
spellborn: age of shadows unleashed

This is the world of Valusa, a world with magic. If you are born with magic you are known as a spellborn, if you are born with no magic power or even skill at all you are known as a norborne. A spell plagued is someone cursed by magic. Yes they are born with magic but it acts more as a curse the reason is unknown but its tragic because a spell plagued person has more potential then a spellborn person but their magic is actually killing them as they use it. A warborn is a person born with no magic but that's ok because they have other powers they are unbelievably strong their strength is enhanced by 100 percent and their reflexes as well, most of them are soldiers they are even better with weapon combat. God touched is someone enhanced by a god they are chosen by one of the 14 gods. God born is someone who is half god. Spiritoborn is someone whos magic is passed down from their family. They also have more than one type of magic as well, they are very strong. Now the last info you will need is the 14 gods of this realm they are. Hades the god of the underworld, and the hellflame, he is the first born of Cronos. Cronos the god of time, he is known for being the first god. Rieka, goddess of the wolves, is known as the wolf goddess. And or the wolf Queen. Thor a hammer wielding god, associated with thunder and lighting, he is also the son of Odin and freyja, which makes him even stronger since he's a second generation god Zeus is the sky and thunder god, he is the son of Cronos and the current ruler of Mount Olympus that hails above the sky. Poseidon the god over the sea, storms and earthquakes he is also one of the sons of Cronos. Loki is known as the trickster god, he is also a son of Odin and Freyja, other than that not much is known about him. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, and warfare, she is the shared god of war along with her twin brother Aries. Her father is zeus. Aries is one of the gods of war along with his twin sister Athena, his father is also Zeus, Aries is known to cause war wherever he goes. Aphrodite is the goddess of sex and love and beauty; her father is also zeus. Anubis is the protector of the underworld and the guide of the underworld. Horus is the third and final god of war, he also protects the skies Odin is known as the god of runes and wisdom and also the god of gods. Freyja is known as the god over magic as she is one of the main gods who allowed humans to use magic she is also said to be the most beautiful woman of all.

Dylan_Langford_7958 · Fantasi
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20 Chs

15. Oskan theory

After walking all the way there they had just arrived headed up in about 15 to 20 minutes, but as they did they saw something amazing, Tyson and Jack kept going back and forth again and again shooting off magic bullets as they started using their blade to try to reflect it they were getting closer and closer but not just yet they were no longer dropping their blades but they kept going as the group walked up they had both managed to do it at the same time they shut off magic bullets at the same time and reflected them sending them flying into rocks as they fell down exhausted.

"Ah you two actually managed to do it I'm actually impressed we should probably take a rest even though I need to show you the sword stances and styles but for you to just did was really intense training, I'm proud"

Kenji said as he stood up and noticed Chum, Ryon, and David, Leon then stuck his head out as he was amazed

"That was really cool, I wanna do that" Leon said as David and Ryon was surprised to see him

"What are you doing here Leon"

David asked

"It's okay I allowed him to come with us"

Chum said as David would nod

"I see…."

David said as Ryon steps forward

"That should be enough training for now I really seriously know you there"

Ryon said

"Oh come on this is much more fun Plus there is an illusion of me there and I can see everything with third eye, this is more important, you don't understand, they have more potential than think about having, Ryon they are much stronger than me and you will ever be they need to practice it in though, and get better, I actually think that whole class has potential" Kenji said

"I do agree that from what I've seen that was amazing I'm quite impressed with myself, eh fine as long as you're somewhat paying attention with third eye I will let you continue."

Ryon said as he sighs, just then the figure jumps down from the tree.

The figure would take the shape of a man with cat ears and a crown.

"That was quite impressive," the figure said.

All at once everybody was surprised they raised their hands and blades all at once everybody besides Chum he was calm as could be.

"Who are you?" Kenji and Ryon both said.

"Now now everybody calm down"

Chum said as the figure smiles

"I need you no harm I was just passing by getting some of my relatives and some other nearby nekos, but then I saw her everything I was amazed, sorry that was so unbearable rude of me not to introduce myself, my name is Prince Victor, from Oskan islands, My father and mother are the king and queen respectively of Oskan, they sent me to get some of my cousins and then whoever else I could find we are hosting something special and need all the hands we can get, however I saw a spark of pure talent that I have never seen before, and I'm sorry to speak so boldly, but I truly need you to protect my younger cousins, sorry I don't even know your names but the power through I do have three cousins you two should be enough" the prince said.

