
The Trip

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9 July, 2013. 16:00.

A few hours after the talk.

Peter Parker.

Clinging to the wall and swinging on a thread. On the one hand it's great that there's no longer a need to create an artificial web, but on the other hand, it takes a lot longer for an organic web to dissolve, good thing it's very thin. Still, six hours instead of the usual hour is a lot.

Before getting ready for a new mission, I decided to deal with one thing that needed to be solved a long time ago, and for that I had to look in a flower shop.

And so, with a bouquet of scarlet roses I hurry to visit my old friend and finally establish our relationship.

I get to Dr Crawford's lab in fifteen minutes and knock on the lab glass, lifting the frame.

- Spider-Man? - I'm greeted by the brunette's surprised voice.

- Hi, Doc," I wave cheerfully and in one leap I'm next to the woman, "this is for you," I hand her the bouquet.

- Um, thanks," the woman accepts the flowers, though I can hear the slight consternation in her voice.

It's understandable, I was very abrupt last time.

- Maria, I owe you an apology," I sigh. - I'm sorry, I didn't control myself that time, it was wrong.

- No, no, you were right, about everything," Crawford lowers her head, "I should have called when I discovered your blood sample was missing.

- Let's just accept that there were bad events and try to get over them, learning the right lessons from what happened, agreed?

- Yes," the brown-haired girl answers me with a smile. - I see the serum helped?

- It did," I playfully play with my muscles, "and more. I have to admit," I scratch the back of my head awkwardly, "I didn't come here just to apologise.

- Honestly? I didn't doubt it," the woman smiled brightly, "but thank you for the flowers," Maria inhaled the rich scent of the buds. - I'll put them in a vase and you tell me.

I take my usual place on the wall.

- In general, the story will not be long, although on the basis of the circumstances that happened to me could make a film or even a trilogy. But to describe the final act, I've mutated, Doc, turned into a monster.

- What?! Crawford almost dropped the glass container.

- Yeah, but, hey, remember I mentioned a guardian angel? He didn't let me down.

"Thanks, partner."

"How else could it be, Peter?" - Raj whispered contentedly.

- 'So the cure worked after your mutation? - Maria clarified.

- 'Exactly and, as you may have guessed, it didn't go without consequences.

- Your X-gene?

In response, I just defiantly let out a sting.

- Anything else? - Doc examines me with a truly scientific curiosity.

- That's why I'm here," I take the Spiderbot off my back. - I've been getting better at genetics lately, but I still have a lot to learn, including about myself. And I need help.

- You do? - Maria asks the question with embarrassment. - After everything that's happened?

- Yes," I hand the drone to the woman, "it has research on my body, very...extensive, compare it to my data and the sample I'm leaving behind now.

- Are you really going to trust me? - Maria's eyes sparkle with hope.

- After everything. A clean slate, Dr Crawford, but from now on you share whatever you discover at once and if anything happens, just click here," I point to the centre of the drone's hull, "no secrets.

- None, I swear, Spidey," the woman is dead serious.

I don't even need to ask Raj if she's lying. It's impossible to lie with a face like that.

I sit down at the table and let them take a sample of my blood.

- Great, thanks," I nod. - I have to run.

- Got it, I'll start looking at the data as soon as I can.

- All right, see you later, doc.

- See you, Spidey.

I jump out the lab window and grab onto the nearest lamppost.

I feel good all at once.

Finished with this case, I'm flying home. The vials with Cap's blood I had thoughtfully hidden with Raj's help in my symbiotic pocket.

On the way, I send a text message to Fey's number:

"Hi Kitten, are you back from the doctor yet?"

"Hi love, yes we're home already."

"Great! What's the news!!!?"

"The secret *winking cat smiley face* you'll know when you get back."

"Good thing then, I'm already flying home *slyly looking away smiley face*"

I turn in the direction I want to go and keep heading towards the centre.

I get to the building that has already become home and crawl onto the roof. A familiar mental order and the suit is disguised, and the mask is removed and sent to my pocket already on the stairs leading down.

I find myself at my door and step inside. It's unlocked.

I see Fey in the corridor, at her laptop, and in the kitchen the silhouette of MJ, who is also revealed by her red curls.

- I'm home," I announce my presence.

- Hi there," Felicia waves at me.

Mary comes out of the kitchen and her eyes sparkle

- What's up? - I come over and take the green-eyed beauty's hands in mine.

- I can only say that our night of revelations was not without a trace, Mr Parker, - Redhead smiles radiantly, and in her eyes there are tears, - I'm on the fourth week! - screams the mum-to-be.

I just hug the redhead tightly and then kiss her face, every inch of it.

- You're a miracle, Mary," my eyes are getting moist.

