
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Full Article Chapter 50 - The Promenade

Bai Xue hesitated and also nodded, without Lu Yin, the capital could not be saved, let alone this stone, and anyway they could not figure out this stone.

    Soon, Dean Lian and Bai Xue left, leaving Lu Yin alone here.

    Lu Yin looked at the stone, slowly take out, touch in the hand, into the hand cold and prickly, but nothing else special, look for a while, Lu Yin can not see anything, put back the stone to leave.

    Steeply, his gaze a bitter, swim body step cast tan hand grab to the corner, a black shadow exposed surprised looking at Lu Yin, raised his hand, cold breath spread, Lu Yin eyes narrowed, tan palm into claws, the sky beast claw strike out, the black shadow cried out in alarm, hurriedly evade.

    Lu Yin cast just a style of heavenly beast claw, not strong, black shadow easily avoid, exposed to the light, but a woman, beautiful appearance, temperament but cold, is coldly looking at him.

    "Who are you? What is the purpose?" Lu Yin asked, this woman must be a student, and her strength was not low, but it was not as strong as Mono, it should be similar to Lars.

    The woman said coldly and proudly "My name is Jenny Ona, from the Ona family, you should have heard of it".

    Lu Yin frowned, "never heard of it, say your purpose."

    A cold flash of color in Jenny Ona's eyes, "How dare you speak to me like that".

    Lu Yin is not happy, this woman is as superior as Lars, Ona family? The moment you hear it, it is not simple, but he does not care, "no matter what you are, since you are here, do not leave", said rushing towards Jenny Ona, Jenny Ona was shocked, but she knew that the man in front of her repelled Mono, she thought she was not an opponent, "stop, I am a member of the Ona family, my father is Snow Mountain Ona My father is Snow Mountain Ona, my uncle is the captain of the ninth team of the royal court thirteen, you do not misunderstand yourself".

    Lu Yin grabbed Jenny Ona, the woman did not resist much, angrily glared at Lu Yin, "warn you again, I am not Lars can compare, our Ona family is enough to influence the imperial decision, do not mislead yourself".

    Lu Yin's gaze changed, suddenly let go of Jenny Ona, his body rushed towards the stone, at the same time, a figure rushed close to the stone, in a vain attempt to snatch the stone, but was blocked by Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin grabbed the person's arm, it was silky smooth, raised his eyes, another woman?

    The second woman who appeared in green, like a genie, saw her arm grabbed by Lu Yin, grunted and turned over and kicked him, Lu Yin palm force wanted to force the woman's body to twist to dissolve the attack, but was shocked to find that he could not drag the woman, this woman's strength is a bit amazing.

    The woman in green raised her fist and smashed it directly, the claw of the beast was smashed to pieces, the remaining force even bombarded Lu Yin, Lu Yin was shocked, so much force, running the Heavenly Star Power, saw the woman's fist many changes, this is not a fist, but a moment to hit ten fists.

    Lu Yin's gaze is heavy, so easily avoid the woman in green fist wind, warily stare at her.

    The woman in green looked at Lu Yin in surprise, "You dodged it?" .

    Lu Yin frowned, this woman is so strong, by no means second to Mono, no, stronger than Mono, that punch just now is no worse than the Seven Styles Heavenly Beast Claw, it looks like this is just a random punch from her, where did such a terrifying strong person come from? The target is the stone?

    Just when Lu Yin was about to say something, another figure appeared in the dark, these people can hide star energy, avoiding personal terminal battle detection, are extremely strong experts.

    The third person who appeared made Lu Yin's heart sink, Charlotte, the person who brought him a strong sense of crisis at the beginning, that sense of crisis made a deep impression on Lu Yin, just like the feeling of running into silver under the moonlight for the first time.

    A small underground space with four people facing each other, two men and two women.

    Jenny Ona gaze surprised, she did not find the other two hiding.

    And the woman in green also surprised to look at Xialuo, she did not find this person, when to hide?

    "Your goal, all of you, is this stone?" Lu Yin asked in a deep voice.

    Jenny Ona and the woman in green didn't say anything, but Charlotte smiled gently and said, "That's right, Lu Yin, do you know the origin of this stone?" .

