

200 stones bonus chapter.

Advanced Chapters





Finding myself only a few seconds later and breaking the kiss, I throw the girl off me.

- What's wrong? - Cat asks with a frown.

- Everything's fine! Don't get me wrong, you're a great kisser, but it's not for me. I mean, sure, I like girls, but not you. I mean, sure, you're great, you're just fire, very sexy.....

- Spider! - the blonde interrupts my gibberish.

- I have a girlfriend!

An awkward silence ensues.

Felicia opens and closes her mouth.

Suddenly there's the sound of cars colliding.

- Something's happened, I've got to go!

I jump off the roof, praising all the gods.

"Whatever happens, thank you!"


Oscorp Rehabilitation Centre.

One hour ago.

Dr Otto Octavius.

The big guy lunged at me, but as soon as I thought about defending myself, one of the tentacle-manipulators nailed my opponent to the wall, breaking a few ribs at the very least.

Before I could be surprised, the rest of the guards rushed in my direction. The tentacles reflexively began to throw the enemies aside.

Rising to a height of several metres, I use the tentacles to punch my way out, destroying the door. A long white corridor appears in front of me.

"Gotta get out."

The manipulators, as if realising my thought, start punching through the ceiling and dragging me up.

"Amazing, they've never performed operations so smoothly before, often running into long response times....and what if Orm is right, what if the device has merged with my body?"

Meanwhile, tentacles pierced the pavement, bringing Dr Octavius out onto a busy New York City street.

The glare of headlights and bursting car horns demoralised Otto.

- Man, what the fuck?! Get out of the way!

Unconsciously, Octavius' tentacles darted towards the cutthroat's car, but the strings accompanied by a strange sound crashed into the manipulators and changed their course. 




- What a typical New Yorker! You're faced with a strange man with metal tentacles, and you tell him to get out of the way!

- I've been through worse in my homeland! - shouted the man as he ran out of the car.

- I believe it! - I turn my head. - Okay, what are you, a professor sprout?

Although I know exactly who's in front of me.

- The idiots at the hospital called me Octopus...so be it. The die is cast! Call me Dr Octopus! - Octavius declared in a high-pitched voice.

- Cool. What's your real name?

- None of your business, arachnid! Otto's tentacles began to attack me.

- Yes! Finally! At least one person knows the difference! You are officially worthy of your degree! - I comment contentedly, dodging the attacks of the metal limbs.

I'm not laughing inside, though.

This is the first time I've met Otto Octavius. It seems he's only recently become an Ock.

We must deal with him quickly. Before he figures out what's going on.

But what happened next was something I didn't see coming.

While Octavius was attacking and I was dodging, Felicia hit the scientist in the back.

Octavius flew a few metres and hit his face on the pavement. It looked like his nose had suffered irreparable damage.

The blonde landed next to me.

- What are you doing here?! - I asked shocked.

- You ran away so abruptly from an important conversation. Typical man, - snorts, says the girl. - But I guess there were reasons. As soon as we're done with this guy, we'll talk about our situation," Cat says glumly.

- You have no idea how dangerous this guy is," I try to appeal to the girl's voice of reason.

- Don't even try. Maybe you haven't noticed, but my walks aren't always about stealing. If people are in danger, I won't stand by," Fey said firmly.

While we were talking, Otto came to his senses and, with a wild growl, started throwing rubbish bins, ripped out lampposts and other objects at us.

- Then you attack from below and I'll attack from above, let's go, partner! - I grab the wall of the building and fly towards Ock.

I can't convince Hardy, so I'll have to double-check that Otto doesn't hurt her.

Once again, it's all on me.

- Hey, fatty, don't yawn! - I shoot a web at Octavius' tentacle and start wrapping the thread around it, trying to tangle his manipulators.

- You worthless fool! I'm stronger than you think!

Enraged Otto, attacks with his remaining limbs.

