
Chapter 121

[Third Person's PoV] 

The Next day… 

MJ woke up the next day feeling refreshed. She did a little stretching while yawning before looking around for her phone.

When she saw it on the ground, she went to pick it up, but as she touched it, it crumbled into pieces.

Still a bit disoriented from just waking up, MJ looked at her phone in confusion. As she let go, the broken phone pieces still clung to her hand.

She tried to shake them off, but they stuck to her fingers. "What...?"

She sat up on her bed and continuously tried to get the pieces off. Then she got up and headed toward the bathroom, thinking maybe some water would help.

But as MJ turned the doorknob to exit her room, the entire door came off its hinges. MJ froze in shock, holding the door. She slowly and softly tried to place the door back in place, hoping that by some miracle, everything would fix itself.

"Am I still dreaming?" she thought as she headed towards the bathroom. She stood by the door, staring at it, afraid to touch it and cause any more mess.

She slowly and carefully twisted the doorknob before heading inside and sighing in relief. She looked at herself in the mirror. "Just what is going on? Wait, what's the last thing I remember?"

MJ then started to recount everything she had experienced, and that's when her eyes widened. "The spider..."

MJ then smiled toward the mirror. "Looks like I just hit the jackpot. I'm the same as my little tiger."

As she smirked at herself in the mirror, she mimicked Peter's hand sign. "Whpssssh," she mouthed.

Accidentally, a shot of webbing shot from her wrist, hitting and breaking the mirror. MJ jumped back in shock and covered her mouth with her free hand. "I got too excited... Mom's going to kill me."

She then looked at her broken phone in her hand. "I can't even call Peter and ask for help. I have to see him at school... if I can make it, that is," she muttered.

Midtown High:

Peter and Gwen were seen with their heads down on their desks, each sound asleep. Harry didn't look any better, as he was tired from working with Peter.

Meanwhile, everyone was talking about Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider's amazing feat yesterday, with Flash being the loudest.

"This is why Spidey is the best!" Flash said, replaying the clip for everyone.

Another person came and showed a video of Ghost-Spider. "She isn't bad either. She was amazing, holding two buildings from falling."

The teacher appeared. "Alright, everyone, settle down, take your seats. Class is about to begin!"

The teacher then looked around the room and saw Peter and Gwen asleep.

"Harry, wake those two up," he instructed.

"Sorry, sir, but I think it's better to let them sleep. They're exhausted from... working at their internship," Harry said, coming up with a lie on the spot.

The teacher released a tired sigh. "If they can't handle working and coming to school exhausted, then they shouldn't be working in the first place."

The teacher then looked around. "Where are Felicia and Mary Jane?"

"They're absent, sir," someone responded.

The teacher nodded. "Very well then, let's begin."

A few minutes after class began, the door was opened carefully.

Peter and Gwen abruptly stood up, pushing their chairs back, looking towards the door in shock. It was like the world slowed down for them. They all felt a tingling sensation in the back of their heads as they looked towards Felicia, who was confused by the sudden feeling.

They then heard footsteps of someone running and entering the classroom.

"Sorry I'm late—" MJ said before stopping, bombarded by her Spidey-sense.

Behind Peter was a blue and black coloring, while Gwen had white and cyan. MJ was white and red, and Felicia was silver and black.

Harry looked at them in confusion, unsure of what was going on, while everyone else looked at Peter and Gwen in confusion for their actions.

"Everyone just get to your seats; class is already in session!" the teacher reprimanded.

As Peter and Gwen sat down, they followed MJ and Felicia with furrowed brows. MJ and Felicia looked at each other for a bit before walking towards their seats.

Harry leaned over towards Peter. "What's going on?" he whispered.

"They've been bitten..." Peter whispered in a tone of disbelief.

Harry's eyes widened before he looked towards MJ and Felicia.

Peter and Gwen couldn't fall asleep again as they continuously looked towards MJ and Felicia, unsure of what to make of their situation.

Due to them thinking a million things at once, class ended rather quickly. When class ended, Peter and Gwen grabbed and dragged both Felicia and MJ to a secluded spot while Harry followed close behind.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" Peter asked in surprise.

"When I was changing, I felt something climbing on me. When I looked down, I saw a spider on my chest before it bit me," Felicia explained.

"I was returning home from the Daily Bugle when I felt something sting my neck. After I killed it and went to check, I found a spider on my neck," MJ shivered at the memory.

"How did you two even come in contact with spiders in the first place?" Gwen asked, confused.

"Um... promise not to get mad..." MJ said nervously, while Peter and Gwen just looked at MJ in confusion.

"So, during your fight with the octopus guy, when you were holding Oscorp together, I became super worried that I accidentally said your name... Felicia was next to me when it happened, and she heard me... so when the building collapsed on you, we both rushed to get you out of the rubble. So I'm only guessing here, but maybe during that time, a spider from Oscorp climbed on top of us while we were getting you out. I mean, that's where you two got bit, so maybe it was the same for us," MJ hurriedly explained.

Peter and Gwen facepalmed, while Peter let out a sigh.

"So what, are you guys like all spider people now?" Harry asked a little bitterly.

