
Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI) DXD Multicross Story

The Spear of Longinus most would say it’s the most powerful sacred gear in this universe . It holds the dying will of the Biblical God yet why am the guy stuck with it! And why am I in the land of oppai and OP Gods! *Sigh* Well then let’s see how this goes… (Any and all recognizable characters and settings belong to their original authors, and I am in no way, claiming them as my own.)

EzioAuditore_1 · Komik
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68 Chs

Spear Boy Reveals A Truth

(Azazel POV)

"So goodbye, Satanael, no one will miss you." The God Slayer used one hand and ripped his head off as if he were pulling a cap off a beer. As the blood sprayed, the other Fallen with me looked on in shock as a cadre class fallen angel had been humiliated by a human that, according to reports did not even know of the supernatural a couple of months ago.

And he sent this across the world to nearly every single Fallen Angel encampment. The fact that he even knows about all of our bases is a problem, but on the other hand, I can't really fault the kid, as he was simply doing what he thought would get my attention.

The recording only began after he had killed the fire giant made using Incinerate Anthem, but we couldnt see what he did to it. Then came the destruction of what was once a proud fallen angel, and his head was now lying on the meeting table.

While I did not care for Satanael, the fact that there was no respect and no decorum was what bothered me. Another thing that bothered me was how the kid carried himself, as it seemed to be a combination of not taking too much seriously and taking too much seriously. There was no pizzaz in this, only necessity.

"Why did you do it, you dumbass?" I uttered to the head as it bled all over the table, and the head obviously said nothing in return. As I looked at all the others, they were mixed, to say the least. Kokabiel looked disinterested in Satnael's fate but was annoyed by how easily the boy dealt with a fallen angel of Satanael's strength.

"Azazel, let me hunt this kid down," Baraqiel asked as lighting arced off his body, to which Penemue scoffed and turned in her seat in boredom.

"What are you going to do, Baraqiel? Power his lightbulb. The kid took on the flames of Incinerate Anthem, and while your lighting is strong, it does not hold a candle to those flames, and the kid simply walked on them. We need a plan." I agree, but how to go about that is the problem.

I then opened a communication circle, and Lavinia answered " Reni, were you able to establish a dialogue with the God Slayer?"

"I was Lord Azazel, but he was very intense, to say the least. I felt like I was being threatened by just being near him. It's like he's more than just a normal man. But his magic is something I have never seen before." Ah, there is the magician in her, but I need to refocus her.

"Reni, I know it's exciting, but were you able to say anything?" I then heard her stop rambling as she coughed in embarrassment.

"Yes, he said that if I was fast enough, I could meet him at a forward base of the Utsusemi Agency. I am nearly there as the building has wards all over it, and… it's empty. No one is here. I must have just missed him. Wait, there he is with Augusta!" The line then goes silent as a new voice comes over the circle.

"Hello, Fallen Angels." The tension in the room grows as the voice of the God Slayer comes over the comms.

"I have taken this opportunity to speak to every one of you, but don't worry, Lady Lavinia is alright. She is just meeting with an old acquaintance right now. But enough of the posturing. I want to know if anyone else was involved with the Agency." This was a loaded question, to say the least.

"No one else in my faction was involved other than the rogues you killed, I assumed." I heard him laugh slightly as if hearing an answer he expected.

"Yes, I know, but I wanted to hear an excuse at least, but I really can't expect much from the dropouts of Heaven, can I? Regardless, I just wanted to check something with you all, and I can definitely say how relieved I am to see my expectations line up." That is something I did not expect. It's as if he was checking up on a story he had read before.

"Well, kid, if you're not looking to talk, why are you even speaking?" I ask as the line again goes quiet, with the rest of the cadre listening closely in.

"No reason actually other than learning your location, of course, for reasons I am not going to say for now at least. You could. I don't have time to explain what I don't have time to explain." I feel like that is a reference of some kind, but before I can say more, the line goes dead, and the circle breaks.

Breathing heavily, I understood what Lavinia was talking about as even over the communication circle, I could feel his strength, and it was familiar, to say the least. I have never felt so naked in front of someone other than a few others.

I always despised that feeling.

Looking at the others, all of them seem to be feeling the same. Kokabiel was already gone, and the others were simply looking at me and waiting for answers, and I, for the first time, had none.

I need a drink.

(Cao Cao POV)

Sitting outside the facility, I have Augusta and Walburga tied up and their magic sealed. Yes, the looks on their faces when they're precious magic was taken from them was priceless. All their hard work is made useless in a matter of seconds, and as the wards go down, I see Lavinia. After she sees Augusta, I hijack her communication circle as Lavinia walks up to me.

"Where did you find her?" She asks much more seriously than I have heard, and I simply flick her forehead.

She then jumps back and grips her head. " OW! What was that for Spear-Kun?" I admit this is fun.

"I found her making deals with the Utsusemi Agency, and I captured her to grill them for information, but do tell me why you desire a conversation with this old crone?" Augusta glares at me for that, yet I simply stare back at her, and she backs down.