- So I'm ordering cake, pizza and some really good, healthy food from the restaurant for the mummy-to-be," Fey comes over and hugs us. - Now you have to eat for two.

- Oh, please, Kitten, let's not make these jokes, - sighs Carrot sorrowfully.

- Firstly, it's a fact, - Fey raises her finger upwards, - and secondly, - the blonde smiles, - I haven't even started. I have many fun months ahead of me.

I just chuckle and hug my girls.


Sanctum Sanctorum.


Dr Strange.

Stefan meditated and tried to recapture the recent vision.

The High Enchanter turned to Vishanti's book just after the haze appeared in the form of a spider crawling in threads. It was then that Dr Strange learned of the existence of the Web of Life and Destiny, and of its keepers, men with the powers of Spiders.

- Doctor, may I distract you?

The Master of Mystical Sciences turned at the voice and saw his faithful assistant, apprentice and butler at the same time, Wong, standing with a tray in his hands.

- Of course, my friend, what can I do for you?

- You have been comprehending the astral wormholes for the last fifteen hours, you should eat," the acolyte spoke, leaving the tray with dinner and tea.

- Spiritual energy sustains me, Wong, alas, I am too busy right now.

- May I ask what it is?

- I had a vision recently, Spider. I asked a question of the Vishanti book and received an answer," the man spoke, moving his hands and strengthening the weave of the spell. - I learnt of the existence of a powerful mystical channel called the Web of Life and Destiny. It's so unexplored that I'm not even sure if the definition of an energy channel is appropriate. The book only told me that the Web is infinite, it exists as long as the entire multiverse and extends to every world of our borderless existence. It is even possible that the multiverse exists as long as the Web exists, its threads permeating everything.

- That's...astounding, Master," Wong muttered.

- Yes, and equally amazing is the fact that only certain people have access to this energy, people with spider powers, so-called totems. That's why I wasn't aware of it.

- Spiders? Is your vision connected to Spider-Man?

- That was my first thought," Strange clapped his hands together and the weave of the spell created expanded, revealing the famous New York superhero.

- So, you need to find him?

- Finding him wasn't a problem, but the vision didn't hint that I should meet Spider-Man. The spell I activated is a mystical signalling device I just attached to Spidey's energy imprint. If he suddenly needs help, I'll know," Stefan muttered as he landed on the floor.

- Why not go now?

- Questions, Wong," the Master of Mystic Science turned to his student, "questions require answers. I need to find out what the message of the vision was, prepare myself, and only then disturb Spider-Man.


10 July, 2013. 9:00.

Peter Parker's flat.


Sleepily stretching, I put the kettle on to heat and walk over to my chemistry corner. I crouch down in front of the test tubes and run my fingers over the three vials of Steve's blood samples.

"Raj, tell me, can you take apart a DNA sample in a structured way, picking out the right strands from it?"

"I can do molecular analysis, Bearer, but what exactly do you want, integration into your DNA?"

"No, just to make sure it's possible to synthesise serum from Steve's blood and that it's not a dead end. Besides, with all due respect to Cap, the infinity formula is completely useless to me, Spider's powers are superior to it in every way."

Especially after the mutation.

I take one vial and pop the cork. A black flagellum drips from my index finger, climbing into the vial and soaking up the blood like a sponge.

"How long do you need to analyse it?"

"About ten minutes," the Clintarian explains calmly.


As I prepare breakfast, my heightened hearing tells me that one of my girls is awake. From the sound of footsteps, it's Felicia.

And indeed, a moment later, the yawning blonde comes out of the bedroom, in her silver tank top and panties.

- Good morning, Kitten.

- 'Morning, Spidey,' the girl walks over to the fridge and pulls out milk and cereal, sitting down in front of me.

- It's good you're awake, Fey," I fold my hands together, "we need to talk.

- Pete? - Hardy arches an eyebrow.

- Mary's pregnancy, it changes everything.

- I agree," the girl smiled, "but it's a good thing, right?

- Yeah," I sighed, "but with the way we live, it's also dangerous as hell.

- Spider, - Felicia puts her palm on top of mine, - you're worried, it's normal for a future father, there's no need to be paranoid.

- Fey, I'm just saying we should be prepared for any eventuality.

- Okay, I'm listening," the girl rolls her eyes.

- 'Firstly, I want you to be ready to move Mary to your apartment in the centre.

- Why? - Cat looks at me in surprise.

- Just in case it gets dangerous here. I think it might get dangerous here very, very soon.

- Why?

- Because, even before the news about the pregnancy, I got involved in a very dangerous game, involving several serious world-class organisations, which could put at risk not only myself, but also you, - I inform Fey, without actually going into details.

- What were you thinking?! - Fey exclaims.

- Shh," I point to the bedroom door.

