
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

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50 Chs

Full Article Chapter 22 - Moonlight Night Killing Machine

Zhou Shan gave Lu Yin a white glance, "This is not what I said, it is recognized by everyone, Bai Xue is known as the most beautiful woman in China, there is no one, what stars, netizens, celebrities, school girls can not catch up with her a finger", said here, Zhou Shan strange laugh "At first I also do not believe, but after seeing her, I believe This woman was born to worship, the word goddess used in her is not too much".

    Lu Yin lost his smile, "Is it that exaggerated?" .

    "Goddess? What a big mouth, the indigenous is indigenous, if you see Cai Xing female still not kneel licking" Granny suddenly interjected, mockingly.

    Lu Yin coldly said "I do not want to hear the word indigenous from your mouth again in the future, go down and guard the door".

    Granny grunted, not daring to call Lu Yin's bluff, and turned to leave.

    Zhou Shan was embarrassed, talking about women was overheard by another woman, not good.

    "Brother Zhou continue," Lu Yin said.

    Zhou Shan coughed a few times, "in fact, there is nothing to say, Liu Shaoge handsome, white snow beautiful, two perfect match".

    "What about the strength?" Lu Yin asked curiously, his gaze brightening.

    Zhou Shan shrugged, "I and Liu Shaoge are in the lower four saints, Bai Xue is the upper three saints, although there are rumors that Liu Shaoge is cautious and good at hiding, but even if he is stronger than me, he is not much stronger".

    Lu Yin nodded his head to show his understanding.

    Zhou Shan's words, although he expressed his lack of understanding of Liu Shaoge, but Lu Yin heard that he had a good impression of Liu Shaoge, light saint, which was originally extremely praised, Liu Shaoge showed a fairly perfect image to the outside world, except for him, who happened to survive, only the dead understand the darkness of Liu Shaoge.

    Originally Lu Yin thought that the enemy is only Liu Shaoge one, if Luo Sheng Baixue really have an affair with him, the enemy, may increase again.

    This is how society is, one hair moves the whole body. Lu Yin tapped his finger on the wall and fell into deep thought.

    It was not until the evening that the tide of beasts all receded.

    After dark, Lu Yin left Jinling, he didn't have many flame crystals with him and had to dig a little more.

    The moonlight spilled, illuminating the cold earth, in addition to the darkness of the chewing sounds that make the skin tingling, the only thing on this land is the wind came roaring.

    When Lu Yin rushed to the flame crystal mine that ditch, saw a figure standing quietly, a man, short silver hair, looking up at the moonlight, his gaze a little confused.

    The moment he saw this person, Lu Yin's complexion changed dramatically, this location in addition to the long-haired corpse king, flame crystal, and the morbid skeleton vertical eye, this person is a coincidence or deliberately come here?

    Lu Yin did not know that there were people here and did not intentionally hide his form, so the silver-haired man naturally found him.

    "What are you?" Lu Yin's gaze was grave, his expression guarded, he did not know how strong this person was, but there was always a feeling of extreme danger spreading, making him not quite want to get close to this person, his mind kept wandering to that skeleton vertical eye.

    The silver-haired man looked at Lu Yin, the corners of his mouth smiled faintly, and it so happened that at that moment, the moonlight was covered by clouds, plunging the earth into darkness.

    A moment, Lu Yin's scalp numb, a flash of white light in the darkness, Lu Yin cast swimming body step back rapidly, while the right palm blast out, palm out of the stars now, white light reflected, a pair of cool cold eyes flashing surprise, white light steeply rapid rotation, and Lu Yin right palm collision.

    In a vague way, Lu Yin saw clearly that the white light came from a beautiful butterfly knife, and the blade tore through the air at a speed indistinguishable from the naked eye, completely bouncing off the power of the Tianxing Palm explosion.

    There was a thumping vibration, the air distorted, and the two backed up at the same time.

    The moonlight peeks out again, spilling onto the earth and illuminating the two.

    Lu Yin gaze gaze, this person, blocked the full force of the heavenly star palm strike.

    Opposite, the silver-haired man was surprised, then touched his head, "That, sorry, I thought it was a zombie so I struck, sorry sorry sorry, haha."

    Lu Yin eyes narrowed and stared at the man, then the corners of his mouth curved up, "You're welcome, I also thought it was a zombie so I struck, luckily I didn't do my best, only less than half of the palm force, didn't hurt you, right".

