
Labyrinth Of Despair [Pt 1]

[One Week Later]

"Despite saying that we were pressed for time, and that we had to hurry… this much had to be done." I smiled at my comrades.

They were all outfitted in different clothes and Magic Items.

Not only that, but their level of power had drastically risen—thanks to the one-week intensive training we did.

They looked like strangers, compared to their past selves—well, some looked just the same.

In any case, I was proud of how much had been achieved so far.

'While they had been training, I had been compiling all my research, and developing a route. I'm still not done, but it's time we began.'

I had no idea how long the enemy would take in finding out the positions of all the Arcanas, but for it to take me this long when I was simply building upon existing information, they couldn't have been able to get very far.

"We'll be going on our very first mission. Legend has it that the Heroes of the past actually challenged this one and they failed." I said.