- Be thankful that Carrot-top is asleep," the girl hissed at me, her blue eyes glaring at me with obvious displeasure. - I, of course, love risk, but what were you thinking of exposing your civilian identity? What kind of story is this?!

- Remember I told you about Gustav Fierce?

The blonde nodded curtly, folding her arms under her breasts.

- I intend to infiltrate HYDRA," I said, looking confidently into Fey's eyes.

- Infiltrate? INTO HYDRA? - mechanically repeated the blonde, continuing to glare at me.

- Yes.

- Did you plan it before or after you found out that our girl is pregnant? - I held up my hand in the manner of Hardy's scheme.

- Before.

- Oh, that's great. Postpone your plans, at least for the next few months, and if you don't have a better idea," Fey snapped her fingers, "leave Shields.

- Spidey won't be a problem," I snicker unhappily, "you could say I've already sent Spidey away from operations. Peter Parker's a different story. There's no getting rid of that one.

- Are we supposed to go to sleep expecting HYDRA soldiers to burst in at any moment?

- That's why I'm talking to you, Kitten, I want you to know and be prepared," I squeeze my girlfriend's palm.

- You don't want to tell Mary, do you?

- A mother's anxiety is bad for the baby.

- Lying is a very bad choice, Peter.

- For the health of MJ and the baby, I'd lie to God.

- But you're lying to Mary, not him.

- Will you stand by me?

- I'm not the only one who cares about our little girl," the blonde sighs.

- Thank you, Kitty.

- You still owe me a suit," the girl snorts.

I smile and we get down to breakfast.


An hour later.

Under another hard stare, I announce that I have to go on another mission and go outside to wait for Phil, to avoid physical violence being inflicted on me from an angry feral cat.

"Carrier, I've finished the analysis," comes the Clintarian's voice in my head after a while.

"What did you find out?"

"In taking a deep look at Captain Rogers' blood cells, I was able to distinguish certain components, or rather the very bodies that were responsible for the genetic change: increasing strength, endurance, bringing the body to the peak of human capabilities, and so on."

"So there's a chance, then?" I clarified in a focused manner.

"And not a small one," the symbiote confirmed.

"Excellent," I nod happily.

I'll get on it as soon as I get back. Along with the second option.

While I was thinking, I didn't even notice Phil's arrival in his fancy car.

- Hey, handsome, you need a lift? - Colson's snide remarks as he takes off his sunglasses.

- Only if you're not up to anything dirty with me, man," I said, taking the passenger seat.

- I'm getting bored of these shenanigans. We're pulling away from the house. - Where's the suit?

- Disguised.

- Your alien friend?

- Yeah. Fury doesn't keep secrets, does he?

- Not from the closest agents," Phil nods.

- I hope there aren't too many of those," I put my elbow on the door.

- Not too many, don't worry.

- Okay, so what's our mission?

- Didn't Fury tell you?

- If his vague hints are the answer, then I know a lot," I roll my eyes.

- Well, you can be glad I'm not a fan of keeping ignorance," Colson smiled his trademark smile. - We're actually going to Stark for two reasons. One, the funding he has to offer.

- Funding, to the Shield?

- A man with a seven billion dollar fortune can be a very, very good sponsor. And that's just dividends from the company.

- Yeah, numbers.

You keep turning a blind eye to 200 grand in criminal fraud, Parker.

Why am I complaining? I pay more attention to my hero work than I do to making money and getting ahead in science. That's my choice.

- Okay, what's the other one?

- Do you know anything about the Avengers Initiative?

I play dumb and shake my head negatively.

- A long time ago, the idea was conceived to gather Earth's strongest heroes into one squad that would be summoned and fight a threat where others were powerless. It should be the strongest, smartest, and most selfless among us-the Avengers," Colson said heartfelt.

I got goosebumps. Honestly.

- What does this have to do with Stark," I snap my fingers, "right, you want Iron Man?

- Right," Phil nods.

- Seriously, you're going to poach an employee from your employer? - I'm teasing.

- Peter, Tony Stark is Iron Man," Colson says calmly.

- Really?

I hope I've managed to play surprised.

- You knew it," Phil says.

No, I didn't.

- It wasn't hard to guess," I chuckle, "I mean, who would believe that a guy designed a high-tech super armour and instead of wearing it himself, gave it to some left-handed bodyguard?

- That makes sense," Phil shares my point of view.

- Sure it does," I turn my back to the window. - So we're going to campaign for Stark to join this unit?

- Several agents are already being considered for the team, plus the Hulk, and, yes, don't be surprised, we've had our eye on Dr Banner for a long time. Stark himself and of course Captain America as the leader.

On the word about Steve, I could directly feel that fan adoration.

- Speaking of our Freedom Guard, I know there weren't many agents in contact with Cap, but Phil, why didn't you volunteer to take over for Natasha or me?

