
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Full Article Chapter 31 - Shock

This battle is not extensive, but quite shocking, several people have the strongest person battle power of the College, the Daewoo Empire major colleges are difficult to break out such a battle.

    College elites like Granny can't even get involved.

    This battle made Lu Yin recognize his own strength, he, who has the battle power to suppress the strongest person in the academy like Willow.

    Looking at Bailie and Willow lying on the ground, Zhang Dingtian raised his knife intending to cut directly.

    Lu Yin hurriedly stopped, "These people can be used as bargaining chips in the future."

    Zhang Dingtian was puzzled, "Bargaining chips? Negotiation?" .

    Lu Yin nodded, gruffly said "you should know that the purpose of these students to Earth is the trial, the trial although not prohibited life and death, but these students dare to participate in the trial background is not simple, involved in a wide range of, we can use their lives to negotiate with the Daewoo Empire high level".

    Bai Xue's eyes looked at Lu Yin and said in a cold voice, "Using their lives to exchange for the freedom of the earth?" .

    Lu Yin nodded, "planet evolution is good to say is to enhance the human race itself, but in fact it is the way the Daewoo Empire conscripts, Earth evolvers who are not valued will be sent to the battlefield, whether it is the battlefield of the Daewoo Empire and other empires, or the human extraterrestrial battlefield is far more cruel than the trial countless times, where even the strongest of the strolling stars may not survive, these students can make the Earth a few more people who survive."

    Zhang Dingtian was silent and put away his long knife.

    White snow cold gaze flashed a trace of sadness, originally they thought that the Earth is the only intelligent life in the universe, but since the discovery of a corpse in Neptune, everything has changed, the Earth, just a primitive planet under the monitoring of the Daewoo Empire, can explore space and what, but just learned to walk, everything is under surveillance.

    And now is facing the most horrible doomsday, not mutant beasts and zombies, but the Daewoo Empire, the end of the trial does not know how many people were sent to the battlefield, even if the Seven Saints such an existence is perhaps only a little more advanced soldiers.

    Granny surprised look at Lu Yin, she did not expect this person actually have this intention, more than a tiger for skin, dare to negotiate with the Daewoo Empire high level, since the establishment of the empire never heard a native dare to make a request to the empire, this is death, but have to admit that perhaps useful, others Granny is not clear, but Willow, the background is not small, his family even someone in the Imperial Court 13 team.

    "Ahem, you, you think too simple, the Daewoo Empire is famous for its iron-blooded rule of the universe, and will not accept the threat of the natives," mocked Bailie.

    Lu Yin looked at him, "This point does not need to worry about you, live well, you, are all chips."

    Bayleigh smiled disdainfully, these natives are not at all aware of the situation in the Daewoo Empire.

    Bai Xue looked at Lu Yin suspiciously, using students to threaten the Daewoo Empire might be useful, but then, this person would be standing in the limelight and could never be tolerated by the Daewoo Empire, did he have something to rely on? No one would be selfless for others, Bai Xue was secretly wary of Lu Yin.


    The north suddenly came a loud noise, Zhang Dingtian looked to the north, his face changed, "Science and Technology Institute, not good", finished rushing to the north.

    Just then, in the sky, two figures flew to the west.

    Bayleigh looked high into the sky and gritted his teeth, "Ender, Hedion."

    Zhang Dingtian soared high into the sky and saw at a glance the two people flying to the west, at the same time, there were two people in another direction also soaring to the west, following closely behind the two Erde.

    Zhang Dingtian eyes icy cold, outside the body energy outbursts form ripples visible to the naked eye spread, long knife raised, shaking the high altitude energy disappeared at the same time, and long knife, this moment made countless people's skulls numb, a stern gas from the heart rose, as if to cut off the world.

    The high altitude clouds are invisibly torn, and heaven and earth are silent.

    Lu Yin shook, battle skill? No, this is the strongest slash.

    West, Erde a few people turned around face changed, Zhang Dingtian hidden strength, this slash is shocking, although not a battle technique, but extremely close.

    "Don't hesitate, go," Ender bellowed.

    Not far away, Gureth and Barallo were shocked, "This native is going against the odds, run".

    Zhang Dingtian's eyes flashed a cold aura, the long knife fiercely cut out, in the capital of countless people's horrified gaze, across the capital of the huge chop swept to the west, the sky was cut open, the air distorted, the harsh qi energy makes everyone hallucinate, this high sky seems to be cut off.