    The silver-haired man raised his eyebrows, "No no, how could it hurt me, although I barely used a third of my strength, but blocking you a palm or rubbing, haha".

    Lu Yin looked at his palm and laughed, "Sorry, I misremembered, I just used only a quarter of my palm power, fortunately I didn't hurt you".

    The silver-haired man laughed, "That what, I also remembered wrong, I only used one fifth of my strength".

    "Yeah, I don't believe it. Want to try again?" Lu Yin provoked.

    The silver-haired man quickly waved his hand, "No, I'm an elegant gourmet, I never fight with people, by the way, ask you a question, what are you doing here?" .

    Lu Yin lightly said "looking for classmates, I have an appointment with classmates to meet here".

    The silver-haired man oh, "Actually, so do I. I remember that there is a golden tomb near here, but it was marked blue, it wouldn't be your classmate who did it".

    Lu Yin nodded, "It's her."

    Silver-haired man unfortunately, "so ah, originally I still want to go to play, forget it, you continue to wait, I'm leaving", finished, silver-haired man turned away and quickly disappeared.

    Lu Yin looked at the personal terminal, to make sure the silver-haired man left before he exhaled, his face unprecedentedly serious, his heavenly star palm, was blocked, this is his breakthrough tan realm after the full force of a palm, the moment of darkness of the earth, extreme crisis enveloped, he did not have time to hesitate, that palm is indeed the full force of the strike, but still was blocked, what is the origin of this person? The first batch of trialists actually appeared such a strong person.

    Lu Yin walked to the ditch and looked at the location of the flame crystal mine, the person, who was standing here at the beginning, and here, is the location where Lu Yin picked up the skeleton vertical eye, this person is probably the owner of that skeleton vertical eye.

    Lu Yin recalled all the signs he had ever seen in the universe, among which there was no skeleton vertical eye.

    When he first picked up Lu Yin felt that he might have contacted something extraordinary, and now, this feeling is even stronger, that silver-haired man although the strength of the probe realm, but Lu Yin through a palm against the blast felt that this person really did not do his best, unfathomable.

    On the other side, the silver-haired man flew under the moonlight with a strange face, his sure kill blow, was blocked, "There is actually someone among the students of the realm of exploration who could block that blow of mine, interesting, I thought that only such people would appear in the second batch of trialists, but I didn't expect there to be one in the first batch, huh".

    Yu Xiang, the border between Soviet Province and Anhui Province.

    Since the penal battalion concentrated its main forces to the west, this has become the front line of the penal battalion, with five permanent wannabes and 30,000 evolvers, all the way to the west not only saved many survivors, but also joined many evolvers.

    Now the total number of evolvers on the front line of Yu Xiang is close to 40,000, and a Wannabe has also been added.

    The chief commander of the front line is Feng Hong, and he is the only one Lu Yin is familiar with.

    Originally everything was stable on the front line, however, this day, a human figure appeared high in the sky, overlooking Yu Xiang, tens of thousands of evolved people looked up.

    The first time I saw a woman, I was in the middle of the city, and I was in the middle of the city, and I was in the middle of the city, and I was in the middle of the city, and I was in the middle of the city.

    If you want to open the road to Wucheng with the penal battalion, you can't do it without a few months.

    Lu Yin pondered, Wucheng is now marked as blue, even if they hit Wucheng, they might face alien students.

    Just then, Luo Yun hurriedly came, "Hidden Saint, news came from the front line, the penal camp was defeated, everyone was controlled, Feng Hong and other ten thousand chiefs were captured".

    Lu Yin was surprised, "There are aliens out there?" .

    Luo Yun nodded and said seriously, "the soldiers who escaped back reported that the person who struck left six words - Blue Mountain College also Go".

    "Let Granny come here," Lu Yin said lightly.

    Soon, Granny arrives.

    "Go, through the Blue Mountain College students' personal terminal contact also Go, he controlled the front line of the penal camp" Lu Yin faintly said.

    Granny nodded, took out the personal terminals of those two students from within the condensed air ring, tapped a few times, and ahead, a light screen appeared, and on the light screen was a young man, looking at Granny with a smile on his face.

    "Miss Granny, it's been a long time, I never thought we would meet on this occasion, I am also a student of Blue Mountain College," the young man said politely.

    Granny was puzzled, "You know me?" .

    The first military academy in the empire is famous for its elite beauty, and the Blue Mountain Academy is not far from your academy, so of course we know each other".

    "Did you also arrange for those two to sneak up on me?" Granny said in a cold voice.
