
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Full Article Chapter 3 Descending

    Bell Mountain was hollowed out, and inside was a huge space filled with modern facilities that left hundreds of evolvers in awe.

    A team of evolver soldiers walked by, carrying standardized steel swords, as if modern times were combined with ancient times, full of weirdness.

    With evolvers getting stronger and stronger, ordinary firearms are not as good as cold weapons, plus many arsenals have been destroyed, being able to equip with made steel swords already proves that the penal battalion is not simple.

    Lu Yin and others were guided to a huge square, surrounded by a circle of evolutionary soldiers standing, and many female soldiers looking at them with a solemn demeanor.

    There was a layer of transparent glass above the square more than ten meters high, and inside was also a huge space.

    At this moment, near the glass, several men and women were laughing and looking down.

    "I wonder if we can recruit a few useful ones this time, even if they don't reach the human level, they shouldn't be too bad," said a middle-aged man in a jarring voice.

    "Do not hold too much fantasy, human level is not so easy to reach, this team of several human-level captain has long been arranged by the penal saint, you and I did not share a" next to the charming woman dissatisfied.

    "It is not impossible, so far to protect tens of thousands of survivors to Jinling is not easy, these people I value, you do not all let me good" the other side of the young man laughed.

    "Don't dream, see how Feng Hong arranged, this time he is the instructor, the big head is definitely taken by him" said the middle-aged man.

    A few people are the Interrogation Camp ten thousand chiefs, Interrogation Camp registered evolvers 80,000, only to reach the earth level can become ten thousand chiefs, to reach ten thousand chiefs, in Jinling is definitely a dominant party, only in the Interrogation Saint Zhou Shan status below.

    To the millions of survivors in Jinling, the penal saint is not common, ten thousand chiefs is the sky.

    "I heard that the Snow Maiden under the Luo Saint is coming to Jinling and will be sparring with us, who are you planning to play?" The charming woman suddenly asked, looking at the next few people with a smile on her face.

    A few people quietly, did not intend to pick up the fight.

    The charming woman lost her smile, "Rumor has it that Luo Sheng announced to the public that the Snow Maiden is invincible at the earth level, you guys, you really don't want to see it?" .

    Several people still did not speak.

    Flirtatious woman pursed her lips and smiled, no more words.

    Luo saint white snow, standing snow mountain, create blue camp, although and penal saint Zhou Shan and ranked seven saints, but its status also in Zhou Shan above.

    The seven saints of China are equal in status to outsiders, but only a few people know that the seven saints, divided into the upper three saints and the lower four saints, Luo Sheng Bai Xue is one of the upper three saints, and Zhou Shan, the lower four saints.

    In the square, one by one evolves to accept the examination, mainly because after the doomsday many virus mutation, especially the zombie virus is difficult to treat, the penal camp must ensure that all evolves body is not infected by the virus, otherwise it is very dangerous.

    Soon it was Lu Yin's turn.

    The only thing that happened was that the color of the blood in the sample bottle changed a little bit, seemingly with a hint of purple, but then quickly returned to normal.

    "Lu Yin, is it? Please wait a moment, it will be ready soon," the nurse said to Lu Yin with a smile.

    Lu Yin nodded, "Thank you", and walked to the other side.

    Some time later, nearly five hundred evolvers were all sampled and tested, and there were no problems.

    The first time, a middle-aged man in a dark military uniform came, as he approached, a pressure arose, and all the evolvers looked at him in surprise.


    The ground cracked, and the Qi energy swept across, shocking all evolvers.

    "Some people exclaimed, and all the evolvers looked at the middle-aged man with fear and envy.

    The middle-aged man walked to more than ten meters away from Lu Yin and others and said aloud, "My name is Feng Hong, the chief of the penal camp, now I want to ask once again, any of you who do not want to join the penal camp can leave".

    Hundreds of evolved people look at me, I look at you, then one after another out.

    Although the criminal camp is powerful, but must accept the discipline, many people have never been a soldier, not willing to join is normal, Lu Yin is also one of them.

    There are nearly two hundred people who do not want to join the criminal camp, which is close to half.

    Feng Hong looked at the evolvers who did not want to join, and said indifferently, "If you join the criminal camp, not only will your safety be guaranteed, but you can also receive your loved ones around Zhong Shan, and you can get energy crystals every month for cultivation, and you can also get the battle techniques taught by the criminal saint."

    "What are battle techniques?" Someone asked curiously.

    Feng Hong said in a cold voice "can be two hundred percent of your power to play out the skills, is the battle technique, the battle technique of the penal saint is the storm chop, a chop under the world can block a few, you should have seen".

    All the evolved eyes excited, of course they have seen, a chop extinguished mutant vines, causing the earth to crack, the wind and clouds change, how powerful.

    "Can we learn the storm chop?" Someone asked expectantly.

    Feng Hong indifferently said "Anyone can learn, as long as they get the recognition of the penal saint".

    Once these words came out, the evolvers who were planning to leave hesitated and returned to the original group one after another, while less than fifty people were really planning to leave, and Lu Yin was among them.

    Feng Hong waved his hand, "Take them away".

    Soon, nearly fifty evolvers were taken out of Zhong Mountain.

    Lu Yin looked back, this place will soon not be calm.

    There were many survivors and even evolvers gathered outside the Bell Mountain, when Lu Yin and the others came out they all gathered around, "Brother, do you want to buy a property? You can find me, the price is absolutely fair."

    "Brother, do you want a guide? Don't look at me like that, there are too many zombies and monsters outside of Jinling City, without a guide, you can easily fall into the siege".

    "Brother, want a weapon? Sharp combat knives, hard lances have everything, you want hot weapons too, buy a few bombs for defense".


