
Spider-Man’s Debt: Over powered

I never thought it would actually happen. Me becoming the next Spider-Man. It all happened so quickly. I want my normal life back. Even it means to trust someone who killed Peter Parker and Miles Morales in the past to do so.

JD_Labs · Komik
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13 Chs

Chapter one- days gone

It was like something out of a comic book when I first found out about him. Spider-Man.

I was on the school bus. Laughter, chattering, rain. First day back and I was going into my senior year of high school. Paper was being thrown at me.

Ahh, these fucking kids. I've been tortured by these bad people of New York for the longest time.

Mainly one person. His name was Jake. A suck up.

He's bullied me since we were in middle school. hasn't stopped since. Making fun of my teeth. I barely had any. My condition was bad within my mouth. Made a plan to get them fixed in a year or so.

"Kaden! Smile for us!" Jake screams. The bus got quiet. All eyes turned to me. I roll my eyes and look out to the grey sky.

My grey hoodie matched my mood. My sweatpants hung over the seat like a towel on a wrack. Time flies by of this every day torture. Being called a foreigner because I was Mexican. I hated it.

The bus stopped as fast as a blinked.

Everyone looks up. My eyes turn and just as they do, my heart drops. Cars honking behind us. In front of me was my crush, Ellen. She cried. Not too far away from her was Eden. In his hand was a 45 caliber.

All the students duck in fear but someone how I was frozen.

"I'm tired of this shit! I said leave me the hell alone!" Eden yells. I could hear people screaming to call cops.

The cars wouldn't stop honking. "Where's Spider-Man!?" That's the question everyone asked. To be honest, I hated Spider-Man. Swinging in once a day to save and leave. What a pip squeak.

Time didn't even get to change good before gun shots were fired.

Screams all around me filled my ears. Sweat began to drip down my face as I climb into the seat in front of me, covering my crush as she ducks down into the seat.

My heart drops when I see blood running down the isle of the bus. Eden really killed someone. What the hell.

I hear two more shots.

*pop pop*

I feel the sharp pain rushing through my body as more shots were fired. Jake screams to the top of his lungs as police sirens come into my hearings distance.

I just had to hold on a little longer.

My vision goes black. I could feel my heart pumping faster than me running a mile.