To my surprise, Felicia, meeting no resistance, immediately closes in on her opponent and delivers a solid blow to Octavius' stomach.

The manipulators collapse slightly.

So from the physical impact, Otto can't control his extra limbs perfectly.

- Cat, knock him out while I control the tentacles! - I shout, firing threads and binding the remaining manipulators.

Felicia understood and began beating the doc.

His limbs didn't like it at all.

Come on, spider power, help!

It's so hard to hold them back!

Otto blocked the girl's blows as best he could, but a lucky punch to the bridge of his nose should have put an end to it.

But no.

A sharp pulse of pain seemed to open a second wind for the doc.

The tentacles tore my web like candyfloss and began to attack Felicia.

Hardy miraculously dodged the four manipulators.

But she won't last long.

- Octopus, aren't you forgetting someone?!

Jumping up, I slip under Ock's tentacle and hit him with an uppercut to the jaw.

The wobbling manipulators make it clear that Otto has had enough.

A second later, Octavius goes down.

Looks like he's ready.

Approaching my partner.

- You okay?

- Don't worry, spider, cats have nine lives," the blonde smiles, but it's obvious the fight wore her out. She's not used to intense battles. And she doesn't have superpowers.

Seizing the moment, I give the cat a fist.

- Good work.

The girl looks at me in bewilderment.

- Come on, knock it back!

With the same look, Felicia bumps fists with me.

- Nice! - I comment contentedly.

The sound of sirens makes Cat flinch.

- Oops. I think I should go. I'm waiting on that roof, and don't you dare fly away, partner," the girl says menacingly, shooting a hook and climbing onto the nearest roof.

Looks like I'm not going to be able to get out of this conversation.

In the meantime, a flurry of activity has begun. Gawkers were clamouring and snapping pictures of me. Some cheered and asked for selfies, a smaller number grumbled. Must be a Bugle audience.

The police cordoned off the perimeter and patrol officers began interviewing witnesses. Funny thing is, the man I rescued was the loudest in the room.

- I see you're not taking a nap.

The man who approached was Oliver Casey. It's not the first time fate has brought me together with this officer.

- Sergeant," I shake his hand.

- Gee, huh? Guy with mechanical arms, what's next, aliens.

Alas, I know it can be, so only Oliver let out an awkward chuckle.

- Anyway, thanks, Spidey, we appreciate your help.

- Thank you, though I don't think many people agree," I nod slightly at the cops turning away.

- It's not an easy case," Casey confirmed with a sigh. - When Captain Stacy publicly appreciated your help, it stirred up the stagnant swamp of the NYPD. It split everyone into two camps, some agreeing that heroes help, some not. I even had a falling out with my partner. The worst part was when the pressure started coming from the top. The captain got hit first.

- Is George okay? - I asked him worriedly.

I told him, didn't I? Why did you do it?

- Better than it could be," the policeman hastened to reassure the hero. - As it turned out, over the years of service the captain also got some connections. His place in the organs was kept. But, until everything settles down, sent on unpaid leave.


I've got to go and see Stacey.

I turn round to leave, but the sergeant grabs my arm.

The guy seems startled by his own action and pulls his hand away abruptly.

- I wanted to say. Captain Stacy has become my mentor, and has taken some serious risks for you. Just...don't do anything compromising.

What's he talking about? Is that a reference to my connection to the Syndicate? Or something else?

Though how would he know?

- Sergeant, believe me, I want to work alongside decent police officers, not against them.

- Then let's hope you do.

- Have a good night," I salute the cop and cling to the wall of the building.

- You, too, Spidey," Oliver said into the void.

As much as I'd like to fly straight to George's house, I've got some business to take care of.

- Long time," the girl said, leaning against the wall.

- It's better to be friends with the police than not to be friends.

- Very wise," Hardy said grudgingly.

- 'I didn't mean anything ...

- Don't worry, I get it," the blonde said noticeably calmer.