    Lu Yin's gaze flickered, "I don't know."

    Xia Luo laughed "Then we can talk about it, this stone is the inheritance of a strong clan in the universe, rumor has it that you can get the battle skills of that strong clan from it, the reason why Qingyu is wanted is because of this stone, you don't know the use of the stone, then we can explore it together, I'll tell you the method, how about it?" .

    The woman in green looked at Charlotte in surprise, "You know the method?" .

    Xia Luo laughed "know some, this stone anyone take away is useless, in addition to that strong clan bloodline clan, others can not explore the stone, which is why that strong clan did not personally, otherwise the entire Canglan frontier to bad luck, so you do not have to fight for it".

    The woman in green looked at Lu Yin, "What do you say?" .

    Lu Yin swept the three, in addition to Jenny Ona, the other two he was not sure to defeat, all the experts in the capital combined could not stop them, "good, explore together, but you can not take away this stone".

    Charlotte smiled and nodded, "No problem, not only us, if you have friends who want to explore can also, the method is simple, drip blood, blood can make the stone open, as to whether we can receive the inheritance depends on ourselves, I can tell you that it is almost impossible to succeed".

    Lu Yin looked at Xialuo and immediately contacted Bai Xue and Zhang Dingtian, and soon, the two appeared, and even Zhou Shan and Wu Sheng came.

    Jenny Ona frowned and looked at the men proudly.

    Zhang Dingtian several people warily stared at them, three experts, two of them no less than Mono, once the war, the capital is a disaster.

    "No need to be wary, I have no animosity towards you, just exploring the stone together, so, starting with me, let's begin", said Charlotte, making a gesture of invitation.

    Lu Yin threw the stone, Xialuo casually cut out a drop of blood fell on one side of the stone, immediately, the stone suspended in the high altitude, absorbed the blood, inexplicably, everyone felt the pressure descend, seemed to see countless battle skills flashed before their eyes, more in a moment to experience the indescribable cold and terrifying atmosphere.

    Shiloh sat on his knees, looking up at the stone, his gaze contemplative.

    The woman in green started second, and after the blood was absorbed into the surface of the stone also sat down and looked deeply at the stone.

    With sixteen sides of stone, the crowd formed a circle and all began.

    Lu Yin looked at Xialuo before he started, he could be sure that if he struck at this time, absolutely no good, these people seem to be defenseless, but certainly have their own means of defense.

    No more thinking, Lu Yin cut out blood drops into one side of the stone, watch the blood is absorbed, before his eyes suddenly appeared a fist through the sky, across ancient time and space came to attack him.


    Wu Sheng spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face pale, he failed, followed by Zhou Shan, who also failed.

    As if a chain reaction, Snow, Jenny Ona, Zhang Dingtian failed one after another, each pale, shocked look at the stone.

    Lu Yin fist in front of him closer and closer, closer and closer, he saw the stars, saw the boundless darkness, more like seeing the long river of time, countless people died under a fist, this fist, so that the day turned into night.

    Lu Yin subconsciously run the Heavenly Star Kung Fu, clenched his teeth, bit through his lips, the attacking fist is getting slower and slower, he gradually saw clearly.

    Although the fist covers the starry sky, making the day and night reversed, but not nowhere to hide.

    Wait, why are you hiding?

    Lu Yin gaze steeply open, body surface, three stars running, suddenly, the fourth star blurred emerge, he has been observing the star map, in the face of the fist pressure moment, the fourth star barely appear shadow, with the star burst, the fist in front of him is about to attack him a moment to disappear, and he himself seems to cross the endless distance, to a promenade outside.

    Endless darkness enveloped the four directions, can not see the distance, all that can be seen, only a long corridor filled with ancient aura, filled with the blood gas.

    Lu Yin could not describe the promenade he saw in front of him, there was no light source, but the whole promenade was clearly visible, clearly visible, but the next moment when he looked again, it changed again, it was a promenade that could change.

    The whole corridor is dark red, the two sides of the stone wall engraved with unintelligible frescoes, in which the images of people can not make a sound, but give Lu Yin the feeling as if in howling, shouting, the walls seem to drip blood, the nose smells all the blood gas.