    Erd, Hedian, Gureth, and Barallo all turned back at the same time, hard against the chop.

    But in an instant, the chop was torn apart and disappeared into five waves of air in the long sky.

    Erde's face was stony, his gaze unbelieving.

    Haidian black robe was torn open, revealing the upper body covered with scales, the corner of the mouth a blood stain in the sunlight stinging.

    Gureth gasped and looked at Zhang Dingtian in surprise.

    Ballaro is the worst, spitting out blood, the original green skin more green, there is even a crack on the surface of the body.

    "Let's go," Ender bellowed again, rushing toward the west.

    Haidian reluctantly looked at Zhang Dingtian and similarly flew towards the west.

    Gureth and Barallo did not say a word and followed closely behind the two Erde.

    Zhang Dingtian stood high in the sky, domineering outwardly, one person and a sword let the four directions silent, countless people reverent cheer.

    Granny froze up, there is actually such a strong person among the natives, cross-border strong, absolutely cross-border strong, this monster, looking at the Daewoo Empire scouting realm students can rival him perhaps are few and far between.

    Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, this strike of Zhang Dingtian made Lu Yin's heart surging, I don't know how strong his Heavenly Star Palm that runs three stars is, can he defeat Zhang Dingtian.

    White snow exhaled, revealing a smile, worthy of the first of the seven saints.

    Bayleigh and Willow shocked, this is the cross-border strongman, they too underestimated Zhang Dingtian, had they known he had this kind of strength, the two would never have made a move in the capital.

    Zhang Dingtian turned around and flew towards the north, where the Capital Science and Technology Institute, one of the most important places in China, was located.

    Lu Yin and Bai Xue hurriedly went after them.

    Granny also grabbed Bayleigh two people to chase.

    Science and Technology Institute in the north of the capital, when Neptune brought back the body to the custody of the Science and Technology Institute, but I do not know what reasons need to be transferred, the moment of transfer of the top management of China, including No. 1 were present, the only one who had the authority to order, but there was a big explosion, leading to the end.

    You could say that the Academy of Science and Technology is where it all began.

    Bayleigh and Willow light thought to go to Zhang Dingtian's residence and the number one office to look for, did not even think of the Science and Technology Institute, only Erde thought of it.

    When several people arrived at the Science and Technology Institute, they saw the wreckage and a number of human bodies all over the ground.

    Zhang Dingtian clenched his fists and told the army to block the perimeter and look for survivors.

    "Hua Sheng, Dean Lian wants to see you," a soldier reported.

    Zhang Dingtian surprise, "Dean alive?" , finished letting the soldier lead the way.

    A few kilometers away from the ruins of the Science and Technology Institute there is an alcove where the underground entrance to the Institute is also blocked by the military. An old man in a white lab coat leans wearily against the wall of the ruins, drinking water, surrounded by a beautiful woman in a black professional dress.

    "Rumple, how is the dean doing?" Zhang Dingtian asked hurriedly when he arrived.

    The woman named Rumsey said, "It's okay, I'm just in shock.

    "What scare? It's just a broken foot, I'm not in shock", the old man said unhappily.

    Ronsa laughed and said, "Yes, yes, it's just a broken foot.

    Zhang Dingtian looked at the old man, "Dean, what's going on?" .

    Lu Yin several people appeared at the same time.

    Bai Xue looked at Lu Yin with strange eyes, just now, Lu Yin searched the condensed air ring of Bailie and Willow in front of her, and took away all that could be taken away, making her quite strange.

    Lu Yin rightfully so, this battle he also contributed to, and he was poor, must not waste.

    The star energy crystals of Bailie and Willow together made up one cubic meter, so they could shake the dice again. Lu Yin was excited at the thought of this, not knowing what he would shake, really looking forward to it.

    Dean Lian asked Zhang Dingtian to disperse the army. Zhang Dingtian waved his hand, and Rumple was also driven away, leaving only Bai Xue and Lu Yin and Granny.

    Lu Yin asked Granny to leave, Granny was quite reluctant, Erde left from here and rushed to the west obviously found something, she also wanted to know.

    Lu Yin gave her a fierce glare, and only then did Granny reluctantly leave.

    On the side, Bai Xue stared at Lu Yin, looking at the meaning of that estimate want Lu Yin to leave.

    Lu Yin simply ignored him, but looked curiously at Dean Lian.

    "This one is?" Dean Lian looked at Lu Yin and asked.

    Lu Yin said, "I'm here to listen on behalf of Zhou Shan".

    Bai Xue is speechless.
