

A/N: sorry for the lateness. I'm not feeling very well today x.x


When his bitter laughter faded, a deep silence followed. He had lowered his head and did not lift his face to look at her for a long while. But Evie waited patiently, not taking her gaze off of him. She could only sympathise with him on what he is currently going through, as there was no way there was anyone who could understand his suffering. What intense confusion and upheaval of emotions must it be to suddenly find out there was another deeper truth that was hidden and suddenly unearthed all of a sudden.

It was then that she really wanted to know what he was thinking. She also wished he would lift his head to look at her. She wanted to ask but she was still a little wary because right then, he seemed to be having a hard time accepting everything that she had just told him. And honestly, she would not blame him. Even she found it so unbelievable the first time she had heard it from Claudius.