
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

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Full Article Chapter 23 Trial grade

    I just asked them to go around and see if there are any classmates. Don't worry, I will teach them well".

    "No, they've already paid the price," Granny said indifferently.

    Lu Yin walked to Granny's side and looked to also Go.

    Also Go saw Lu Yin was not surprised at all, "You are the hidden saint of Jinling? Should also come from the stars, otherwise Granny would not cooperate with you."

    Lu Yin said indifferently "My name is Yata, a student of Tata Planet Academy, my grandfather is the principal".

    Granny's face twitched, she hated that, and it was because of it that she let her guard down on the bastard.

    Yago froze, "What are you trying to illustrate?" .

    Lu Yin showed a hint of arrogance, "I have money, let my people go and I can give you a lot of resources."

    Also Go laughed, "Planet Tata? Never heard of it, I don't care who you are, looking for you just want to cooperate".

    "Cooperation?" Lu Yin was surprised.

    I found a gale crystal mine nearby, but unfortunately it was occupied by a group of mutant beasts, that group of mutant beasts have reached the tan realm is very difficult to deal with, I need helpers.

    "How much?" Granny asked.

    Also Go shook his head, "not sure, but a conservative estimate should be tens of cubic meters."

    Granny's gaze was hot, tens of cubic meters of gale crystals is quite a lot, generally on the planet this kind of crystal is at most a few cubic meters, Granny wanted to agree, but the words did not come out, but looked at Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin faintly said "I have money, do not care".

    He didn't think any student would refuse, it was tens of cubic meters of gale crystals, which could be converted into at least hundreds of cubic meters of star energy crystals, enough for a person to cultivate a battle skill quite proficiently, and also accelerate the cultivation to the fusion realm, definitely a considerable amount of resources.

    Granny secretly glared at Lu Yin, she wanted to go.

    "But although I have money, but no one is too much money, okay, we will find you in a couple of days, but you are not allowed to move one of my criminal camp," said Lu Yin with a change of topic.

    Also Go nodded, "Yes, then my two schoolmates also bring it, there are many people good work".

    Lu Yin agreed and Granny immediately hung up the screen.

    "This also Go is the strong person on the same level as Terez that those two people said?" Lu Yin asked.

    Granny enthused, "I've heard of his name, one of the top three powerhouses at Blue Mountain College, maybe even more powerful than Tres."

    "How is the family situation?" Lu Yin asked.

    Granny was stunned, "Family? I don't know."

    Lu Yin gaze flickers, he went not for the gale crystals, this crystal more can not be exchanged for star energy crystals in the Earth, may end up in the hands of the Daewoo Empire, he is now lack of star energy crystals, this also Go should have some on his body.

    It was not far from Jinling to Yu Xiang, Lu Yin let Granny carry the two Blue Mountain Academy students upside down, but the flight took half a day to arrive.

    Tens of thousands of evolved people in Yu Xiang were trapped in the camp, their weapons were seized and surrounded by another group of evolved people watching.

    Lu Yin saw Feng Hong, the poor wanfu chief hanging from a tree.

    A powerful energy fluctuation came from the entire camp, and when Lu Yin and Granny arrived, this energy swept away, and the sky shook for a while.

    Lu Yin knows that this is also Go's dismount, but also wants to try his strength.

    In fact, this kind of dismay not only useless, will also expose their own strength, also Go's energy fluctuations are very powerful, even beyond Terez a trace, but Lu Yin does not care, will only bark the dog does not bite, only the silver-haired man that move to kill the means to be chilling.

    Granny stepped forward, outside the body energy shock, will also go energy fluctuations blocked, so that the air a distortion, the earth invisible appear a crack, just divide the camp and Lu Yin and others.

    Feng Hong and several other ten thousand chiefs looked up and saw Lu Yin, their eyes ashamed.

    Lu Yin did not care about them, but looked at the man who slowly took off into the air, it was also Go.


    "As expected of the flower of the military academy, Granny's strength is amazing," also praised Go, his gaze undisguisedly greedy.

    Granny grunted, "Is this the way Blue Mountain College treats its guests?" .