The distant fidgeting sounds didn't disturb the awkward silence that ensued.

- So... so a girl? - Felicia's voice sounded vulnerable?

She's not...

- Cat," I walk over to my partner and put my hand on her shoulder. - You're cool, really, but I'm not going to lie.

Suddenly, the blonde brings our bodies closer together and wraps her arms around my neck.

- Can't you feel how we're drawn to each other?

- I do," I say frankly. - But I love my girlfriend, and I wouldn't cheat on her.

Felicia breaks the distance between us and turns away, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

- Look, we work well as a couple....

Before I can say anything, the girl takes off and runs away.

I just sigh.

"All right, Parker."


I didn't go after Felicia. What's the point? Make the fight worse? Hopefully we could talk when she cooled down.

At the moment, I was flying through the centre, towards West Forest Hills, which is where Stacey's family lived.

Now that one partner's gone bad, I need to deal with the other.

George is a great cop, the best I've met in the last year, so I'd hate to lose a loyal ally. I respect him as a person, too.

It takes me 20 minutes to get to the neighbourhood.

I land on the roof of a two-story building.

I'm checking the perimeter.

Just in case.

While I'm scouting, I notice the lights come on in the backyard and George walks onto the private property.

I carefully slip into the darkness to the backyard and jump into a tree.

- Come out. You make more noise than an elephant in a china shop.

- Am I? - I jump down and find myself in front of the captain.

- I've been in the service, Spider, and the guys there are more discreet," Stacy said with a snicker.

- I believe you," I fold my hands behind my back and start to sway a little.

- You nervous?

- Why, George? You knew how our handshake would turn out, didn't you?

The man sighs.

- Spider, I've been a police officer for many years, I've done a lot, but I've lost no less: a marriage, a chance for a happy family, thank God that I can still establish relations with my daughter, - the man looks at me seriously, - that's why I want it all to be not in vain. I don't mean to be mean to the police, but the situation in New York is tough, and that's why I think the police need the help of people like you. I mean, if another Rhino shows up, do we call the National Guard?

- I.... understand what you're saying. But was it worth risking your position?

- Believe me, these bigwigs bark more than they bite. I've caught so many crooks for a reason. It's all right, I'll get some rest, finish up some old business.

- Thanks, George, you're a great ally, I appreciate what you've done," I give the cop my hand.

- Just keep saving people and consider us even," the captain says, shaking my hand.

- Whatever you say, chief. Permission to go?

- Dismissed, fighter.

I salute the policeman, and, jumping on the roof, I go home.

- Good luck, son.

After finishing his coffee, George goes home and is confronted by his shocked daughter.

- Was that Spider-Man?

All that is heard in response is a heavy sigh.


At least something's resolved. Mr Stacey's a good man and a good cop. Gotta live up to his expectations.

I'm flying through the neighbourhood, heading towards my house.

Which is why we need to keep Spider-Man away from any illegal topics.

I'm four blocks from my house.

The Cat is still an issue to resolve, perhaps. After all, she's a very good thief and hasn't been caught on camera. Reaction to the police is more professional. If we patrol together and help people, my partner will quickly earn a reputation as a heroine.

I land in an alley and change into civilian clothes. It's a good thing I've got at least three safe spots.

Big Boss's job is something to think about. No matter how you slice it, he's useful. Of course, there was a thought of just ditching the devil, but that's not an option. I'd rather let Rukt take care of it. There's a reason I designed the suit for more serious and personal matters.

I have to go to the rendezvous point.

I reach the house and open the door.

It's been a busy night, and I'm hungry. I hope there's something left in the fridge.

I walk into the kitchen and my gut kicks in.

I freeze abruptly and tense every muscle, preparing to attack.

The light comes on.

And he's not exactly the guy I was expecting to see by the fridge.

- Peter Parker, we need to talk," says a man in a black trenchcoat with the patch of a well-known spy organisation, his hands behind his back.


Nick Fury.