- Honestly, I'm a little scared, I'm afraid I'll act like an idiot, Cap's a Living Legend, not just a guy off the street, I'm afraid I might seem like an unprofessional cretin to him," Colson said nervously.

- Come on, Phil, I've talked to Steve a lot, and believe me, he's a good, kind guy, and he doesn't think badly of people, even if they're too awkward, - I try to cheer up the agent.

- Really? Then do you think it wouldn't be weird if I asked him to sign my collector cards?

- Um...you know, save that for the second meeting. After we meet.

- Got it.


Our onward journey to Malibu was a standard road trip, it's starting to become a nice tradition.

And here's Lola pulling up in front of the gate to the beach house of the billionaire playboy and philanthropist genius.

- Hello, what is the purpose of your visit to the Stark residence? - Tony's computer assistant asks a question.

- We're with Shield, Agent Colson.

- I apologise, but the host is busy at the moment," Jarvis mumbles.

- Tell me there's more Spider-Man here," I wave at the camera, having had time to remove my symbiotic disguise, "I remember Mr Stark was gathering information on me.

- Okay, I'll pass it on.

A couple of minutes later, the gates open and we drive inside.

- Who knew Stark was a fan? - Phil chuckles.

- I guess I'm more of an unknown variable for Mr Inventor," I reply, getting out of the car.

We enter a rather cool house, both from the design point of view and in terms of furnishings.

We find ourselves in a spacious hallway when one of the most famous guys in this universe comes out to greet us. No thanks to KVM.

- Gentlemen, I salute you," the man with the funny moustache looked like a real billionaire, wearing a dressing gown over his naked body, but at least he had his underwear on, and a glass of whiskey in his hands.

- Mr Stark," Phil nods.

- Yo," I salute Iron Man.

- Spider-Man, nice to meet you," the billionaire extends his hand to me, which I shake. - You very professionally neutralised a criminal at Lydia Hardy's party," the futurist adds respectfully.

- Do you know about it?

- I was there," the brunette said with a white-toothed smile. - Give my thanks to the director, Colson. I didn't think you'd bring me Spider-Man to thank him personally.

I don't get it.

I'm looking at Phil.

- It's no big deal, Mr Stark, Spidey agreed to attend, right, Spidey? - Phil gave me a heartfelt look.

- Yes, of course he did.

I'm gonna get you, Fury! What am I, a call girl? Like I don't have my own things to do?

- Great, Tony turns round, follow me.

I follow the billionaire, and Phil follows quietly behind us.

We go downstairs and the lights come on and reveal a high-tech lab.

If I didn't sit in the Baxter Building so often, I'd call it the most advanced place I've ever seen.

- Impressive, but Phil was impressed.

- Thank you, I've been improving my retreat for a long time," Tony says with the same confident smile, taking a sip of his alcohol.

I turn my attention to the row of armour on the far wall of the lab/workshop.

Five already. Stark doesn't waste any time.

- So how did you get mixed up with the Shield, Spider-Man," he says.

- It's Spidey without the pooping, Mr Stark.

- Then you can just be Tony, Spidey," the futurist nods.

- Good. And getting back to the question, I think, like you Tony, when the director of a world spy organisation shows up in your room, all you can do is listen, right?

- Maybe, and then send him on his way.

If I had all your resources behind me, mate, I wouldn't worry either.

- So what's your problem with the shield, Stark?

- I don't like obeying big guys with badges," Tony salutes me with a glass.


- Yeah, I know, but sometimes working for a structure like that can do you a lot of good," I run my palm across the table.

- I prefer to do it independent of anyone else.

"Arrogant turkey," Raj remarks sharply.

I wonder what he's on about.

- Not the worst approach, I admit," I return to my conversation with GMPF*, "but it's not always the only one or the right one," I turn my head. - Did you know your father was one of the men who founded the Shield?

- What? Tony's choking on his booze.

- I'm actually curious, how did you know that? - Phil asks with narrowed eyes.

I'm just stupidly throwing my arms out to the side.

- Is it true? - Moustache asks the agent.

- Yes, it is," Colson nods.

- Maybe it's a chance to continue his work?

- I don't think I'd like that very much," Tony says, frowning, shaking the whiskey in his glass. - My whole childhood, my dad was cold, never said he loved me or that he even liked me.

Shit, mate.

- Maybe he just didn't know how to express his emotions? Maybe not every parent can do that?

- That's an interesting point of view," the brunette turns to me. - Most people would immediately blame the parents.

- Because most people see the problem from the perspective of children, we all were, but not everyone becomes a parent and learns to see things through their eyes.

The prospect of becoming a father opened up a lot of things for me.

There's silence in the room for a while.

- Would you like a drink, Spidey? - After a certain amount of staring, Stark offers me a drink.