
Friends for dinner

After a good long laugh..smiling he looked at me as he spoke, between chokes.

"Haha.. what makes you..

haha.. think I'm an alien or ..

hahaha.. a vampire." Mr Count seems to be amused by the answer.

"Aren't you either of it??

Gasp!! Don't tell me ..

that you are BOTH of it?" I asked carefully, hoping never to agitate this fellow. Who knows I might shorten my luck instead.


HAHA... Another row of burst forth. The whole room is filled with sound of laughter.

"I can't.. I can't it anymore. This is first ever funniest answer I've ever heard. My dear, you totally got them wrong."

" Wrong!?! NO! No way! I'm right and you a wrong!" I stubbornly argues. There is no way I'm gonna admit defeat. Being free from previously dangling wires, I lifted my arms and started to point around.

"Look over there!! (the cockpit with multiple computer screen) This must be your spaceship and you needed that so drive around." Raising a brow, he gave a short brief answer. "That's no spaceship controller, its just my little computer area."

Next, my arms and fingers going to the racks and rows of firearm. And all the armo and bullets scattering everywhere on the floor!" Over there, isn't it your torture room".

"My dear, those my storage area. All the little babies I've created and collected arr put display there as well. The large table ease me to disable and assemble whenever needed to take care and to further upstage them."

"You are lying, if you are no alien then you are a vampire! You're name must is Count Dracula. The area here is so dark without sun able to shine in. Even the coffin box is there in the middle! I rebuffed.


"You and your rich imagination. It's true my name is Count but I'm not address as Dracula. You may refer me as Dr.Vlad, a scientist.

Furthermore, that thing you said is not coffin, that's a capsule. Its not a place where I sleep but yours." peeping at my direction through the corner of this eyes.

Strong chill crept into my spine. Body starighten, unable to utter a word further..

GGRruu ~ Gru ~

⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

A growling sound appear from my tummy. Face flushed. Embarrassed, I quickly hold on to my tummy and looked down.

Pfft .. Ahem ..

Butler, help me out will ya. Get this girl up and take her to the kitchen. Let's have this friend here for dinner.

Bzzt .. Bzzt ..

Yes, master. make friends for dinner.