Everybody was surprised but Chum he just smiled.

"Now hold on, Yes all the kingdoms are at peace with your kingdom and it is quite far, but I've heard the rumors that you're at war for another nation, is this in relation to that"

Ryon asked

"Not particularly we are just worried" the prince said

"You must not be serious, they are just kids" David said

"Now David showed great potential this aspiration shouldn't be that dangerous if My greatest pupil decides to go which I think he should"

Chum said as Kenji stares at him blankly

"You're going to send Edward!!!!"

Kenji yelled

"No Kenji I was talking about you"

Chum said as he smiles

"Ah… what you mean I get a serious mission to do"

Kenji said he was excited since he's basically been doing nothing but paperwork and assigning missions.

"Now hold on there Chum, you can't make that decision about my permission however Oskan, has helped us out many times in the past, I am willing to give a few mages, but are you sure about these kids"

Ryon said.

"Wait, allow me to go too. You said there were three I can prove myself to!"

Leon said.

"Well I've already seen what they could do plus it will be simple, I just need them to watch my cousins, however we could use all the mages you got to spare, we don't want anything to go a wrong, My brother is becoming king, there is so much going on, and for you little one, I think I heard them say your name was Leon I scanned you and you have protection magic Even through I have not seen your potential I do think you going would be good as well" the prince said as Leon's eyes would turn bright with excitement.

"Okay so it's me and these three I can do that" Kenji said.

"Oh no I'm going to, I need to watch over them"

David said

"David I'm surprised you offering yourself as a very rare thing to happen" Chum said

"Oh wow it's a great and legendary David is honoring us, how fantastic," Kenji said sarcastically.

"Shut it, My job is to protect these kids. I'll come along to watch them, Plus they'll be taking off from school so it's easier for me to get permission from Master Edwin if I say I'm going" David said.

"I see these three kids and David. That sounds like a whole party" Kenji said.

"As much as I do not want these kids to go I think it will help them grow I just hope nothing bad happens"

Ryon said.

"Calm down we we'll have everything under control thank you for understanding and allowance of course we have to go under contract negotiations which I can handle the trip will be in two weeks to Oskan islands I will come back on my boat and collect whoever is coming"

The prince said.

"I see of course I'm going to send Bryn I think she needs to go on this mission, and then five mages who are probably newer so they can get some experience and then the great squad leader Hana Kiro "

Ryon said as Kenji sighs heavily after hearing that name.

"Noooo way not to miss stick in the mud please!!!!!" Kenji said as he complained more and more.

Around this time Tyson and Jack would stand up as they heard everything they just could not stand up previously because they were so exhausted.

"You better believe it we are both in the sounds exciting" Jack and Tyson both said as Leon helped stand them up

"Calm down calm down, for doing this to the next two weeks I'll be training you three, for now training is done you push your body's to far I will help catch up Leon to what you've learned so far, now enjoy these delicious fruits Chum got for us, they are mana restoring fruits"

Kenji said as he snagged the basket away and tossed Jack and Tyson both one fruit, The fruit in question was glowing shiny and bright looked like some kind of apple pineapple banana combination as they bit into it they immediately felt re-energized immediately but they also felt sleepy.

"David you take these three back they need to rest" Chum said

David would nod as he grabs the Three kids and takes them back

"Wait, I need to do my training!"

Leon said.

"I'll grab you later I think Chum is serious right now"

Kenji said as David vanished in the distance.

