
Chapter 149

[Third Person's PoV] 

Everyone soon returned above New York City. They were all saying their goodbyes to the new friends they had made along the way.

"I'm going to miss you, pirate spy. Our journey may have been short, but we experienced an adventure that will last a lifetime," Spider-Man said as he hugged Fury and patted him on the back.

"You have one second to get off me," Fury said harshly.

"Hey guys, I'm going to stay for a bit. I want to make sure Anastasia gets adjusted to her accommodations," Scarlet-Spider said to the others.

"Are you sure?" Spider-Kat asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah, go on without me," Scarlet-Spider said confidently.

"Fury~ What did we talk about bugging me?" Spider-Man said, taking out a bug from his side, which caused Fury to shrug, simply not caring.

They said their goodbyes to Clint and Natasha as well. "Be sure to call us if you have any questions or if you're just feeling lonely and need someone to vent to. My line will always be available to a beautiful woman in need of help," Spider-Man said, winking at Natasha.

Natasha chuckled and nodded. "I'll be sure to call you."

As they said their goodbyes, they all jumped out from the giant carrier and used their wingsuits to fly away before turning invisible.

When Fury turned around to walk away, Natasha and Clint also turned as they lost sight of them.

They both froze as they looked at Fury's back. There was a piece of paper taped to his back with a kid's drawing of his face and a speech bubble that said: "Motherfucker, Kick Me!"

Clint and Natasha looked at each other in amusement and began laughing. "They sure know how to leave a lasting impression," Clint said, shaking his head.

Fury turned towards them and looked at them in confusion. Natasha simply chuckled as she walked over and took the paper off him, putting it in his hands.

"That motherfucker," he muttered as he crumpled the paper.


Spider-Man and the others soon arrived back at their lab and changed back into their civilian clothing. Peter was wearing a black tank top with an open grey sweater over it and grey pants.

"Are you going somewhere?" Harry asked Peter, who seemed like he was getting ready to head out.

"Yeah, I'm stopping by the office to take a look at some things. What about you guys?"

"I'm going to be in the workshop trying to see what I can make," Harry said nonchalantly.

"I'm going to remake the DNA Splicer. Aria already scanned it before, so it should be relatively easy," Gwen shrugged.

"And I'm going to sleep," Felicia said, giving everyone the finger gun and heading to her quarters, while Harry went to his workshop.

Peter kissed Gwen goodbye as he made his way to Parker Industries. It was a building 20 stories high. It wasn't Oscorp or Stark Industries, but it would do for the moment as they were just getting started.

When he entered, he found the receptionist, a black woman with curly hair. "Mr. Parker," she greeted.

"Wendy," Peter greeted back. As he arrived at his office, a brown-haired woman with light skin ran out from across the hall.

"Mr. Parker, I was just thinking about how to contact you. I have some things that need your attention. Do you have a moment?"

"Sure, Janice, just meet me in my office," Peter said to his secretary, who he relied on heavily when he wasn't around.

Janice nodded and headed back to her office to gather some documents while Peter went to his desk, opened a drawer, and took out a lollipop.

Janice walked in and said, "A few things first, Mr. Parker. Didn't we agree to come into the office looking more presentable? People already underestimate your capabilities due to your age; they will underestimate you more because of how you're dressed," she sighed, reprimanding him like she was his mother.

Peter only chuckled. "Janice, what do I always say when you tell me this?"

Janice inhaled and exhaled sharply. "What's the point of having so much money –"

"If I can't dress how I want in my office," Peter finished for her, nodding.

Janice shook her head and decided to focus on something else. "Your synthetic building materials are really popular. They are highly praised in the construction industry and communities. Many are switching to our company to receive their resources. Due to this, we are also making some enemies among manufacturers because we're stealing their clients."

Peter scoffed at this. "They're the ones who will be on the losing end by making us their enemies. But keep a lookout; try to see if any of them tries to sabotage our production."

Janice nodded as she noted something on her tablet. She then pulled out some documents and handed them to him.

Peter raised a brow as he quickly read through everything. "A military contract?"

