spectrum.
You can manipulate electromagnetic spectrums to achieve effects like invisibility, altering the frequencies of reflected light, disrupting light-based illusions, bending sunlight, or evading EM spectrum-based sensors. Theoretically, you could also possess the power to manipulate colors, but that would require training and familiarization with your abilities.
As for your force fields, they work similarly to MJ's abilities, as they are based on psionics. The cells in your brain produce a different energy compared to the rest of your body. Through concentration, you can project an invisible field of psionic force drawn from hyperspace."
"Hyperspace?!" Reed and Peter exclaimed in disbelief. This was the first time Peter had heard a full analysis of Susan's abilities. All he had really known was that she could turn invisible and produce force fields.
"Yes," Aria confirmed. "The complexity of the shapes you can create is limited by your ability to mentally visualize a particular form and keep it in sharp focus. The size of a given psionic force projection is also limited by your imagination. More tests are needed to discover the limits of your abilities and power."
Johnny let out a sharp whistle. "Damn, sis, you're sounding pretty badass, huh?" he teased.
Susan gave a wary smile. She wasn't thrilled about being 'badass.' She would have preferred if none of this had happened, though she wasn't going to complain.
"However, I have something else to report," Aria said, drawing their full attention. Her tone was serious.
"For some inexplicable reason, the four of you are connected to each other—or rather, your powers are," Aria explained.
"What? The four of us?" Susan asked, perplexed. "Who are you referring to?"
"I mean Benjamin Grimm, Reed Richards, Johnny, and Susan Storm. All of your abilities are interconnected. You four are your own conduit of power. If I had to theorize, if you were to be apart from each other for a long period or were cut off by one being in a different dimension or universe, it's very possible that you would all experience a decline in power levels, and if it continues, you could become powerless," Aria explained, much to their astonishment.
Peter, not well-versed in comic book lore, was surprised to hear this. He had seen all the movies, even the bad ones, but he didn't remember hearing about this…
"Do we have the same connection?" MJ asked. "Between ourselves, I mean. Do we have the same tether to each other?"
"Yes, you do. It was formed during the cosmic storm. It's safe to say that the six of you are now connected to each other. However, I suspect that you would only lose the abilities granted by the cosmic storm, while retaining the others," Aria said.
"Wait, so we're not connected to them? Why?" Johnny asked curiously.
"That I can't really tell you," Aria admitted. "I'm not omnipotent..."
"Maybe because we're two different teams?" Peter suggested, though he sounded unsure. "Or more like we're supposed to be two different teams."
"That doesn't really make sense..." Johnny muttered. "You and Gwen are as much a part of our team as you are with them," he scoffed.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Lizzy asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't mean anything bad or mean by it..." Johnny said awkwardly, struggling to find the right words.
Peter smiled, sensing what Johnny was trying to convey. "You big softy~"
"Wha—?" Johnny was lost and even more so when he saw Gwen and Susan with similar expressions.
Susan placed a hand on Johnny's shoulder before pinching his cheeks. "What he's trying to say is that these tethers we've developed seem almost familial. I'm sure you six consider each other family and are close to one another, which is why you're connected. It's the same with us four. And what Johnny here is trying to say is that it doesn't make sense to him that you two aren't connected with us as well, since we consider you both family."
"THAT'S NOT WHAT I WAS TRYING TO SAY AT ALL!" Johnny blushed so hard that his hair caught fire. "Don't put words in my mouth! STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!"
"Wow, Johnny~" Gwen teased. "Your heart must be as warm as your flames."
Peter pressed two fingers to his lips and blew Johnny a kiss with a wink. "Love you too, bro~"
Johnny didn't hesitate to throw a fireball at Peter, who dodged to the side, smirking teasingly.
"Johnny!" Susan and Reed reprimanded in unison, but Johnny, too embarrassed, continued throwing fireballs in Peter's direction while Peter happily dodged.
"I can feel the heat of your passion!" Peter yelled out teasingly.
"Urghhhh! You're so annoying!" Johnny shouted.
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