
Chapter 19

[Third Person's PoV]

With a drop from the sky both Gwen and Peter swung across the busy city of New York, looking for any crime to stop and people to save... but they got nothing.

"Ummm Ghost, I think we might have started too early, I don't think alot of crime happens during the morning"

"Sigh you're right we should be active during the night where the people need us more, we aren't saving anybody by coming out when there's barely any crimes."

"Yeah, but some people would need us during the day as well, we couldn't just go during the night, since when we become more active and known they would start causing trouble during the day in order to avoid us.

How about this, one of us goes and fight during the day, while the other one would fight during the night keeping the peace for both sides" Peter suggested hesitantly

"But then we would barely have time for each other and we are still new with this I don't want us to fight apart for a while. Maybe in the future but not right now" said Gwen

"Yeah, me either I was just throwing idea's in the air"

A.R.A.C.H.N.I.D then spoke to both of them at the same time interrupting their conversation

"There is a current bank robbery in progress, though it's a bit far, you should be able to arrive quickly due to your speed"

"I guess we'll leave this discussion for another time, I guess this is why it's called the city that never sleeps" said Gwen as they both started picking up the pace.

Everywhere they swung by people would take out their phones and try to take a photo but due to their speed they were unable to.

Both of them then landed on a nearby building and started to plan out what to do next.

"The plan is simple honestly we turn invisible sneak in secretly takedown the robbers one by one until they are all taken care off" said Peter before tapping the side of his head.

"Arnny scan how many of them are there and can you single them out from the civilians"

"Scanning... There are a total of 15 robbers currently inside each armed with heavy weaponry. All current hostages are placed in the middle of the first floor"

Both Gwen and Peter turned invisible and made their way towards the bank. While hanging to the side of the building, they started crawling around looking for the perfect place to enter.

Gwen found a window that was isolated from the view of everyone inside. She stucked her hands by the window and using a bit of force, lifted it up opening it.

Using their flexibility they both snuck inside and started crawling on the walls and onto the ceiling of the large bank.

Due to how high they were allowed to whisper to each other without getting discovered

"Due to our camouflage is going to be difficult to time our take down perfectly. We have to start with the outer force patrolling the area and the guys inside the vault taking the money" Peter whispered.

"We'll start with the guys in the vault and we'll slowly work our way inside to where the hostages are and secure their safety"

Once their planning section was other they both got to work. Peter stood up and started walking upside-down opposing the laws of gravity, he quietly made his way inside the vault.

Once inside the vault Peter saw 2 guys inside quickly stuffing money inside the duffel bags they were holding.

Due to the enclosed space of the vault Peter was walking low enough that if he reached out his hands one of the guys would touch him.

Peter waited for a few seconds while watching the guys scurrying putting everything away once they were close to one another, Peter got right in between them, they both then heard the voice of Peter whispering

"You may now kiss the bride"


Which was followed by their heads being pushed against each other and losing consciousness. Before they touched the ground Peter took a hold of them so they didn't make any noise, he then took them together and wrapped them up in the same webs.

When he finished he carefully put them in the corner away from everyone's sight and went towards his next target while still camouflaged.

There were two other guys guarding the entrance with their hands on their guns ready to take action at any minute. Peter just smirk knowing this was going to be easy.

Meanwhile Gwen was carefully maneuvering around the open space of the bank. Instead of using her organic webs, Gwen decided that it was best for her to use her webshooters as they would give her more versatility at the moment.

While camouflage Gwen propelled down while holding the webs while she was upside down. She appeared behind a robber who was the farthest away from everyone else.

Gwen just tapped on the shoulder causing the guy to quickly snap his head and point his gun at whoever that was that touched him.

"That's weird, there's no one there, I'm supposed to be by myself here" he mumbled to himself.

Gwen smirked as she webbed his entire face causing him to instinctively drop his gun and grab whatever has on his face. He tried screaming but whatever was blocking his face was preventing him from opening his mouth, muffling his voice.

