
Speak(I’ve never spoken out loud before)

kojuh_senpai1 · Sci-fi
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1 Chs


Do I even have a name I wonder that a lot because I'm unable to even pronounce my name. I can't speak properly I can only use greetings and saying thank you. everyday I think to myself why me, why couldn't it have been someone else. They say god knows best and that everyone has a special story written in heaven. I wonder if its really true if so I will keep clinging on to hope of me having a story written by angels and published by god himself. So with that said I truly accept the name given to me by my parents as it's priceless because I am the only Nathan williamson that was born in June 18,1998. I have school today and its my first day in college and I will be living on campus starting today after orientation I'm nervous I don't have much friends, it can be said that I'm antisocial but can you blame me how can I communicate with people if I can't talk and the sign language are just signals, I would love to be able to use words and express them like how the are supposed to be used. I envy those that have the ability to speak and express their emotions with the persons they Cherish and appreciate the most words are more than most think its not something to take for granted because not all can use them we aught to give thanks for them. Sighs* I wonder if I'm depressed or am I just that stubborn to accept the way I am, either way I will smile and hold my head up for the rest of my life as I am determined to find a cure just so I can speak with her. Is it possible for one to fall in love with another person that he has never been involved with?. Well regardless of the answer that's what I'm feeling every time I see her. Her name is one a cannot speak it aloud due to me not being to but I wonder how I should pronounce it maybe one if I get to know her I'd even give her a nickname just between me and her, (sighs) I doubt she'd be interested in such childish incentives oh I just want know how it is she does nothing major its trivial at best but its weird that the most trivial scenes I see her in I can't seem to forget them. The way she walks like she's on ice never looking back at who's watching but she knows how stunning she is and its no secret that I'm not the only one who's been lusting all this time, the way she talks is its just as good as listening to your favourite song twice and singing it out with friends but what would I know about that I only listen in jealousy and amazement of how it sounds, the way she smiles (shakes head) I have no idea how she makes look so lost while I'm watching her smile but whenever I'm caught looking I tend walk away without showing a gesture towards her I am scared to know her because I want to speak!!!! Even anger in my head is so light I doubt I've ever been angry I've only been frustrated. Never lose hope never give in to depression becuase that's when I'll truly lose. My condition is so strange i cannot speak words other than thank you and good morning unless it is written down so if I'm reading i can speak fine most persons just think I'm not interested in interacting with them because I've been this way forever. Thick eyebrows and small eyes is never a friendly look no matter how u look at it because the only way I'll look approachable is if i completely change my appearance. Yes!!!!!! thats it, i am going to go for a new look starting tomorrow I'll wear closer jeans, darker colours to compliment my complexion, I'll change my hairstyle for once and I'll take off some of the hair from my eyebrows making thinner and straighter. I am in college after all so getting friends this time around won't hurt.

Narrators pov,

After giving himself a new goal for college nathan finally arrives on campus and he first goes to the hall where over a thousand students are assembling. He had no idea how much this one assembling will affect his college life in a major way.

Nathan's pov

(Listens to the speaker on the podium after arriving in)

Seems like i was late, I'll have to take a seat somewhere before i stand out as the only one late.

Speaker: you there (looks at nathan)

Nathan: .....uh

Speaker: its just orientation and you're already late, guys make sure you dont go around late like him

Nathan: thinks* (this is a pain in the ass i never wanted to stand out now everyone is looking)

Random girls: he looks so dorky, he looks nerdy, where did he buy those jeans (laughs), glasses boy really, creepy

Nathan: thinks* ( well i guess getting a girlfriend is off my list for today) sighs and sits down*

Random guy*: that was quite the intro you got

Nathan: thinks* ( tell me about it )

Random guy: the names abraham

Nathan: (wait what why is he still talking

Abraham: not interested i see, listen I'm not gay

Nathan: (your approach says otherwise)

Abraham: my approach??

Nathan: (yes your appraoch..... wait what the... is he hearing me)

Abraham: yes didn't u notice my mouth isnt moving as well

Nathan: so what the hell is going on

Abraham: to be honest its weird but i noticedi could've heard your taughts from earlier today when i walked pass u

Nathan: hmm so you heard everything

Abraham: most of it i guess and i know of your condition

Nathan: this is crazy if u wouldn't mind leaving me alone this right now is too much.

Abraham: i know it is but you'll accept it soon enough

Nathan: what are u talking about

Abraham: (puts 1 finger over his mouth) shh

Nathan: don't shhhh me I'm asking something

Abraham: you'll get all your answers soon.

Orientation is now over and Nathan immediately walks away in disbelieve that he had just had his first conversation in years.

Nathan's pov

What the hell was that? We just spoke through my mind I think it's telepathy….but how? Does stuff like that really exist in the world. Maybe I'm hallucinating I'll just chill out for a bit.

While on his way to the dorm rooms he noticing a quite familiar person.

Nathan's pov

no way! it's her it's really her! Why is she here? Oh no i…. Haven't even gotten my new look done. I can't let her see me like this again (tries to hide)

Girls pov

Girl 1: (looks to the side and sees Nathan) oh hey look it's that guy that came late and got called out.

Girl 2: (looks) oh yeah. That must have been embarrassing

Girl 3: (looks and smiles a bit) I know him (laughs) he's always been late.

Girl 1: hmmm okay

Girl 3: I'll go say hi real quick (gently runs towards Nathan)

Nathans pov:

Oh no she's coming my way. maybe she won't notice me after all we've never spoken before I mean how could I.

Girl: (walks over to Nathan) hi Nathan (smiles) how's it going.

Nathan: (no freaking way she's knows my name)