Everything went quiet for a minute it stood silent as Chum sighs

"Now how dangerous do you truly think this is going to be I'm not going to put them in danger if the possibility being 100% chance of them getting killed" Chum said

"Fine I'll be real with you there's 100% chance of an assassination happening, it's much more going down than what you think than what I think truly you don't understand, we are near a civil war people don't want my brother to lead, but not just that there's another nation showing up have you ever heard of the Shaln nation they were very powerful once and took on many destroyed so many that they hit away for years because of what happened years ago but they are back they have been attacking us strike us down they're doing a takeover, and if we don't put an end to this now, then everything as we know it will fall apart, I'm sorry I spoke lightly and could not say much earlier I did not want to say around them around the kids, there may be a high chance they are put in danger however I've seen their potential and I know y'all cannot spare a lot of mages right now, there's not that many sorcerers from that nation left maybe a few foot soldiers, but My family will be put in direct danger, because all my family must come it is a law of our nation and it's the only chance to take us all out right then and there" the prince said honestly as he was breathing heavy like the air itself was choking him because the words were hard to get out he couldn't believe what he was saying he was scared for his life.

Everybody remained silent

"I just don't know I want them to go, I truly do I hate telling them no but I must know the truth I'm glad that I do but I just don't think we can do it" Chum said as Ryon looks on

"Now hold on it's safe really tough time a lot of our mages are injured from the last incident, everybody's tired they're pushing themselves too far, and I can't just send all the squad leaders we will be Open for attack, I hate to say it but we may have to rely on these kids and these new mages coming in" Ryon said.

Chum sighs and thinks about everything as Kenji bites down hard on his teeth

"What the hell was that then You're okay with lying to them, everybody is hurt and injured already but the Shaln nation is a massive threat if they take out Oskan who knows what will happen, we cannot play with the people's lives!!!"

Kenji yelled

"I get that! I get that, you don't think I want them to go I truly do, but I'm not losing another grandchild or a son, or any kid again I have lost way too much in my lifetime, I'll be damned before it happens again"

Chum Said as his glare turns dark towards Kenji.

"I get back so you're just going to let a nation fall is that it!" Kenji said

"Kenji calm down, we are playing with these kids lives" Ryon said

"The final answer is no," Chum said as he started to walk away.

"Please, if you do not help, My entire family is done for, my father my mother, My uncle, my aunt Tiga, My little cousins Moxie and Sofus, and my grandfather Keane, so much more how about Arnold, Lucas, Brian, Todd," the prince continued Chum turned back around as he heard Moxie and Sofu's names he sighs as he looked towards the prince Chum then looks away and what's that a deep slow breath.

"Ok, I'll let the kids help"

Chum said as he didn't want to lose any more children and with hearing their names he knew he couldn't just walk away so many would die. He thought about it because he wanted to protect his family but so many families would be killed in this action.

"Ok, we can put a team together around that, I can probably even get Felix, master Edwin, maybe a couple of the other teachers to go as well, and maybe some other students since class will be dismissed for that week they will be in the Oskan islands." Ryon said.

"See what you can do but keep the classes going maybe with one teacher, I want you to leave Gram and Elena out of it, they just aren't ready plus they're powerful yes however I don't want them to get taken because of their unique qualities" Chum said.

"Thank you so much Master Chum" the prince said

Kenji would sigh as he sat down and looked away.

"You were really going to just let that place die weren't you" Kenji said.

"There's a lot more that goes on than that, you know that," Chum said.

"I do but what did those people do to just die?" Kenji said.

"Look, I understand how you feel. Just try to calm down, we're doing it now," Chum said. As Kenji looks away he just sighs and walks off returning to the mage exams.

"Hey that was a hard decision Don't be yourself over on that I know you were once the ruler of this kingdom and you still have power to some degree now I know you can't leave this kingdom but I know you would truly help and I know you're just doing what's best for us, but I'm glad you said yes just let Kenji cool down, He's very emotional and gets attached" Ryon said.

"I want to protect everybody I'm finding it gets harder to do that everyday, can you do me a favor though, I need you to find Edward, I trained him and his brother together they had so much potential but the Dawn wars changed everything, he went into hiding after that I haven't seen him since could you please find him he needs to go on this mission" Chum said as Ryon would nod

"I do my best I know we can't send Thor we need to protect her here I have heard legends of what Edward has done though it's so cool, let us head back you can come too Victor" Ryon said as Chum looked away everything was so intense for a few minutes but it's gone now has everybody headed back and took their seats.

"One more thing we must leave out any of the Kings family Henry should not have his own family go"

Chum said

"Completely understandable," Victor said.