
Chapter 17


I posted an Auxiliary Chapter check it out 🤪 just slightly changed some of the look and added looks to people who didn't have looks before.

BTW for those complaining that nothing interesting happened there is literally a slice of life tag for a reason




[Peter's pov]

While deep in thought I felt my phone vibrate in my pockets. It was Gwen she just sent a text in all upper case letters saying "WATCH THE NEWS"

'It's probably about our adventure superhero-ing'

I reached for the remote and turned on the TV and switched it to the evening NEWS

MJ who had her head resting on my shoulder looked up at me in confusion. Not having an answer all I could do was awkwardly smile and say

"Uhh I really wanted to watch the news..."

Mj just looked even more confused, she then just shrugged her shoulder and looked towards the TV to watch.

"Good evening everyone my name is Travis Michael your host for today's 8 o'clock News and today we have one special story to report for you all."

A picture of both Gwen and I bringing out people out of the fire dressed in our spider suit appeared on the top right corner of the TV. I got to say I look fantastic. Inverting the colors of the original spiderman suit really was a good idea, good job me.

Although it wasn't for aesthetic reasons that I did it, It actually turned out better than I expected. I wanted to show that I was different, that I'm not just like every single Peter Parker. That I'm me my own person inside, I don't know to who I was showing it to but I wanted to show it... maybe it was to myself so I don't get lost in my identity.

The blonde new reporter then started talking when they enlarged the picture on the screen

"Vigilantes! Not one but two of them have appeared in our city of New York. We don't know what their motives are but they have started helping stop crime all over this city.

The pictures you see infront of you is them helping the firefighters rescue people from a burning building down in Manhattan.

It was thanks to their help that those people are still alive. But that wasn't all they did, apparently there has been multiple reports of their activities all over Manhattan and Queens.

I know what you may be asking yourself. How did they appear between those places so fast and that answer to that question is WEBS!

Multiple sightings have been made of those two swinging all over the city while shooting webs from their wrist and using them to travel. Where do those webs come from no one knows.

Now then we have our lovely reporter Linda Rose at scene, where she talks to the survivors of the burning building sharing their story with the Vigilantes.

Linda" the news guy nodded finishing it off.

My phone buzzed agained and it was another all cap text from Gwen.



Peter: That we are... it's almost surreal

Gwen: I know right! We look so heroic in those pictures, carrying them to safety.

Gwen: What else do you think they'll say

Gwen: Do you think they will talk bad about us.

Gwen: maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Gwen: I just feel so excited to be on the news!!!

Peter: Yeah I can tell, you are being way to excited and anxious about this.

Peter: why don't we just listen to what they have to say first, lol


While I was texting Gwen a woman appeared on the News infront of the burnt people where Gwen and I previously were.

"My name is Linda Rose and today we are here today with survivors of this unfortunate incident. With me here are the parents of young children that had the chance to talk with the Vigilantes.

Ma'am what can you tell us about these Vigilantes that appeared today and your experience with them"

The mother just smiled as she pulled her two kids close. She then spoke into the mic "Yes is thanks to them that I'm able to stand here with my babies, especially with the one named Ghost-spider. She was the one that went and rescued my two children from the second floor.

If it wasn't for her I don't even want to think of what would have happened to these two. If you're watching Ghost-spider, Thank you once again"

When she finished talking Gwen texted me again


Seeing her like this always makes me smile. The news lady then went and talked talk to a couple that were wrapped in a blanket.

She went up to them and asked them "Hello sir and miss can you tell me your experience with the Vigilantes today. Was it a good one? Was it a bad one? Is there anything you can share"

It was the couple that I saved on the first floor and were stuck under the log and rubbles.

Mj sat up from my shoulder and started to pay really close attention to the news, she was watching them with fascination.

Seeing this i raised a brow "You seem really interested in this"

She turned her head and asked excitedly "And your not?, they talking about actual heroes like heroes with powers and secret identity and all that stuff"

"I've known you since we were little, there's no way you have a fascination with heroes and I didn't know about it. Or were you just keeping it a secret that no one was ever supposed to know"

Mj then got embarrassed "It's not the superhero part that got me excited It's the whole powers part, I always wonder how amazing it would be to have powers and fly and things like that"

MJ's face then got redder "I also like listening to their different stories" Mj then took a deep breath as she said "I haven't told anyone this before but... my dream was always to be a journalist or a reporter. I like discovering the truth and listening to the different perspectives people have on things, like their point of view and stuff"

Seeing her like this I can't help but pat her head "Why didn't you say so before Mj I think it's wonderful you have a dream and goal to work towards"

Mj just lowered her head "Cause it's nothing really great compared to what you all are doing. Harry wants to do work as an environmentalists, Gwen wants to work as a biologist, I don't really know what you specifically want to do but I know it's smart.

I felt that you guys would look down on it, or make fun of it, since it isn't as smart or as beneficial to everyone else"

I guess she's feeling a little vulnerable and is getting more comfortable expressing what she thinks with me that's good. But hearing her I just let out a sigh while I brought her closer and leaned my head against hers.

