
Spectator's view

After receiving an email about participating in a novel competition I didn't think twice before participating, who knew I would be transported into my own novel without warning now I need to survive and course the event of this world to save it from its eventual doom of this world by guiding the protagonist and his friends from the shadow, pulling the string behind the scene (heavily inspired by novel's extra and author's pov) if you are the artist of this the cover art, you may email me to remove it

ashenlight · Fantasi
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12 Chs


When I read 'Soul Theory' in class, many students chatted, filling the room with noise.

Many may theorize that the soul and mind are linked, but I theorize that souls are an ethereal energy invisible to the human eye. Take the liches, for example; they manipulate dead mana, which is somehow infused with the souls of the dead.

How they control the souls of the dead may have something to do with them being undead, as they replace their sight by using their soul to see instead.

Perhaps it is not the race that affects vision, but vision itself! To see souls is to use the soul as vision.

I quickly wrote this theory down in my book to test it later, although I still don't know how to manipulate my soul.

"So you're the one who bullied Alan." Three teenagers walked to the front of my desk, blocking my view of the podium.

Looking at their faces, I immediately recognized them as members of the Brotherhood of Iron Club. The more prominent member is the one in the middle of the group, named Travis.

"I think you have the wrong guy," I tried to dismiss them.

"Don't play dumb! You're the mage who dragged Alan into the sparring ring and beat him mercilessly." He banged on my desk, drawing everyone's attention.

"Who?" A question mark hovered over my head.

Travis pulled out his phone and showed a picture of the face I had sparred with a few days ago.

"Oh, him."

"Yeah, him!" His face was now red with anger.

"Hey don't cause any trouble in class," Liam's voice cut him off.

"Stay out of our business, you're not part of it!" Travis replied angrily.

"Then I'll make it my business." Liam's face grew serious, ready to fight.

"What's all this fuss about?" A new professor entered our class, and soon the three who had been bothering me scattered back to their seats. The professor did not seem to mind the fight that was about to break out.

"Everyone seems to be awake this morning." He placed his book on the podium and scanned the class.

"Let's do some introductions, shall we? I am your new Professor of Biology. You can call me Professor Thomas." The sudden news of a new professor shocked some.

"Sir, what happened to our previous professor?" One student asked.

"Unfortunately, he died of a heart attack."

"Why is..."

Ignoring all the questions, I carefully remembered Thomas' facial features. This is because he is a demonic human in disguise.

This whole incident was planned; the death of the previous professor was not a heart attack.

Normally, the obelisk would take a few days to check backgrounds before hiring another professor, but Thomas has a recommendation from one of the higher-ups, so he is exempt from the check.

My goodness, how many demons have infiltrated this place already? Earlier, I placed a demonic human in the higher-ups for convenience and let a villain into this place, but my actions have resulted in a loose demonic human being in charge of the obelisk.

Sighing, after acknowledging a bigger problem to be dealt with later, I returned to paying attention.

"Today's lesson will be simulated dungeon training," Thomas announced, and many of the students grew excited.

Arriving in another room, all the students looked around with curiosity. The room was filled with cables attached to a huge machine in the middle, and many VR headsets were arranged neatly on a table, with many seats scattered around the room.

"Each of you will grab a headset and sit wherever you feel comfortable," Thomas said.

After grabbing one, I sat down in the corner and put my headset on.

Connecting... 45%... 66%...

Connection complete!...

[Thank you for purchasing from BraveTech, enjoy your time in FDVR!]

Soon my vision flashed white but returned to normal as my surroundings changed drastically.

I appeared in a meadow, and the sound of the wind almost made me forget this whole.

But my enjoyment of nature was cut short as many students soon appeared.

"Ahem, test test." Thomas' voice came from above as several students looked up.

"Ah, good you can hear me, in a minute I will spawn a dungeon entrance, your goal is to subdue all escaped monsters and explore the dungeon, you can team up with anyone to increase your chances of survival," Thomas informed us.

"But remember, if you feel you're in a tight spot, retreat is an option. Treat this simulation as if it were life or death." Thomas' voice soon trailed off, leaving us to discuss strategy on our own.

"Hey, do you want to team up?" I felt a touch on my shoulder and turned to see Liam with Ava and Amelia behind him.

Weighing my options, I thought for a moment. If I joined Liam's group, I probably wouldn't have to help them with anything, but most likely Thomas' eyes would be on Liam and if I slipped up, it wouldn't be nice to be recognized as a potential strong student on the must-kill list.

"No, I'd rather go alone, for now, thanks for the offer." I have made my decision.