    Also Go laughed "I was reckless, I apologize", said, gaze towards Lu Yin, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, Lu Yin breakthrough Tan realm not long, the energy is not strong, can not attract the attention of also Go.

    "Two, is it possible to release my two students," said also Go to Granny, who he thought was the leader of the two.

    The two captured Blue Mountain College students saw that Yago wanted to speak, but his mouth was sealed and he could only keep making eyes, trying to remind him of Lu Yin's toughness, but Yago couldn't read.

    "To release or not to release depends on your sincerity," Granny said coldly.

    Also Go shrugged, "Yes, please, camp for a while."

    Soon, inside the camp, several people appeared.

    Also Go took out the map and spread it out, pointing to a large mountain a hundred kilometers away from Yu Xiang, "Gale Crystal is there, but surrounded by a flock of mutant birds, at least five of this flock have the strength of the Tan realm, or heavenly level as the natives say, and there is a flock of the strength of the Watch realm, there are many of them".

    "What are you going to do?" Granny looked at Lu Yin and asked to also Go.

    The five of us can take care of the birds, but it's too tiring, so I thought of a way to get the natives to draw the birds out, and then use the planet's heat weapons to blast them away.

    Hearing this, Lu Yin gaze a cold, Granny a shock, and hurriedly said "do so, that group of natives are also dead, right".

    It doesn't matter if the natives live or die, the point is that we'll have it easy", laughed Yegor.

    "Even if we don't let these natives die we can still succeed," Lu Yin said indifferently.

    Yago looked at Lu Yin with amusement, "Yata brother, the life and death of this group of natives is not worth caring at all, once the trial is over, the evolvers in this group of natives will be sent to the battlefield, some cultivation talent may become slaves of some powerful students, the pretty ones may become maids, the rest are just a batch of cannon fodder, don't care, in fact, they are happier to die here. Maybe they will thank us for it, haha".

    Lu Yin did not speak, the fate of the Earth has actually been predetermined, the moment the trial began, all the people of the Earth are under the observation of the Daewoo Empire and the Universe Youth Convocation, only a very small number of talented can get a slightly fairer treatment, the others are cannon fodder, also Go said good.

    "Well, my sincerity has been shown, can I let go now?" Also Go looked at Granny and said.

    Granny looked at Lu Yin, Lu Yin lightly said "wait a little longer, I still have a question".

    A chill flashed in Yegor's eyes, "What's the problem?" .

    Lu Yin looked at also Go, "You are also considered a top powerhouse of Blue Mountain Academy, why don't you go and complete your mission, instead of staying here?" .

    Also Go gaze surprised, looked at Lu Yin, and then looked at Granny, lost his smile, "I forgot, your level of access to some information is normal, well, I can give you universal access", said, also Go sat down, let people bring up a few cups of tea.

    Lu Yin and Granny also sat down, took the tea, and looked at also Go.

    Also Go sipped tea, said in a deep voice "students are divided into three grades, the first grade is my two students, the purpose of their trial is simply to show to some people, equivalent to gold plating, as long as they can successfully survive the trial, the future is a glorious stroke, the second grade is us".

    "We?" Granny was surprised, she thought that also Go, as the top powerhouse of Blue Mountain College, would not be in the same class as her.

    Also Go nodded, "You, me, including your military academy Tres are in this class, the purpose is to do some achievements, such as occupying the territory, marking the blue, such as the discovery of precious mineral deposits, etc. Granny, have you been told to complete the mission together since you landed?" .

    Granny shook her head, her face serious.

    Also Go laughed and said, "That's right, because we are not qualified, only one kind of person is qualified, that is your college Willow, our college Paris".

    "The strongest person in the academy?" Granny was surprised.

    also nodded, seriously said "this universe does not exist fair, the news of the trial for us need to be notified, but for them already know, and each college the strongest have contact information, this is their circle, we can not reach, the trial began before they have joined each other, in order to complete the task, Willow, and not in this area, right? ".

    Granny's gaze was bitter, "I haven't seen him since before the trial started."
