
Chapter 148

[Third Person's PoV] 

Ghost-Spider was connecting two wires together with focus. She used her webs to tie everything together. As she closed it back up, the DNA Splicer in her hand activated once more.

Just then, Scarlet and Kat both appeared with Hawkeye and Black Widow following behind them.

"Are you finished?" Kat asked curiously.

Ghost nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm just about done. We can begin fixing everyone. Let's go," she said as she grabbed the DNA Splicer by the two handles.

"Everyone is already safely secured. I don't know how, but the webbing these two released is strong enough to hold back their strength," Hawkeye informed her.

Ghost nodded in understanding as they guided her towards everyone. The first one was the Spinosaurus hybrid. It appeared he was wrapped in a thick cocoon from head to toe with only his eyes and nose visible.

The General was letting out muffled screams and grunts as he tried to break free, glaring hatefully towards everyone in the room.

Ghost-Spider simply aimed the DNA Splicer towards the General. "Hey, it's picture day. Say cheese!"

As she turned it on, a ray of light shot out and hit the General, causing him to start shrinking. The webbing became loose, allowing the General to quickly get out.

"Ты, чертова сука, у меня наконец-то появилась власть, а ты ее отняла, я убью всех вас, ублюдков, вместе со всей твоей чертовой семьей, пошел ты на хуй!" the General angrily shouted.

"Language! My goodness, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Scarlet-Spider said, looking at the General in shock. The others weren't so different.

The General, realizing he was outnumbered, turned around and began running away. They all looked at each other in amusement.

"Leave this one to me," Hawkeye said as he nocked an arrow.

He released it, hitting the General on the butt. The General immediately plopped down towards the ground and began snoring loudly.

"Let's continue," Ghost-Spider said, moving towards the Saber Tooth Tiger hybrid.

Dr. Valkov's eyes snapped open as they made their way towards him. He let out a ferocious roar before cutting the webbing with his sharp long teeth.

He saw Ghost with the DNA Splicer in her hand and jumped straight towards her, ready to bite her down and stop her.

Ghost watched as the Sabertooth approached. Her expression remained neutral as her fist glowed an ice blue color before uppercutting him in the chin.

As she uppercut him, his jaw snapped shut, all of his teeth shattered, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head from the overwhelming pain.

Dr. Valkov rolled and tumbled in the air before landing and skidding along the ground. He came to a halt, sprawled out unconscious with blood flowing from his mouth.

Ghost held the DNA Splicer and said, "Come on, smile for the picture. Show us those pearly whites."

Like it happened with the General, a beam of light shot out and hit Dr. Valkov, causing his figure to shrink and revert back to his human form.

"Now then, who's next?" Ghost smirked.



"We had a feeling you had something to do with them," the middle man said as he motioned towards Spider-Man and Nightwing.

"Literally just met today… I guess I should thank you for giving us the opportunity to meet," Spider-Man said teasingly.

They ignored Spider-Man as they focused solely on Nick. "So what do you want, Fury?" the middle man asked calmly with his hands joined together.

"What I want is simply for you all to disband. You have already caused enough damage by messing with the life of your own soldier, not to mention illegally sneaking some of them."

They smirked as the middle man continued speaking for everyone, "We have no idea what you're talking about. If you had done your research, you would know they are deserters of the army."

"Don't act stupid in front of me now," Fury said as he narrowed his eye. "We all know what truly happened. Those soldiers went in under your orders."

The middle man leaned back in his seat, his hands still joined together as his arms rested on the armrest. "Here's a proposition, Fury—"

"We are not here to make a motherfucking deal. Turn yourself in voluntarily, or there will be consequences. You are to be considered enemies of the state," Fury said slowly as he took out his guns.

They didn't look the least bit worried. "Oh, but I assure you, you will find our proposition to be quite appealing."

They all pulled out keys simultaneously and inserted them into the desk. There was a loud click as something began to rise from the top of the desk. It appeared to be a monitor with a transparent screen, allowing everyone to take a look.

Apart from the monitor, what appeared to be switches and buttons also emerged. They pressed a few buttons, which then showed a live feed of a nuke being prepared.

"Set course to the United States of America," the man in the middle said with a confident smirk. "So here's the deal, Fury: you take your superfreaks and leave us alone. You leave us alone, and I won't start what could potentially be World War III."

Fury's jaw tightened. "Are you crazy!? If you start this war, it isn't only our people that would die, but so would yours!"

"That is just the price I'm willing to pay."

Nightwing's eyes narrowed. "You guys are monsters. You are willing to kill millions just so you can stay in power."

"Hit it!"

Everyone turned towards Spider-Man with their eyes widened.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Nightwing asked worriedly.

"They want to start a war, right? Then let's start this war. Hit the button, it's war time, baby."

"Would you just shut up!" Nick said as he turned towards Spider-Man. He then turned towards Nightwing. "Control your fucking friend."

"And don't hit the button!!" Nick said as he looked towards the leaders. "Do not listen to him. He doesn't represent us."

"No, can't you see how happy they are to start this war? Why are we stopping them? This could be a party! Wooooo! Hit. The. Button! Hit. The. Button! Hit. The. Button! Hit. The. Button!" Spider-Man chanted loudly.