"It appears to be…" Peter replied, patting his shoulders.

"After school, I'll take you guys over to my lab so we can run some tests," Peter said.

"A lab?" Felicia asked, looking a little confused.

Meanwhile, MJ looked a bit excited. "Am I finally going to…" Her expression turned serious as she deepened her voice, "The Spider Cave~"

Peter rolled his eyes in amusement. "Yeah, I've been meaning to take you for a while, and it looks like we'll be having more guests," he said, looking at Felicia with a weary smile.

The bell suddenly rang, causing them to sigh as they still needed to get on with their day.

Later in the evening…

When school ended, Peter took everyone a few blocks away. They watched as Peter started talking to his watch.

"Aria, bring the car around and do it in stealth mode," Peter said.

Felicia looked at Peter in confusion. "You have a secret butler or something?"

Peter just confidently smiled. "You'll see."

It didn't take long for a car to appear in front of them and undo its cloaking. "Get in," Peter instructed them.

"Wait, this car has such a function!?" Felicia asked in surprise as they all started getting in.

Once inside, Peter started flipping some switches. "Aria, speed us to… The Spider Cave~," he said, replicating what MJ did earlier.

They watched as the car started turning invisible. "On it, Daddy!" Aria's voice said.

"Daddy?" Felicia and MJ asked, looking at Peter weirdly.

"And who was that?" MJ asked.

Harry made air quotes as he answered, "That's his AI 'daughter' that calls him Daddy."

"An AI!?" Both MJ and Felicia asked in amazement.

Peter just smirked. "Hold on tight, everyone."

They were then blasted like a rocket, which caused MJ and Felicia to scream out in surprise.

They moved haphazardly as Peter performed crazy twists and turns, almost hitting a few people and crashing into cars.

After hitting a large bump, they jumped a bit in the air before heading downwards toward some train tracks.

"Peter, we're heading toward a wall!" Felicia shouted with a frightened look.

"PETER, THE WALL!" MJ shouted as they rushed toward the wall. MJ and Felicia both closed their eyes and waited for the painful collision.

They then felt the car slow down. But there was no collision. When they opened their eyes, they found themselves in what appeared to be an abandoned subway station.


"What, where are we?" Felicia asked in confusion.

"In an abandoned subway station. The wall you saw before is just there to stop people from looking or finding out about the place," Harry said before getting a lost and lifeless look in his eyes.

"Peter likes to trick people by making them think they're about to crash into a wall. Unfortunately, you two weren't the only recipients."

As they all got out, the car drove away by itself into the train tracks, disappearing into the darkness.

"That isn't ominous in the slightest," Felicia mumbled before following Peter.

Peter put his hand towards a wall, which began to scan his hand before a retina scan appeared. After Peter completed the scans, a tiny microphone appeared.

"Spider-Man🎶 Spider-Man🎶 does whatever a spider can🎶"

Felicia looked at Peter with a straight face. "Did you really create your own theme song?"

There was steam that came from part of the wall before it split open, revealing a whole new world.

As they walked through, the wall behind them closed before they were blasted by disinfectant gas.

"Harry and I made some renovations so enjoy," Peter said as they walked out from the entrance.

None of Peter's or Gwen's equipment was anywhere in sight; it just appeared to be a resting place. There were a few couches and chairs, making it look like a lounge. Not to mention the glass-encased mannequins, although there were only two.

 One wore Peter's first Spider-Man outfit, while the other wore Gwen's first Ghost-Spider outfit. Apart from that, everything looked like a comfortable lounge, complete with a refrigerator.

"Welcome back, Daddy," they heard the voice of the little girl again.

They turned towards the large monitor at the back, where it showed Aria's figure.

"Aww~" Both MJ and Felicia said once they saw her. "She's adorable."

Aria let out a little giggle as she ran her hand through her purple hair.

MJ grew confused as she felt something calling to her. She walked towards a big tank that looked like it was for some animals.

When she looked closely, she saw a little spider with electric markings on its body. MJ was confused by the feeling and put her hand against the glass, while the little spider did the same.

"MJ?" Peter asked in confusion.

MJ blinked a few times before shaking her head. "Sorry, it was just a weird feeling I was getting."

Peter and Gwen looked towards each other before looking towards MJ. "Well, I've seen you've met Daddy Long Legs."

MJ gave Peter a look that read, 'Really?'

"Yup, it's the spider that bit me…"

"Anyways!" Gwen intervened, "Let's get you all tested, so we can see if you guys are alright or if any of your fluids are radioactive."

"WHAT!?" Felicia and MJ said, looking towards Gwen in shock.

"It's only a possibility, so don't worry. Follow me."

They went away from the large resting area and walked through a few doors before appearing in what appeared to be a typical science/doctor's laboratory.

Gwen grabbed a few syringes and looked at them with a smile. "Who's ready to have their blood extracted?"

"Shouldn't there be a few consent forms we have to sign?" Felicia asked a bit nervously.

Gwen and Peter looked at each other before laughing.

"Oh honey, in this place we don't believe in anything like consent," Gwen said with a creepy smile, flicking the tip of the syringe.