
Spider-Man into the SpiderVerse

What If? Miles Morales dies on the day he was bitten by the radioactive spider and someone else overtook his body. Will Miles Morales be able to change the Canon Events? And manage to beat his destiny or all his actions will just be for naught! - - - - {Give me POWER STONES} {If you like the book, then add it to your LIBRARY!} - - - - DISCLAIMER: I don't own spiderman character, it belongs to Sony.

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17 Chs

Doctor Olivia Octavius

'I have Spiderman ability, it increases my body's strength, that Bio-Electricity just produces electric sparks, it's also useless for now and Martial-arts is important 'cause it gives me hand-to-hand combat arts, I'll just have to see what it'll unlock at [Master] level.'

Miles looked at his Status in deep thought and closed the System panel.

He looked at Peter who was typing anxiously on the computer.

After just 15 seconds, he heard the footsteps coming towards the room, and Miles looked at the shadow on the glassy walls.

'Damn it! Is this plot trying to kill me or what? Why the fuck Doc Ock is coming here, I didn't even made a sound like in the original movie.' Miles looked at the Glass and thought with irritation.

"Hurry up Spidey! she is coming back!" Miles exclaimed as he looked at Peter who was typing anxiously on the computer.

"I'm trying to hack the computer!" Peter retorted immidiately.

"Fuck, it's not hacking, Man, you are just downloading stuff. I can do it, Go and distract her," Miles said before grabbing the download chip away from Peter's hand and immidiately inserting it in the computer.

From a regular person's view, he had disappeared and he was now invisible.

But after his Camouflage had reached MAX level, Miles felt like only certain people with strong senses could notice his presence and even they would not be able to necessarily see him physically.

"She is approaching" Miles said hurriedly.

"Ok, this is what you do..." Peter hurriedly began giving out instructions while preparing for the approaching female scientist.

"While you do that, I will handle this with my charm" Peter said confidently.

"Alright, just be careful, and don't get beaten up." Miles said as he made sure to Warn Peter to keep his guard up against the approaching scientist.

Peter didn't notice the serious look on Miles's face while Miles was saying this.

If he had seen Miles's face, he would have scolded him for not properly giving him a heads up against the lady scientist.

Miles looked at Peter's face and understood that this idiot would not listen and probably get banged around the room by Doc Ock.

'Sigh! Looks like some things can't change,' Miles looked at Peter's back and sighed and then started to work frantically on the computer system.

- - - -

'Hah... It is exhausting to nanny a guy like him' Doc Ock who was returning to her lab room thought with some headache.

Today Kingpin came to the lab and had asked her to repair and recalibrate 'The Collider' that had been destroyed by the fight between Spiderman, Prowler and Green Goblin. She retorted that recklessly activating Collider can create a 'Black Hole' and entire New York city could be destroyed by pulling that shit.

"But that 'Big Guy' won't just listen to me", Olivia sighed as just she opened the door of her lab room. She saw something that baffled her..

"Sss....Spiderman?" The scientist said in shock as she noticed the suited man standing in front of her work desk.

"Oh hi! Didn't see you there" Peter said in style as he were a top model as he sat on the desk.

"Okay... I'm freaking out now. You're supposed to be dead" Olivia said in excitement as she looked at the guy.

"Surprise!! Oh.. wait... wait .. that's a no-no, we don't like that" said Peter as Olivia started to touch him and took off his mask and grabbed his face.

"Oh.. this is fascinating, you are entirely different Peter Parker. And you have a big tummy" Olivia was looking at Peter and making comments like some scientists look at the lab rats.

"Oh.. yea yea, I was way flat before the whole portal thing happened" Peter replied as to save his face in front of the lady.

This was harassment.

Even if I'm your idol, there is no need to act like this.

Peter felt like crying.

Miles watched all of this in his camouflaged state as he typed on the computer, he smiled and proceeded to find the right file on the array of icons across the desktop screen.

'Fuking hell! How am I supposed to find the shit' Miles cursed in his mind then looked at Peter talking with Olivia and got to work again.

On the other side peter was being harassed by Olivia....

"Okaayy! This might sting a bit," said Olivia as she pushed Peter on the chair,Peter sat on the chair and some kind of mechanism was activated and Peter was immidiately bound on the seat.

"I just need to get some samples." Olivia said as she proceeded to take samples.

After some time She looked at the samples under the microscope and was baffled..

"Wow! A complete cell order decay, this is the first time I'm seeing some thing like this. And it's been glitching too," This sight left Olivia speechless.

"Glitichin...ing no, why would you eve..een say that" Peter tried to answer but his body started glitching.

"You stay in this universe too long and your body is going to disintegrate, Do you 'Know' how painful that would be Peter Parker?" Olivia looked at Peter while holding her glasses.

"Ah.. I don't know" replied Peter as he kept a straight face.

"You can't Imagine it, and I for one can't wait to watch it happen" Olivia said with a little smirk on her face as she looked her "Lab Rat".

"What did you say, your name was?"

Peter found it creepy and asked a question that bugged him.

Olivia stood up from her seat, as she took off her glasses she replied---

"Doctor Olivia Octavious".

Then she took off her Lab coat and Miles looked up from the computer at this time, four green tentacles came out of from the suit on Olivia's body.

And Miles was captivated by this sight as he marveled at the unique design of technology equipped by Doc Ock.

'I want it,' in that moment Miles decided what kind of suit he wanted and eventually he even created a super suit, but that story is for another time.

Miles was thinking of various strategies and the topic was "How to get Octopus Suit from Doc Ock?"

Olivia grabbed Peter by his neck and slammed him on the floor while he was bound with chair.

"Can I assume that your friends call you Doc Ock?" Peter asked while being restrained by his neck.

"My friend actually call me Liv, My enemies call me 'DOK OCK', " replied Olivia as she began wearing her gloves.

"Fuck!" at this time Peter understood what Miles was warning him for.

'I should've listened to the boy' thought Peter as Doc Ock began thrashing him left and right by her flexible mechanical tentacles.

Peter felt like crying but had no tears.

Peter used his full strength and finally freed himself from Doc Ock.

This was another dimension, this could very well be the counterpart of Doctor Octopus in this world.

Soon a fight broke out between the two!

As expected, Peter was getting thrashed.

'Man! This video is going to be viral,' thought Miles as he started recording the fight.

After all you don't get to see fights like this in High schools.

Miles smiled awkwardly as he looked at the scene and remembered what Peter had said confidently.

"This guy can't fight for shit" Miles cursed at Peter for being overweight and overconfident and cast his gaze over the computer screen.

The files were taking a little long to download as well.

'Hah... ' Miles sighed mentally as he looked at the fight with great enthusiasm.

- - - -

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