Janice nodded happily. "Yes, sir. They would like 35% of your total production reserved solely for them. The pay would be in accordance with how much we can deliver. Based on what we are able to produce, we estimate we're looking at a $100 million deal or more if I'm being honest."

Peter let out a whistle as he read over everything once more. "It's honestly not a bad deal..." He signed it and handed it back to her.

"There's something else, sir. Many of us were discussing the future of the company. Many believe that with your intelligence and your synthetic metal, we would do really well in the weapon business. Some even believe you can rival Tony Stark. He wasn't even where you are today at your age. There are many calling you the next Stark."

"No," Peter said, his expression growing serious. "Call it my childish naivety or what you will, but I will not be making things that kill people. That is where I draw the line. We already have enough people doing that."

Janice raised a hand to stop Peter, her expression just as serious as his. "Say no more, Mr. Parker. I will shut down this discussion at our next meeting."

Peter was a bit taken aback by her forwardness; he was expecting to have a lengthy discussion while she tried to persuade him.

Seeing his expression, Janice chuckled slightly as she finished typing something on her tablet. "Mr. Parker, Parker Industries is where it is today because of you. You are the brain of the business. If you don't want to do something, then we won't do it. I only made the suggestion, nothing more. And well, so we can discuss the next step for Parker Industries. Many of us know this is only just the beginning."

Peter chuckled and shook his head. "Alright. Luckily for you, I already have something in mind. You can share this with everyone else. We are going into cosmetics," he smiled.

As Janice wrote it down, she froze. "I'm sorry?"

"Cosmetics," Peter repeated.

"May I ask why, sir?"

"There are two reasons. I actually got this idea after seeing my aunt. Women would give an arm and a leg for something to make them look younger. I'm sure Gwen could come up with something really healthy that makes wrinkles lighter or simply almost nonexistent.

One, it's a fast way to make really good money. We would use this money to move in the direction I want to take this business. And two, it will show people and scientists that we know how to deal with chemicals that are good for the body and the like."

"I see," Janice said, immediately understanding. "Although you say we are getting into cosmetics, the real next big step is actually medicine, isn't it?"

Peter nodded in confirmation. "If we go from dealing with construction to then dealing with the medical side of business, no one would really take us seriously. Especially not when it's run by a 15-year-old kid who hasn't even graduated high school. They would question what I even know about medicine, etc."

Janice nodded as she jotted everything down. "Although we will need to go through multiple health inspections and tests to make sure what you create actually works as intended."

"We will start small and make our way up. For example, we'll make something that permanently cures allergies, then move to asthma, then diabetes, and who knows, we might even find the cure for cancer," Peter teased, which earned a chuckle from Janice.

"That would be the dream, sir," Janice said as she finished taking note of everything. "So when can we expect the formulas for the cosmetic aspect?"

"In a few days, a week at most," Peter nodded.

Janice stopped and looked at Peter in surprise. "Are you serious, sir?"

Peter nodded proudly. "What can I say, my Gwendolyn is smart like that."

Janice smiled and shook her head in amusement. She then bowed. "That was all I needed to discuss with you today, sir."

Peter nodded and dismissed her. As she left, Peter spun around in his chair for a bit, thinking about what to do next. 'That's right, the SSS. Gwen and I have to take it. Meeting with Fury made me forget about that…'

'And speaking of Fury, I forgot to check with Aria about Hydra's infiltration. Right now, as she organizes the data, she should also be making the satellite, or at least making a blueprint. I can use that satellite to see if I can find Captain America, not to mention see if the wild lands exist. If they do, that means I should be able to get my hands on some Vibranium. Goodie.' Peter began planning as he spun in his chair.

Just then, his phone began ringing. He checked and saw that it was Harry. "Yurrr."

"Um, Peter, I have a big problem on my hands," Peter heard Harry's anxious voice with the sound of someone screaming in panic.

"What's the matter?"

"I don't know how to explain this… but Lizzy instantly combusted. She's on freaking fire, and I don't know how to fix her. Please help me!"