Nightwing dragged Spider-Man back and whispered harshly, "What are you doing?"

Spider-Man smirked as he leaned in and whispered something in his ear.

"Hit. That. Button!" Nightwing joined in the chant with a smirk.

Nick slowly turned and looked at them as if they were crazy. 'What have I done? I brought these two idiots along and doomed us all.'

The leaders' expressions tightened. "You guys seriously want this war?"


"YES!" Both Spider-Man and Nightwing shouted with their arms in the air. 

"Fine," Nick Fury muttered as he raised his guns to shoot them, but both Spider-Man and Nightwing swiftly disarmed him.

"You sons of bitches!" Fury cursed.

Everything went into slow motion for Nick as he saw the leader's hand move down to press the button. 

What followed was an awkward silence. The leader grew confused and pressed it again, and again, but nothing happened. 

Even Nick looked surprised before turning towards Spider-Man and Nightwing, who were smirking as they handed him his gun back. 

"What did you guys do?" the man demanded, repeatedly pressing the button to no avail.

"You see, little Nicky, our Spider Family doesn't only have five members… We have six. Ain't that right, Arachnid?"

The monitor screen glitched, revealing Aria wearing a purple Spider-Man mask, her purple hair flowing from under it. She did a military salute as she appeared. "Reporting for duty, sir."

"You son of a bitch," Nick Fury sighed, holding his chest. "You almost gave me a heart attack. How about you warn me next time and let me in on your little secret?"

All five enemies immediately pulled out their pistols and started firing. 

Nightwing shielded Nick, protecting him with his body. Nick started returning shots while using Nightwing as cover.

Spider-Man dashed through the room, leaving a streak of lightning as he flipped the enemies off their feet and knocked them unconscious.

When it was all over, Fury sighed in relief before aiming his gun at Spider-Man. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't pull this fucking trigger right now, motherfucker."

"Because bullets are useless against me?"

Nick clicked his tongue. "One of these days, you're going to annoy me to the point where I'll get something strong enough to shoot right through your skull."

Spider-Man pretended to blow him a kiss, which caused Fury to shoot at Spider-Man. He casually caught the bullet in his hand. "Cool, a souvenir. Thanks for the gift; I'll treasure it. It'll be a reminder of the start of our great friendship."

"Or the start of the worst decision of my life," Nick mumbled as he put his guns away. He shook his head and tapped the side of his ear. "Barton, report. How is it on your end?"

Fury then nodded as he looked towards Spider-Man and Nightwing. "Looks like your friends have done their part. Let's go and meet them."

A few moments later…

Ghost aimed the DNA Splicer at Rhino and the others.

When she was done, Ursula had reverted back to her normal form, Anastasia Medvedevam. Anastasia looked towards Scarlet-Spider, who seemed eager to share something.

"Alright, so since Fury owed us for our help, I asked him to assist with your case. He will be able to give you and your children citizenship and a nice home away from all of this. With a bit of persistence, I managed to get him to agree to enroll your children in very good schools. What do you say?"

Anastasia was taken by surprise. She gave Scarlet-Spider a giant bear hug. "Thank you," she said, tears in her eyes.

Scarlet-Spider smiled and patted Anastasia's arm. "It's alright, big girl. I'm just doing what I can. We're already on our way to pick up your children. Care to tell me about them?"

Anastasia wiped her tears and nodded with a big grin. "They're little boys, 8 and 5. The 8-year-old is named Nikolai and the 5-year-old is Gustav…"

As Scarlet-Spider and Anastasia got to know each other better, Ghost was done fixing everyone, including Rhino, who was sulking in his cell.

"We're going to need that as it now belongs to SHIELD for safekeeping. Worry not; it's not going to be used for nefarious purposes or fall into the wrong hands," Coulson said, holding out his hand.

"Sure, here you go," Ghost said in a cheery voice as she handed the DNA Splicer to Coulson, already squished like a pancake. "Please make good use of that."

Coulson had an awkward expression as he looked at the metal pancake in his hands. "You know, perhaps it's what's best for everyone…"

"Perhaps so," Ghost nodded, patting Coulson on the shoulder before joining Spider-Man, who was talking with Natasha and Clint.

"So, have you thought about the offer?" Spider-Man asked expectantly.

"What about me? Do I get to join your spider family? We did fight side by side, after all," Clint said jokingly.

Spider-Man put a hand on his chin and nodded. "You do have a point, and we do need more guy members since we're filled to the brim with girls. Not to mention you have an animal-related hero name."

Spider-Man took out his card and handed it to Clint. "Make sure to call us."

"I was only joking," Clint chuckled as he took the card.

"What if I become a member in name only?" Natasha said with a teasing smirk.

"You know what? I'll take what I can get. Welcome aboard," Spider-Man said, extending his hand.

Natasha laughed as she shook his hand. "Glad to be welcomed."

"You're still trying to recruit her?" Ghost asked, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Come on, even you have to agree. She's perfect for our little group…"

"Well, she is very skilled from what I've seen," Ghost-Spider nodded in agreement, then smiled towards Natasha. "Well then, Black Widow, welcome aboard."