Before the gun could touch the floor and make noise Gwen caught it and smacked it across the guys chin causing him to quickly be knocked out.

Gwen threw the gun at the unconscious robber and started to web him up together with it. Once she was done, she moved the webs that were covering his nose to at least the him breathe.

The same web that propelled her down started to retract in on itself, it started pulling Gwen along with the robber back up with her.

When Gwen stucked the webbed up robber to the ceiling she went towards her next target repeating the same process, stealthily taking down all of the guards.

While she was doing that Peter has come out of the vault and started helping Gwen taking care of everything.

They were done with everyone within 3 minutes leaving only 2 other robbers guarding the hostages.

Peter then called Gwen and said "Let's take care of those guys at the same time."

Gwen nodded and both turned invisible and went and stood at opposite sides of each other, they both then started running towards them at the same time.

When they got close, they both dropped their camouflage surprising everyone, they both punched their respective guys in the chins rattling their brains and making them lose consciousness.

Peter and Gwen then high fived each other celebrating their victories. Peter then turned towards the hostages and gave them a cheerful thumbs up

"You guys are now alright"

They then heard the sounds of sirens coming from the police. While they heard the sound of the police, they also heard the sound of a gun cocking back.

They quickly turned towards the sound and found someone from the hostages taking a kid in his arm.

"Shit someone from the robbers were blending in with the hostages" Gwen whispered.

The robber just looked at both of them and with a crazed look said while pressing the gun to the kids head "Let me go, let me escape and the kid doesn't have to get hurt how does that sound"

The hostages then looked nervous while the mother of the kid started crying with worry "No please take me instead, please leave my baby out of this please."

Peter but his hands in a low surrendering position. "Woah man you don't have to do this"

Do to the position of his hand and the height of which they were it gave Peter the perfect opportunity to shoot his webs at the gun. once it connected Peter lifted his hand high in the air taking away the gun away from the robber's hands.

The robber wasn't expecting it which allowed Peter to catch him off guard with it.

Once the robber was disarmed Gwen ran towards him and kicked him in the middle of the face breaking his nose and taking a hold of the kid.

"Are you alright kid?" Gwen asked

The kid slowly nodded with an amazed expression "A superhero" he whispered.

Peter turned towards the now free hostages and started undoing their bindings. While that was happening they heard the cops outside say "COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP WE THE PLACE TOTALLY SURROUNDED"

When Peter finished, all the hostages started thanking them profusely.

Peter and Gwen then started gathering all the robbers and their weaponry and web them up all together.

They then dragged all of them out by the front door of the bank. Once they opened the door all the cops raised their guns at both of them.

Peter and Gwen just both raised their hands up, while Peter was still holding the string that was carrying all the robbers together.

Behind them all the hostages started to walk out, which confused the cops further.

"What is going on" the guy with the speaker asked.

One of the hostages went and explained the situation. The cop that was in charge of the operation then went and thanked them which was followed by him reprimanding them

"Thank you for dealing with them and saving the hostages, but you know that what you just did can be considered a crime. What you two did was pretty reckless, you could have gotten them killed.

But still thank you "Spider-Man" and "Ghost-spider""

"You know of us?" Gwen asked not expecting to be recognized on their second day at this.

The cop just sighed "unfortunately, when two masked freaks start appearing and getting involved in police business they are bound to be mention and told to be on the look out for them.

Since everything is taking care of I'll leave you with just a warning you two, we don't need you to get involved in our business making it more complicated then it already is"

While they were talking, they suddenly heard the sound of tires screeching. When they looked over they saw 4 armor trucks swerving and shooting at the cops while they made their escape.

"Shit" both Peter and Gwen said at the same time

"It looks like there were more then the 15 hiding about waiting, this was probably their escape vehicles" said Peter.

Peter and Gwen just looked at each and nodded and jumped and webbed away towards the trucks while the police captain was shouting at them.


They all then started following orders and started chasing the trucks with the spider people a few feet in front of them...