"Mj you have known us for a really long time did you really think we would laugh or make fun of something you love or have a passion for"

Mj just slightly shook her head "I know you guys won't but the fear of the possibility is still there"

"Mj if you truly want to be a journalist/reporter, just know you have my support hundred and ten percent. It's not going to be easy, no job ever is but I know you, if anyone can do it, it's you"

Mj closes her eyes and let's out a sigh of relief "Thank you tiger, it means alot".

Gwen then sent a text.


Gwen: Did you hear what they had to say about us, they were all so nice.

Peter: sorry, I wasn't paying attention to the news

Gwen: What? Then what were you doing!

Peter: I'm currently with MJ, I was just comforting her and discussing something with her.

Gwen: What happened? Is everything okay? Do you need me to come over there and help

Peter: Sighhh, it's a long story, so basically....


After I explained everything, Gwen sent a fury of text messages


Gwen: WHAT!



Gwen: He deserved every one of those punches. Too bad Uncle Ben had to stopped you

Gwen: He had what was coming to him.

Gwen: Is MJ alright?

Peter: Yeah she's fine at the moment.

Gwen: Should I come over?

Peter: Nah it's alright, everything is already taken care of.

Gwen: Are you sure

Peter: Yeah we've been fighting and rescuing people all day you must be tired, I can take care things here.

Gwen: Then what about you, we did the same about of things are you saying your not tired?

Peter: exhausted honestly but literally everything is over

Gwen:...if you say so


When I saw what time it was and how much Gwen and I have been texting, I turned to MJ and said "Be right back"

While I was walking to the basement MJ called out "Where are you going?" She asked curiously

"Grabbing the toolbox" I said while I continue walking.

Mj then started to follow still curious "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to fix the door to your house obviously, if I left it like that and something got stolen I would feel guilty"

Mj then started panicking slightly "Do you think someone already broke in, what if they robbed the place clean... what are we going to do?" Mj asked worrying for no reason

"No one broke in you can relax"

"What how can you be so sure?"

"Because... the couch we were sitting on is next to the window and you live right across the street, so I was watching everything"

"Huh" Mj stopped prancing around in panic when she heard me and froze before pouting "Then say that first why did you have to scare me like that"

I gave her a smirk as I joked "Isn't it obvious, it's funny"

When I got the toolbox I went over to her house while she still followed me around not knowing what to do.

I just sighed at that "Want to help me?"

"Really?" she asked excitedly


I then started putting everything back together to how it was while MJ would pass me the tools I needed




"Here you go"


"Right here"



I wiped my hand when I was done.

"Thank you" said MJ

But I just brushed it off "Don't, I was the one to destroy it in the first place"

"Still I want to thank you for everything"

Once MJ said her thanks she turned around was about to go back inside. Where the hell does she think she's going? There's no way in hell I'm leaving her by herself after what happened today.

"And where do you think you're going?" I ask

MJ just looked at me in confusion and just pointed towards the door while tilting her head slightly "ummm, home?"

I scoff "Yeah, there's no way I'm leaving you in an empty house by yourself. You can stay the night at with me, I'm 100 percent sure Uncle Ben will understand"

MJ then softly smiled before awkwardly asking and pointing towards the door "Soooo can I still shower and change"

"Huh? Isn't that obvious, you're just not staying by yourself, that's all. I'm not stopping you from doing anything else. You better come over, don't make me have to come carry you back with me."

I then checked the time and saw that it was time for Aunt May to get off her shift "When you come, I should be making dinner so be prepared"

MJ nodded feeling embarrassed and shyly went back inside while blushing. Once she disappeared I went back home and called Aunt May and Uncle Ben and explained the situation.

Both of them understood the situation and said they were okay with what Peter said.

Uncle Ben just said we'll talk tomorrow, that it was better to talk this out between us face to face when MJ wasn't around.

Once I was done with the call I started making dinner, when I was almost finished both Aunt May and MJ can through the door together.

MJ waited while Aunt May got to relaxing after a long day at work. After a few minutes when we were setting up the table Uncle Ben came, he didn't say anything all he said was that everything was taken care off.

I tried to ask him what he meant but he wouldn't say which was worrying. We then enjoyed our dinner which was followed by us going to bed.

We didn't have a spare room so MJ and I had to share a bed, which really wasn't anything unusual since we used to do it when we were little, but that stopped since Gwen and I started dating a while ago. Luckily I talked to Gwen about it and she was understanding about it, as she knew I wouldn't cheat on her.

[Third Person's PoV]

Peter laid in bed with his backed turned to MJ to respect her space. When he laid in bed he quickly fell asleep due to being tired about the whole day, even though they had enhanced stamina they still get tired.

While Peter was sleeping MJ was still awake. She just kept looking at his back with quivering lips, she pressed her head against his back softly as to not wake him up.

She just closed her eyes as tears unwillingly fell from her eyes. Her tears slightly washing away the makeup she put on to cover her black eye.

'I love you... I love you but you will never belong to me, your heart belongs to another woman that's not me and it hurts so much'

MJ silently cried herself to sleep...