
Chapter 12

[Third Person's PoV] 

Slowly Peter and Gwen started to wake up, while blinking slowly they suddenly had their senses blast them with a warning causing them to instinctively jump and stick to the ceiling. 

"Woah" They said at the same time. They then started to crawl on the ceiling while circling each other. 

They both extended a finger towards each other and as soon as they touched, they lost concentration causing both to start falling. 

While falling they try to instinctively grab onto something, which caused a white string to come out of their wrist and stick itself on the ceiling. 

Once again instinctively they took a hold of it, stopping their momentum and stopping their fall. 'ORGANIC WEBS BABYYYY' Shouted Peter in his head 

They both let go of the web and stood infront of each other. They both just look at the front and backside of their hands in awe. 

Gwen freaking out decided to joke about the situation "heh, well look at that Peter, you love spiders so much we're practically turning into one, hahahahaha" Gwen laughed still freaking out and not knowing what to do. 

"It's probably the spider bite that did this to us" said Peter guiding Gwen's thinking onto a specific path. 

Gwen's eyes then grew wide in shock "of course, the enhanced spider bite back in Oscorp. Do, do you think we're going to transform into actual spiders, you know grow eight legs and eyes and all that stuff? I mean we already have the web down" 

Gwen was flicking her wrist when mentioning the webs causing them to shoot out of her once again and went towards Peter at a fast speed. 

Peter just leaned backwards enough where the web went over his face hitting the wall behind him. Peter went back to how he was and looked at the wall behind him. 

On the wall a simple web design was made using Gwen's silk(?). "Oops" said Gwen as she grabbed onto her wrist to stop it from shooting anymore webs. 

"I wonder what other ability we got because of the bite" Peter wonder out loud. He then turns around towards the couch and tries to pick it up with one hand. When he was successful in that endeavor he just casually said "Super Strength, check" 

"WHAT?! What do you mean check? Why are you so casual about it? Like it's something that's totally normal to do." Asked Gwen. 

Peter just looked at Gwen in confusion "Spiders can lift up to 10 times their own weight, so I thought it was pretty obvious we were going to have super strength. We just have to find out what else we can do" 

Gwen hearing that their might be more things she has gained started to get rather excited instead of scared. Seeing how relaxed Peter was being about it, she unconsciously decided to not worry about it if Peter isn't worrying about it. 

Wanting to see what else she could do she goes and tries and exit the hideout but ends up taking the entire door off it's hinges. 

Gwen just has an awkward look on her face as she has the door lifted off the ground with just one hand "I guess I don't know my own strength sometimes" she jokes. 

Peter just scoffed when it happened, he then went and grabbed a few things and exited the room with Gwen, he took a hold of the door and put it in the position it was before and blast the place where the hinges were with his webs, closing the door. 

He then turned towards Gwen "We'll fix it later when we get control of our strength. In the meantime I know where we can test our strength and see if we have any other abilities" 

Peter guided Gwen to an abandoned warehouse he found a while back, he was waiting to get his spider powers, to officially move into a new base of operation, since he can't always spent it in a abandoned subway. 

While making their way, they would carefully maneuver around people to not accidentally hurt them with their new strength, totally forgetting about taking the car due to their excitement. 

After a few minutes they made it towards an abandoned warehouse away from people. Peter using his new strength forced his way in which was followed by Gwen following close behind him. 

When they made it inside Peter started to set up everything he brought along, from camera to scanners and other tools that could be useful. 

"Do you want to test things first?" Peter asked Gwen 

Gwen nodded clearly excited. Peter went and grabbed a few steel beams that were laying about, and made Gwen hold them with her arms up. 

Peter then went and grabbed a scanner and started to wave it all around Gwen's body. When he was finished he asked "So Arnny what do you think... oh and you can put them down now" 

Gwen nodded and did as she was told awaiting to hear what Arnny had to say 

<After 1 over looking at the way muscle were shaped and compacted together, it's safe to say you did acquired super strength. Based on strain that occurred I can conclude she picked up a total of ton. < p>

Now how much more she can carry, based on just how much more her muscles can strain, it was calculated that she previously strain 1/10 of her total strength. Meaning that at a total she can carry up to 10 tons> 

"WOAH! Holy shit I'm seriously strong now. I have to learn to quickly control it. You're turn now Peter, is yours the same amount or is it different" 

Peter just shrugged his shoulder "Only one way to find out" Peter lifted his arms as Gwen started putting on the steel beams, once she was done she grabbed the scanner and repeated what Peter did to her. 

When she was done Peter but down the beams and asked "So? How much can I lift Arnny" 

<Due 1 15 to the Male body having more muscle mass it's able compact further and be handle alot strain compared female. Thus when lifting beam only 15th of Father's were strained. Once again meaning that in total amount you are carry is approximately tons. < p>

However based on the scans I also notice the structure of the bones and their joints flexibility. Although Father's bone are denser they aren't as flexible and thus due to the density would make him slower. 

Compare to Ms.Stacy she is currently extremely flexible being able to move in positions she couldn't previously, due to how less dense her bones are i can conclude that her base speed is now faster then Fathers. 

That is not to say Father isn't fast, at the moment I can't really calculate your top speed. So forgive me for not being able to produce accurate results at the moment> 

"Don't worry Arnny you did more than enough" Peter said, he then turned towards Gwen and gave her a mocking smug smile. 

"Hear that I'm stronger than you" 

Gwen just teased him back "Yeah but I'm faster, you would have to catch me first in order to actually land a hit, slowpoke" 

With that they went and tried out numerous experiments and exercises....