
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Full Article Chapter 44 - Lu and Xia

Not far away, the corner of Lars mouth blood, incredibly difficult to get up, the cracked palm unobstructed hit him, and at that distance, so that he was seriously injured, but this injury is much less than the shock brought to him by Lu Yin, how can this person know the Heavenly Beast Claw?

    "Who the hell are you?" Lars bellowed.

    Lu Yin landed, a step to Lars, "catch your people", said a hand pressed on Lars shoulder, palm force, a click, Lars howled, his shoulder was crushed, "sorry, do not do so you are easy to resist", finished throwing Lars to the capital .

    Another person shouted sternly, "You are dead, he is the son of Prince Ras, the son of Lord Sika, Lord Sika will not let you go, the twelve teams of the Imperial Court will not let you go, the Daewoo Empire will not let you go".

    Lu Yin frowned, "rhythmical noise", said the same crushed his shoulder, throwing him to the capital.

    After dealing with the two, Lu Yin turned his head to look at Charlotte, who was also staring at him.

    "Don't worry, I'm not interested in you guys," Charlotte said with a gentle smile, calmly looking at Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin nodded, "Many thanks."

    Shiloh smiled lightly, "My name is Shiloh, get to know each other."

    "Lu Yin".

    "Lu Yin? Lu?" Charlotte was surprised, "This surname is not easy to see in the stars."

    Lu Yin's gaze narrowed, yes, on Earth, the surname Lu is very common, but in the stars, this represents another category of people, ancient unique surname, this is a general term for their kind of people, in the universe for people with ancient unique surname is quite tightly scrutinized, do not know when it started, and do not know when it will end, one of the reasons why Lu Yin came to Earth is to get a legal identity.

    Earth, with a considerable number of people with ancient unique surnames, the planet was censored and monitored by the Daewoo Empire for countless years before it could finally be legal, and Lu Yin, what he wanted was a legal identity.

    "Xia, the surname, is equally uncommon in the starry sky", finished, Lu Yin leapt up and flew back to the capital.

    The corners of Shiloh's mouth smiled, the crowd of ancient unique surnames, he himself is one of them.

    Outside the Earth, a huge spaceship hovers quietly in space, like a giant beast looking down on the Earth, with its lights on.

    The moment Lars was captured, the people inside the spaceship were all stirred up, dozens of people gathered in the huge monitoring room, all looking at the light screen, which was playing the scene of Lars being defeated, and the scene of Lu Yin crushing Lars' shoulder.

    Some people were furious, "How dare you, how dare you hurt Lord Rath, death penalty, must be punished by death".

    "This native is dead, three months ago Yasta was killed by him, he is the first native who killed the trial students, robbed so many students some time ago, even Gureth was robbed, and later captured twenty-three trial students, and now actually dare to hurt Lord Ras, this native must be executed, or he cannot explain to Lord Sika "Someone shouted.

    "What did this native say? Can't hear the sound, damn it."

    A lot of people were in a group mood.

    Of course, there are a few of them appreciate Lu Yin's behavior, the so-called trial is originally not only for students, but also the meaning of the trial of indigenous, the empire many elites are from a variety of indigenous planets, this is the empire's method of excavating talent, this person is definitely talent, but unfortunately, offended Ras is offended Sika, Sika in the Daewoo Empire is very powerful, this indigenous even if the excellent also dead.

    Knock Knock

    The sound of footsteps rang out, obviously very light, but it exploded in everyone's ears, so that the original noisy monitoring room silent, all make way for a respectful look at the three men who gradually came.

    At the head was a middle-aged man with a solemn face, wearing battle armor and a gaze as deep as the sea, his name was Siken Mardo, a general of the Daewoo Empire and the general in charge of this Earth trial.

    On the right is a pale young man with weak feet and a chill emanating from his body, seemingly soft and weak, who is in fact the vice captain of the ninth team of the Imperial Court's thirteenth squad, Torre Ona.

    And to the left of Sikenmaldo is a man with a gloomy face and icy gaze, with strange lines branded on his face, a slender body, two meters tall, and arms that are longer than an ordinary person, his name is Shara Shu, vice captain of the twelfth team of the Royal Court, and he, too, is the protector of this Ras Trial.