"She..she would know where the person I am actually looking for would be. I ask of you, God Slayer, if I may be allowed to learn this information." I know Who she wants to talk to, that being her old teacher, Glenda, and since I want her to learn the fact that her teacher cared nothing for her, it would be a necessary thing.

The truth is harsh, but it is sometimes needed.

I looked at Augusta and placed a hand on her forehead, and in its place, a small symbol formed on her head. As I looked at Lavninia I said, " Ask your questions. The symbol I placed on her head will make it so that she cannot lie to you nor speak half-truths or incomplete truths."

Lavinia nods her head and asks, " Where is Glenda? I know that she works with you. Have you harmed her in any way?!" The seriousness is a definite turn of tone for her, but I can understand as Glenda was the woman who trained her and found her at a young age, and we are most impressionable when we are children.

I mean, if you think about it, most villain origin stories start out with them being children and being wronged by the world or taken in by someone else. There are very few villains that are truly evil just because they were born that way, but they do exist. Augusta then summoned a communication circle, and I traced the location.

'Augusta? What is it? I am busy right now." I then force Agusta to say what I want her to say.

"Glenda, I have your former Apprentice Slovenia here with me, and she seems to be looking for you. Is there anything you wish to say to her?" The woman on the other side simply sighs in annoyance.

"With your sacred gear, Augusta, you can just be rid of her. I learned what I needed to from her longinus. She is useless to me now, so you can just be rid of her if you so desire." I could feel Augusta seething in rage at me using her voice like this, which was exquisite.

Then I spoke up, "Well then if you don't want to take the time to come here, I'll just have you make the time." I then used the connection between the communication circles to grab her through it, and before she could even react, she was being gripped by the neck and her magic sealed.

"Hello there." My greeting is met with terror as she sees who I am, and I could feel her trying to reach for her magic or any ambient mana, but I was just slapping her attempts away. I then drop her before she falls unconscious, but I have already sealed her magic and chained all three witches up in the fiery chains made by Incinerate Anthem.

Lavinia was in shock as she was barely able to ask, 'Is…is that true? Was I little more than an experiment to you?!" Her rage is so strong that her Longinus appears immediately and begins to freeze the nearby area.

The pure chill in the air nearly freezes the three witches, but Glenda who I knew was going to lie, then said quickly "Of course it was you fool! Did you think that I would take anyone under my wing?! Your gear was my only desire! You were never worthy of it! It should have been mine!"

The storm around us got worse, but I had already used my bounded fields to separate us from the world. The doll had grown in size and power as Lavinia's tears began to fall, and due to the rampaging emotions, I could see the metaphysical chains holding Ymir's breath at bay loosened, and the entire world was covered in white.

A massive primordial snowstorm formed around the five of us, with my flames the only thing keeping the three witches alive. As I stood there and watched as the storm intensified, I simply allowed myself to learn this power. The conceptual ability to freeze the world and make distinctions between friend and foe alike.

The process was short but very nice as I could now understand the concept of ice and cold, which has now been added to my collection. But I knew that this could not continue, and I walked into the endless storm.

To be honest, with my defenses alone, the storm wasn't really doing much, and with the Flames of Incinerate Anthem around me, the snow was simply melting before it even touched me, and the cold winds didn't even affect me. So, as I walked forward, I saw the witch sitting on a throne of ice, crying into her doll as it held her close.

It's kind of like a JoJo stand in a way.

The closer I got, the harsher the storm became, but I simply dispelled any magic around me and sat down next to her. "Are you angry for her betrayal?"

Lavinia said nothing as her sobs did not cease.

"Are you saddened by her betrayal?" Another question asked as she continued to cry, but I could feel her attention on me.

"Is this what you want to be? A frozen doll? And endless winter?" She then looked me in the eyes. I could see the rage and the pain in her soul, and I simply pulled her close into a hug and continued, " Focus, breathe, cry, and let it out."

She then slammed her fists on my back as she simply cried and wept at the loss of the only person she thought cared for her. She hadn't met the others yet, so she did not have another support system to keep her grounded. And I would rather not have a Frozen situation with her deciding to freeze the world.

I then placed a hand on her head as she wept for time lost and love wasted as I told her sweet nothings and then read the minds of the three witches, learning all their achievements and lore but also learning of the Khoas Brigade and their plans or lack thereof.

And I was not subtle with it as all three of them felt me slam into all of their minds, and before they went brain dead, burned in the flames as the chains around them seared into their flesh and went alight.

But I made sure that their souls burn for eternity in a small pocket marble I made as betrayal is something none should experience.

The storm after an hour soon ended, but what was lost would not be healed so quickly; placing a spear into the ground, I made a choice. So I grabbed the witch and took her with me to a nearby hotel and placed her in bed, and as I began to meditate, the spear I left at the forward base then exploded, reducing any evidence to nothingness.