    "Do you have a map?" Lu Yin asked.

    A thieving evolved person immediately came over, first looked fiercely swept around a circle, scared away peers after carefully taking out the map, "brother, this map sincere benefit ten crystals."

    Lu Yin raised an eyebrow, "ten? You are crazy, a map to ten energy crystals, do you know that an energy crystal can make ordinary people evolve".

    The evolutionist with thieves' eyebrows whispered, "Brother, this is not an ordinary map, it is marked in detail the concentration of powerful monsters and zombies in the outer city of Jinling, you do not want to be surrounded just after going out, this is about your life, is your life not worth ten crystals?" .

    Lu Yin lost his smile, "Up to three, no more".

    The evil-eyed evolver quickly said, "Yes, I'll make you a friend, take the map".

    Lu Yin felt cheated, this is too fast, but he did not mind, his hand reached into his pocket and took out three white crystals the size of a grain of rice, handed them to the evolver, the thieving evolver took the crystals, his eyes were excited, then approached Lu Yin, whispered "brother, see you are so quick to send you something, no thanks", finished, put The first thing you need to do is to take a round pill and put it in Lu Yin's hand, then turn around and leave.

    The first thing you need to do is to look at the pills and look at them strangely, he knows them, they are aphrodisiacs.

    After the end of the day, many plants have mutated, the drugs of the peace era have long been obsolete, the use of mutated plants to make drugs better, this aphrodisiac Lu Yin saw others use, the effect, absolutely, but, this pill is very precious, if you take out to sell more than three crystals, where did this guy come from?

    Lu Yin didn't think much about it, he casually threw away the aphrodisiac, looked around and walked towards the outer city.

    Looking carefully at the map, Lu Yin's gaze swept and finally settled on the barren mountain south of the city, "I hope there is a clue here".

    The topmost floor of the inner space of Zhong Shan, the huge meeting room was filled with people, the topmost position was empty, the first one at the bottom left sat a man with a scar on his face and wearing a military uniform, the first one at the bottom right sat a young girl with a beautiful appearance and wearing glasses, most of the people sitting here were the chiefs of the penal battalion Wanfu.

    After a while, Zhou Shan crossed into the conference room and naturally sat at the top position, sweeping his gaze at everyone, and finally looked at the young girl wearing glasses, "How is the planning going?" .

    The young girl pushed her glasses, "preliminary estimates, want to expand the Golden Gathering at least two months, the loss of combatants may reach two to three thousand, if you want to expand all the peace era Golden Gathering territory into the Gathering, the loss will also increase three times."

    Zhou Shan frowned, "the aggregation must be expanded, the journey to the north to advance is still smooth, at most a few months to connect to the capital, when the country is connected, want to recover the country will be easy, we can not be weak after, can not let others laugh".

    "penal saint, just received news, the birth of the heavenly class strong man, bitter monk" scar face man suddenly spoke.

    Everyone is in an uproar, the entire China is only seven people, can see its difficult, did not expect the birth of a Tianzhu actually.

    Zhou Shan gaze awe-inspiring, "Bitter monk? Check his information, it is impossible for someone else to break through the heavenly level in a year by definition".


    "Is there anything else?" Zhou Shan continued to ask.

    Scarface went down, an evolved man was just about to speak, his eyes suddenly froze as he looked out the window, the others followed suit, all staring blankly.

    Zhou Shan turned around abruptly, looked out the window, and his gaze shrank.

    Only to see dozens of meteors sliding down in the sky, trailing long flames cutting through the sky, one of them smashing towards the direction of Jinling, finally landing in the south of the Jinling gathering place, the earth shook for a moment.

    At this moment, countless survivors and evolved people saw this scene, the sky meteors like fireworks gorgeous, fleeting.

    Outside of Jinling City, Lu Yin, who was following the map to the deserted mountains south of the city, also saw it, and at this moment, the meteor that smashed down outside of Jinling City was not much far from him.

    The violent wave of Qi swept the sky, blew away the clouds, the earth cracked inch by inch.

    Lu Yin kicked away the steel and iron frame smacking at him, fixed his eyes on the south, thought for a moment, and quickly rushed away.

    Inside Jinling City, Zhou Shan rose up in the air and wanted to rush to the south, but was stopped, "Interpreter Saint, countless zombies impacted the city walls."

    Zhou Shan gaze turned to the east, into the eyes of a black press of zombies wandering and coming, Jinling City has been blocked, many of the survivors are still locked outside the city, desperate cries.

    Zhou Shan, holding a huge axe, flew to the outside of the city, an axe chopped to the earth, countless zombies were cut, "open the gates, let them in, I'll guard".

    South of Jinling City, the meteor smashed the land, smoke and dust straight to the clouds, huge crater spread a thousand meters around, in a conical shape, the bottom is a white orb, two meters in diameter, smoking white smoke, the air around the distortion.

    Lu Yin approached the pit, hiding in the abandoned factory not far from the pit, looking at the white orb through the wooden board, his gaze changed slightly, although he had guessed, but really appeared, he still did not expect, "I did not expect to come earlier than I predicted, the spaceship".

    A light sound, the white spaceship hatch opened, a hand out, a pause, then, a young man from the spaceship out, short hair, wearing white light armor, feet boots, slowly out of the spaceship, looking upward, stretched, "really tired, the trial on the trial, choose so far away, and let us fly over, really disgusting! ".

    After saying that, the young man took out a short knife from inside the airship, and took out a wristwatch-like thing to wear on his left wrist, and tapped it, the sound of drops rang out, the young man's gaze was fixed, looking in the direction of Lu Yin, "What man?" , said a leap, drew a short knife horizontal chop, a huge chopping stroke across, the plant was everything in two.