    These three are the highest responsible for this trial, all of them are strong people who can walk the starry sky.

    When the three men arrived, everyone avoided retreating and stood respectfully on either side.

    The three walked straight to the light screen and watched the replay of the scene inside the light screen.

    "Stop" Sikenmaldo shouted, the picture stopped, the picture, it is Lu Yin cast the scene of the heavenly beast claw.

    Sikenmaldo surprised, "did not watch the stone wall, but can perform the heavenly beast claw, and not just imitate, more like a perfect rendering, this person, gifted wizard".

    Sha Luo Shu's eyes narrowed and his gaze was cold, "Keep playing".

    Soon, the screen stopped, and the last scene of the screen is exactly the scene of Lu Yin crushing Lars' shoulder.

    Sha Luo Shu grinned and cruelly licked his lips, "Ruthless enough and bold enough".

    "Did you find out clearly where this person came from?" Sikenmaldo asked in a low voice.

    A man came forward and respectfully reported, "Report General, the list of trial students does not have this person".

    "Nonsense, he can kill Asta in the first place, no way is this trial students, push forward ten years, see if anyone has crossed the blockade into the Earth" Sikenmaldo shouted.

    "Report General, checked, time forward thirty years are not available".

    Sikenmaldo frowned, "it seems that the imperial monitoring station to re-sort, this person has performed the fluctuating palm and cracking palm, obviously from the stars, and not too old, but actually said not found".

    There was silence all around and all were apprehensive, most of them were from the monitoring station.

    "Record everything about this person and arrest him when the trial is over," Shara Shu suddenly spoke, gloomily.

    On the other side, Tolleona raised his eyebrows, "Capture? Why?" .

    Sha Luo Shu's gaze was grim, "Unauthorized entry into the trial planet, shouldn't they be arrested?" .

    Toleona snickered, "Although the Earth is monitored by the Empire, it is free, anyone can enter, no discovery can only blame the monitoring station incompetence, can you walk and fall and still blame the floor is bad?" .

    Saroshu stared at Toleona, "What do you mean? Interrupting Team 12 from carrying out their mission?" .

    "I've never heard of the 12th team being allowed to intervene in the trials," said Torreona disdainfully.

    Surrounded by people apprehensively watching this scene, the two belong to the same Royal Court 13 team of this power, and both are vice captains, they speak, others do not even dare to breathe.

    Sikenmaldo waved his hand, "Well, Shara Shu, I know you were ordered to protect Lars, but a trial is a trial, and all results are spoken by the results".

    Sha Luo Shu sneered, "Well, you are the chief of the trial, has the right to decide, I can only report to the team, the captain decided".

    Sikenmaldo's gaze chilled and iced a few points.

    At that moment, light footsteps sounded, as just when the three Sikenmaldo appeared, the footsteps were very light, but exploded in the ears of the crowd.

    Everyone looked to the passage, there, a person appeared, a woman, the first thing that caught the eye was a white hair, draped to the naked feet, set off the snow-white jade feet.

    The woman's appearance is pure, bright eyes, pupils faintly reveal red, wearing cool summer clothes, crystal skin, forehead tied up a small cluster of hair looks very cute, and the most attractive is not the woman's appearance and attire, but the ring on her hand.

    Black bezel white silver hollow, the interior carved flying wings and swords, surrounded by ten black shadows, this is - the power ring of the Cosmic Youth Convocation.

    The woman's name is Mira, from the Cosmic Youth Convocation, representing the Convocation to review the planetary evolution trials.

    Seeing the arrival of Mira, Sikenmaldo three people's faces gloomy, especially Shara Shu, because at this moment, Mira vaguely reveal red pupils are staring at him, the huge pressure makes Shara Shu almost kneel down.

    "I heard that someone is trying to interfere with the trial, General Mardo, is there such a thing?" Mira asked with a faint smile as her gaze turned to Siken Mardo.

    Sha Luo Shu's heart trembled and lowered his head, as the vice captain of the 13th team of the Imperial Court of the Daewoo Empire, a strong man who strolled through the stars, but at this moment he lowered his head in front of a young woman, this is the might of Mira, and the might of the Cosmic Youth Convocation.

    Siken Mardo said in a deep voice, "Thanks to Miss Mira's supervision, there is no such thing yet.
