
Spending money to become god ,system online

What if suddenly you become the worlds richest and powerful man in the univers by spending money.... this story is about that lucky gay who got this chance

Tellerbee · Fantasi
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49 Chs

34= Campus belle looking for Sidd

It was as if Sidd did not hear them as he continued to walk to his class.

He had no choice. He could not go and punch them, right? Plus, wasn't he asking for trouble if he went to attack three people alone?

He would hold on for three more days. 'When my limited edition BMW is here, I'll use it to blind all of your disgusting eyes, you little sh*ts.'

He then went to his class.

Over half of the class was already there.

When they saw Sidd walking in, they all lifted their heads to look at Sidd with curious eyes.

Sidd went to his seat just as Patrick and a few people walked over.

All of them stayed together for more than a year when they just started university and called themselves' the Four Musketeers of SRU', so it could be seen that they were pretty close to each other.

"Sidd, are you alright?" Patrick was the first to say something.

"I'm fine. What's going on with you guys? Why do you make it look like I'm trying to seek death?" Sidd answered.

"It's great that you're fine. We were worried that you wouldn't be able to recover after the minor hitch and you'd weaken the reputation of the Four Musketeers." The person speaking right now was Finn Barnum, one of the Four Musketeers.

"It's just a woman! Even though it's not easy to find three-legged toads, it's easy to find two-legged women everywhere," continued another one of the Four Musketeers, William Dawson.

"Alright, don't worry about me. Do I look like someone who's troubled to you?" Sidd asked.

"Alright, it's good that you're fine. We'll host a blind date tomorrow night and I've contacted everyone necessary. I'll tell you the location tomorrow afternoon. It's been a while since we've had a gathering," Patrick said.

"All four of us can just have a gathering. Why a blind date?" Sidd asked.

Patrick got close to Sidd 's ear and whispered, "Don't worry, the ladies from this blind date are not from our campus. They're all from South Coast Multimedia University and the students there are all stunning. They're much better than the girls in our university."

"How did you know the students there?" Sidd asked.

"I just got a new girlfriend and she's from there. What do you think?" Patrick answered proudly.

"Again? You change your girlfriend too quickly! A rich playboy like you is the reason why a useless simp like me has nothing."

"Hey hey hey! Don't compare me with that punk David . We're playing with feelings and he's playing with money. Have you seen anyone who's devastated after I break up with them? We always break up peacefully and I never go after someone who's attached," Patrick retorted.

"Looks the same to me."

Sidd replied. When he saw that Patrick was about to talk back, he added, "Alright, I'm just joking. Tomorrow afternoon, yeah? I'll be there. Thanks, guys.

"That's more like it."

Then, the boys went back to their seats.

The morning class was over in a blink of an eye.

During the lunch break, the class lecturer walked into the class and said, 

After the lecturer left, someone appeared at the door.

"Excuse me, is Sidd here?"

After she said that, everyone in the class looked at the door.

"Damn, isn't that Amelia Hahn, one of the three Goddesses?"

"Who did she say she's looking for again?"

"Sidd ?"

"No way!"

"Amelia, who are you looking for?" One of the students asked.

"I'm looking for Sidd !" Amelia answered.

"Damn, she is looking for him."

Everyone was looking at Sidd with expressions of disbelief.

More than dozens of pairs of eyes were staring at Sidd at the same time.

He had no choice, and he could only get up and go out of the classroom.

When he got to the door, he said to Amelia, "Let's go."

Then, he walked in front of her.