
Spider-Man Mayhem

Reincarnating into Peter Parker and Spider-Man isn't what it's all cracked up to be... Would the Mc have what it takes to wear the symbol and the mask. You would just have to read and find out ... My Mc is a heroic type, killing isn't going to be what goes through his mind when he's Spider-Man, sorry for those that want an edgy and dark Spider-Man but mine doesn't have that boner... This is an Algamation of different Spider-Man stories and making it into one big universe, so some dates won't match with what you know... anyways enjoy

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Komik
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184 Chs

Chapter 10

[Third Person's PoV] 

The next morning... Peter woke up and helped MJ get down the window so she could go back towards her house. 

Peter just watched her get inside with a sigh. Peter then went and did his daily routine, his daily exercise with an increase of numbers, his daily reads and overlooking everything with Arnny. When he was done he went and had breakfast with Uncle Ben and Aunt May 

After they finished having breakfast, Peter went and got on his bike. He went across the street and knocked on MJ's house, it was her mother that answered. 

"Good morning Mrs. Watson" greeted Peter. 

Mrs. Watson just smile and ruffled Peter's messy dark brown hair "And a good morning to you Peter, Just wait a few seconds MJ is almost done" 

Peter just nodded, as Mrs. Watson just turned her head back inside and Yelled out "MJ IT'S PETER AND HE'S HERE TO PICK YOU UP" 

MJ's voice was soon heard as she replied "COMING DOWN IN A SEC" 

Mrs Watson just shook her head and head inside while Peter just waited. After a few minutes MJ came running out after saying her goodbyes and sat behind Peter on his bike. 

Peter then started riding his bike to school with MJ hugging him close behind. 

When they arrived Peter just went and locked up his bike as he went towards his friends. 

And that's how he spent the rest of his middle school years... 

The years came and went and Peter is now 14 years old and it has been a few months since he has started Highschool at Midtown High. 

Peter had a permission slip of a tour of Oscorp in his hand and everytime he would look at it he would go into deep thoughts. 

'It's finally here, the day I become Spider-Man. Shit I'm seriously getting cold feet, this, this is a big responsibility. Being Spider-Man isn't something I can take lightly. 

Can I even live up to what it takes to become him, is my conviction strong enough to see this through. Being Spider-Man isn't a job like most spider people say, it's a way of life. Once I put on the mask the lifes of people are in my hands 

Whether they're safe and well is all up to me. Do I seriously have what it takes to see it through, would I be able to save everyone. No that's a dumb question, I know I won't, It's just an impossible thing to do. The real question is if I have what it takes to face the consequences of being unable to. 

Why do I have to be a hero in the first place... what does it mean to me. Do I even have to be a hero, I could just take the powers and do as I please why would I waste away my life saving people I don't know.' Peter thought while actually taking this seriously for the first time. 

All this time he's been saying he's Peter Parker the future Spider-Man, but now that it's come down to it, he has realized the gravity of the situation. 

While he was deep in thought he didn't notice all of his friends looking at him with worry. 

"Do any of you have any idea what's going on with Peter this is the first time I seen such a look on him it's worrying" Harry asked MJ and Gwen 

They both just shook their head "You're right this is worrying, Peter has always been someone so reliable, so seeing him like this and not being able to help is saddening" said MJ while looking at Peter with concern. 

"You're the one closest to him Gwen do you seriously have no idea what's going on" asked Harry 

"Sigh, I wish I knew, it all started ever since we got the permission slip for Oscorp, apart from that I don't know anything else. This is really frustrating" said Gwen with an annoyed expression. 

Class quickly ended and Peter just started walking towards his bike and while he was deep in thought he didn't even pay attention to Flash Thompson who was throwing insults at him like usual. 

"Hey Penis Parker, catch" Flash threw his football at the back of Peter's head and as it hit him even that didn't wake him up from his thoughts. He just went on his bike and rode away to have a deep talk with the only person that could maybe help. 

The person who is one of the reason why every Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man... Uncle Ben 

When he got home he took a deep breath before entering. "I'm home." He announced. 

He found Uncle Ben sitting by himself reading a news paper "Well You're home early, why is that?" 

Peter just sighed before saying "I have something I really need to ask you and where is Aunt May" 

"May is out grocery shopping and you know you can talk to me about anything" 

Peter just nodded before asking "What would you do if you had the chance to save alot of people but it comes with alot of difficulties and a great amount of danger that could potentially put the one's you love in harms way" 

Uncle Ben just put down what he was reading and looked at Peter with a raised brow, seeing the seriousness in his eyes Uncle Ben thought deeply about his answer. 

"If it were up to me I would take the chance. Peter nothing in life comes without atleast a little bit of difficulties, those difficulties is what helps us grow in life and help us become a better person. 

You only said potentially put them in harms way, not that it would for certain, so if I had the power to save people I would do it since it would be my responsibility. 

Afterall with Great Power comes Great Responsibilities. 

Since I have the chance, I would use that chance to make sure my loved ones are safe and once I'm sure they are, I would save the people that really need it" 

"How can you be so certain that everything would work out" Peter asked with his head down. 

"You don't" 

"What?" Peter asked looking up in surprise. 

"You can never be certain. There are no certainties in life, it's all a leap of faith" 

Peter just chuckled at that "a leap of faith huh?" Peter softly exhaled expelling all of his worries and fear. 

And with a determined look he looked at Uncle Ben in his eyes "I know what I have to do Uncle Ben, thank you" 

Uncle Ben just smiled "Anytime kiddo, anytime" Although Ben was curious what brought this on, he had a feeling it was better not to know and just leave it as it is. 

Peter then took out his permission slip and presented it to Uncle Ben "Can you please sign this" 

Uncle Ben just nodded and signed the slip while signing it he saw that it was for tomorrow. "Why did you wait all this time to have me sign this?" 

Peter just softly smiled at that "I was still deciding on if I wanted to go or not. But then I decided to have a leap of faith" 

Uncle Ben just chuckled when Peter used his own words against him and finished signing it and handed it to Peter. 

Peter just took a hold of the paper and with a deep breath, he became even more determined.