
0: Q-Khelb

When the population of the people of Roia rose, the tyrant king made a new law that states 'every family is only allowed one child, punishable with treason and exile if disobeyed.'

20 years later after the law was enforced children were more prone to illness. The environment was no longer livable because of the king's neglect for his people. The citizens rebelled and demanded answers. Answers to how the children are getting sick and why isn't the king addressing anything.

"Why won't the king help? '' asked the townspeople.

"Where is this disease coming from?" questioned the common doctors.

"Those poor commoners cant handle a little fever" mocked the nobles

Nothing. Not from the king or royal doctors. Till finally a notice was posted in the square. The townspeople and nobles gathered around and read

' new disease to be wary of ' Q-Khelb'. Q-Khelb is started by a fever and escalates to failure and or rot of either limbs, eyes, kidney, and the brain. Cure: UNKNOWN. Cause: UNKNOWN.'

This calms the people to some extent, but the disease, of course, did not calm. Rather it rose significantly. Leaving far more deaths than births a year. Years passed and once again left people devastated. Only leaving the people with more questions and pleads for help.

" Why is it only affecting the children?" asked the townspeople

"How do we stop the disease before it gets worse?" questioned the common doctors

"Please save use before those commoners" begged the nobles

This time the king asked a high ranked wizard to find a cure and help solve all the peoples problems.The wizard agreed reluctantly. And went on his way to find a solution, if any.

hello, I wrote this story cause of a dream i had. I dont expect to be good cause im not a writer but an artist. Tho Ido promise that as the story progresses ill have better writing skills

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