
Chapter 22

[Third Person's PoV]

While Peter was looking at the two robbers he caught, he decided to call Gwen just be sure of what he was looking at.

"Hello?" Gwen said in a questioning tone.

"Are you done gathering everyone up?"

"Yeah I'm done over here. Why do you need help?"

"No, I'm done as well, I just want to to check if the guys you captured had tattoos on their necks of a red ogre"

"Hmm? Wait a minute let me check.... They do, the three infront of me have them, why is it something important?"

"We most likely have to deal with a gang, so be prepared. We'll meet up in a few minutes to look into this. Imma finish things over at my side"

"Got it. Same here" finished Gwen

With that they ended the call. The police captain that was previously at the bank made his way towards Peter.

"Spider-Man, although I should be reprimanding you for running off and doing exactly what I told you not to, you still saved the lifes of my men out there. You have my thanks, there would have been many casualties without your help"

"So did you get the guy I stucked to the building" Peter said awkwardly

The officer scoffed "Yeah don't worry we got it covered"

"In a serious matter I want to know, do you know what the red ogre tattoo is on their necks. I called Ghost-spider and she said they had it on their necks as well"

The officer closed his eyes while he sighed out a cursed "Shit, it just had to be them involved in this mess"

"Yup, I totally know who you are talking about and we are on the same page, officer...."

The officer just shook his head at Peter's sarcasm and said "Officer Cooper, you can just call me officer Cooper. As for who I was talking about, they call themselves The Crimson Ogres.

And it's the worst kind of gang, they deal with almost everything in the books, drugs, gun, distributions, or just plain old robberies like the one that just went down.

That's not the worst of it, it's how they keep getting away with it, their leader who goes by the name Henrick Schmidt, he's the worst kind of gangster, the kind that knows what to do and how to get the job done. you know the competent ones

That's all I'm telling you, you can take that piece of information as a thank you gift."

Peter nodded as he did his two fingers salute "Thank you, I'll inform you guys if I find anything useful"

Officer Cooper nodded his head and in a serious tone just said "Be careful and don't underestimate them, they're unpredictably smart" as he already knew that Spider-Man was about to go and investigate it.

Although officer Cooper couldn't see it Peter gave him a confident smirk as he said "You have nothing to worry about"

Peter then jumped and started swinging away while going to meet Gwen.

When Peter left officer Cooper just stayed watching him swing away "Sigh, am I seriously trusting Vigilantes I just met? But their powers, they're real there's no doubt about it. Maybe just maybe they will be the change this city needs."


"So you must be the Ghost-spider, thank you for saving our officers back then but what you are currently doing is illegal. Your actions have serious consequences, you should be arrested for it.

So this is the very last warning you're going to get, afterwards we would have to take you seriously and take you into custody" Said an officer sternly.

Gwen just slightly lifted her hands and very slowly started walking backwards. She started waving her hands in circular motion, motioning towards the scene of the robbers and armored truck.

Gwen wiggled both index fingers between the officer and the robbers on the ground a few times. Which she finished by giving the cop two thumbs up with a smile.

basically saying "you got everything covered over hear, I'll leave the robbers to you, good?"

Gwen just quickly got out of there not wanting to deal with whatever was going on.

Watching Gwen swing away leaving, the cop just clicked his tongue as he mutter "Tsk, Freaks. And it just had to be two of them"

Gwen simply called Peter "Where do you want to meet up"

"Have Arnny give you my current location we'll talk here face to face"

"Okay, I'll see you in a minute" with that Gwen ended the call.

Both Gwen and Peter met on top of a roof top and as Gwen landed Peter asked "Want to take care of a gang?"

"That sounds like fun, who are we up against"

"These guys that call themselves the Crimson Ogres and that a guy by the name of Henrick Schmidt is the ringleader" Peter said as he started to fill Gwen in

"I see... do you think Arnny could run a backround check on him and get more information about him" Gwen asked

Peter nodded as he thought 'One would think being reincarnated into the past would be a hassle due to no internet but luckily Howard and Tony Stark advanced the creation of it. Making things being stored online something that is common this early on.'

"Arnny search for any and all information you can find about Henrick Schmidt in the police database"

"Searching.... Here's what I could find about him at the current moment"


"Henrick Schmidt, 38 years old, date of birth 3/7/1970, gender male..... criminal records, still on going" Peter said reading what was presented to him. After reading a few things he wonders out loud "Since when do gangsters graduate college on top of their classes"

"The disfigured ones apparently, he was probably bullied to the point it drove him to crime" said Gwen while looking at his picture.

"All the robbers were wearing some type of green ogre masks, it wasn't anything to really talk about previously since I just thought that they were only using it as a disguise.

But seeing their tattoos it's probably something all members of the gang wear. Arnny, I need you to hack into the cameras all over Queens and see where you can find the place where these type of mask are most seen and located."

"Right away Father...but it'll probably take a few minutes due to how slow my servers are" Arnny relayed.

Sighing Peter just replied with a "Yeah go right ahead take your time"

'I would build her a quantum computer but then I would have to also build an energy source strong enough to be able to support it. By the way we are going I wouldn't be surprised if the power system that supports Queens is almost drained cause of our use and our experiments.

I could go build and create one on my own, if I wanted too but I'll wait. I'll wait till Tony gets kidnapped, when he does I sneak in scan the blue print of the ark reactor and improve on it making it better and stronger'

While Peter was deep in thought waiting for Arnny to finish, Gwen was doing handstands and cartwheels to take away her boredom.

"Done... there are currently 2 bases which these people with the mask visit frequently. And they are at total opposite sides to each other one is over by down town while the other one is upwards. Both has exactly the same amount people going in and out" Reported Arnny

"One has to be a decoy while the other one is where the main leader is." Gwen said while looking at everything objectively.

"We have to split of once again... which side do you want to take?" Peter said to Gwen

Gwen sighed although she was reluctant to split she knew they had to do it. If they both went together toward one base and it turns out to be the decoy, Henrick may have a chance to escape. So it's better to split off for now, after carefully thinking about it she said "umm, I'll take the one uptown"

Peter nodded at her decision "I guess that leaves me with downtown, call me if you need help"

Gwen nodded "You do the same"

They both fist bumped eachother as they jump towards opposite directions.



The OC Henrick Schmidt was created by @NMR