
Chapter 2 - What is going on!?

Ever since yesterday I've been skimming the so called guidebook that was provided from before, It was split into many categories. and 3 of them caught my attention. One being the section of Stigmata. It goes by many names like Talent, Skills, Ability, Superpower etc. But it is mainly called Stigmata by this group I am currently entangled with.

"Its strange since I don't exactly remember anything but these don't seem normal at all."

I racked my brain as I learned the unfamiliar concepts that flooded my mind as I read the book. From what is written here Stigmata manifests through many ways, with some having it at birth although its Rare.

I flipped through the pages and see an image showing some kind of symbol. It resembled a simplified eye if it was made to look like a tattoo or a logo, as it turns out Stigmata manifests somewhere on the body like a tattoo.

Curious I tried checking every nook and cranny of my body, even removing my pants to see if any kind of tattoo is visible. Why am I even looking its not like I would even have one?

The next section that interested me was the bestiary. I flipped through each page seeing all kinds of different... animals? no it was closer to say these beasts were more fantastical and fictitious. A lion with Fire as its mane. an eagle that can shoot gusts of winds with its wings.

Seems its categorized based on its estimated difficulty level. The next section are equipment types, There were various weapons and gadgets listed here. Consumables like grenades, melee weapons, Firearms, Staves. The one thing that all the equipment here had in common was the fact that each had a Core. Apparently depending on the monster core used the effect provided by the equipment changes.

"It all sounds fictitious but I should keep this in mind."

Suddenly a sudden beeping noise came from outside as I heard rummaging and bumping from out the walls. I went out of my room as I place the guidebook on the table to investigate. outside was what seems to be a Livingroom, and just connecting to it a kitchen. there were 2 other rooms beside mine which I assume belonged to the other's.

"They left the doors are open." I closed each door making sure not to peek inside before following the noise of heavy steps. It was pretty straightforward as the building itself wasn't complicated and the noise seems to come from downstairs.

I reached the first level and see each of them standing side by side facing the man from last time. The girl with pink hair tied in twin tails, and the intimidating old man seemed focused unlike the man with long black hair.

"Oh! you're finally here whatever your name is, uhh Lucas?" I got in line as I inspected my surroundings. We were pretty much on a small mountain top. You could see a small town just below and various trees and plants carpeted the area. in the distance you could see a large thick tree as tall as a skyscraper a towering wall surrounding us like a border.

"Right I forgot to introduce myself. Call me Down."

Is that his actual name?

"Well Countdown, is an Alias but you all already know that."

"So! Lets start shall we?" 

Wait start what exactly?

"All four of you will race down this mountain and whoever is last gets no dinner tonight. You can use anything at your disposal so long as its doesn't directly harm your target" I look ahead of me and see a windy path that curves around the mountain.

"Lets see here... lets start in around... now!" He clicks his pocket watch closed as if serving as a replacement for a starting gun as each person leaves their current position.

"See ya losers!" William, kicked off from the ground running.

"Out of the way." The girl named Alice overtook William as she flew with the wind on something that resembled clear glass carrying her like a magic carpet.

I ran after them both, luckily my body was still rather athletic and I could tail William. I look back at the old man who was only crouching down before a pillar of earth appeared beneath him launching him above us. We all looked up at him as he overtook as all in distance.

"T-These people are crazy!" I exclaimed as I went downhill. While earlier I could follow William just slightly it seems he's picking up more speed than I thought. Actually he's slowly getting farther away from me. After a while I cant even see them anymore they totally left me in the dust.

My legs were already giving out halfway through so I sat down for a moment leaning my back to a tree to catch my breath. Heat was going spreading to my cheeks and concentrating on my head as I felt fatigue waving across my body.

"Hah! I'm beat. I don't understand anything and I'm all sticky from sweat."

I think back at what happened from earlier, organizing my thoughts. My focus increased as I recall the first few moments of the race. First of was Alice, She could create what seemed to be glass and make it fly around, Controlling each piece individually must have taken a great amount of concentration.

Rein the old man, had an ability similar to some kind of earth manipulation? No it may be something else entirely but its safe to assume its limited to earth for now.

William... He has incredible stamina? his athletic abilities were definitely above average.

"I should keep going." I stood up from the place I was sitting at and continued the course.

As I reached the end goal, the scenery slowly got more chaotic as I notice shards of glass impaled on trees, and mounds of dirt and and rocks were scattered unnaturally along the road. What happened to not doing direct attacks?

Well luckily I wasn't anywhere close to this battlefield. I could see all of them waiting for me at a distance, William in particular was lying on the ground with his clothes shredded in certain spots.

"Finally you're here, took you long enough. Seriously its about to get dark and we cant leave because of you." Alice said with an annoyed tone.

"Now now, I will now appoint roles. You the blonde kid, you will act as the leader."

"wait-" He interrupted me before I could interject.

"Twin tails over here will be on a support role, and the rest... well its up to you."

After suddenly disappearing from our sights the other 3 looked at me with eyebrows raised. Clearly not being satisfied with the result of this race.

"Uhm... haha, Anyone else want my role?" I said in a nervous chuckle.

I think I need a talk with that Tophat psycho-