
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

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50 Chs

Chapter 9: The two pupils of nature

    Xu San saw Lu Yin get up, thought he was going to strike at himself, the end of the day human life like grass, he had no doubt that he would be killed to vent his anger, hurriedly said "Lord, I can help you do things, help you do a lot of things, please do not kill me".

    Lu Yin lifted his feet and walked outside the restaurant, ignoring him.

    When Lu Yin crossed Xu San's body, the evolved man reached his limit of fear, really thought he would be killed, he had seen too many high and mighty killing scene, gritted his teeth and said urgently "Lord, I have special ability, I can help you".

    Lu Yin stopped abruptly and looked at him in surprise, "What did you say? Special ability?" .

    Xu San's face was pale and he whispered, "I, my eyes can see very far away, several times farther than normal people, because of this, I can steal a lot of good things".

    Lu Yin surprised, crouched down, stared at Xu San eyes, only to see this person's eyes pupils vaguely scattered, "double pupils?" Lu Yin was really surprised, this is a talent, the universe countless cultivators to give birth to a talented cultivator.

    "Does anyone else know about your special?" Lu Yin asked with a frown.

    Xu San shook his head and whispered, "I don't want people to think I'm a monster, I didn't tell anyone, you're the first."

    The corners of Lu Yin's mouth lifted, "Name."

    "Xu San".

    "Good, Xu San, from today, you will follow me, I will take you into the torture camp" Lu Yin said indifferently.

    Xu San looked up in fear, "You, are you going to dissect me?" .

    Lu Yin lost his smile, "I won't, but others may, so your special must not be exposed, understand?" .

    Xu San nodded his head in confusion.

    The universe youth council is willing to let talented cultivators join directly, which is something that countless people can only dream of, so it can be seen that it is difficult, to Lu Yin, Xu San is a treasure, the future is certainly very useful, even if sold, it can be worth a lot of money.

    Xu San is the local snake, under his leadership, in a few days, Lu Yin ran all over Jinling, including the once destroyed weapons depot, but there was not a single clue to what he wanted to find.

    "Boss, this is the second highest peak in Jinling after Zhong Shan," Xu San said to Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin gave an encore, "Look, which places are more concentrated in the army, except for Zhong Shan".

    Xu San nodded, put his eyes, the pupils of his eyes lax, brighter and brighter.

    After a while, Xu San smiled bitterly, "Boss, my eyes are farther than normal, but not so far that I can see the entire Jinling".

    Lu Yin said lightly, "Practice more, you can always improve".

    Xu San was speechless and opened his eyes wide to see.

    "Boss, look at the sky, is there a person flying over?" Xu San suddenly shouted, pointing to the east high in the sky.

    Lu Yin looked up, his gaze amazed, there was really someone flying over, and it was never an earthling, from the stars like Ashtar.

    The person flying fast, directly descended to the sky above Jinling, deep breath, a roar, violent power down, immediately, like a storm of energy swept Jinling.

    At the same time, Jinling gathering place sounded the alarm, countless people looked up, shocked looking at the figure standing in the sky.

    Zhong Shan, Feng Hong and other ten thousand chiefs rushed out, their faces pale as they looked high into the sky, "Heavenly level powerhouse?" .

    Countless people stared blankly at the sky, able to fly, the very sign of the flying class power, when did China have a heavenly class power?

    High in the sky, Orton looked down at the Golden Gathering, his gaze was arrogant, just like Ashtar, or all the people from the universe treated the earthlings as savages.

    "This is the area protected by the Interpreter Saints," said a voice from inside Zhong Shan, although it was a question, but the tone was quite respectful.

    Orton laughed coldly, "Interrogation saint? Are you natives self-appointed? How dare you, the word Saint is also something you can master, let your so-called Penal Saint come out".

    Millions of people in the Golden Gathering were terrified, the strange heaven-level powerhouse brought strong hostility, this was the enemy.

    Feng Hong and others had ugly faces, others were not sure, but they knew that the person coming was definitely an alien, the same as the one who was killed a few days ago, both possessed heaven-level strength, Jinling was not good.

    A loud cry, Zhou Shan carrying a three-meter giant axe rose up in the air, facing Orton, his face gloomy, "I am the Penal Saint Zhou Shan".

    Countless people cheered, the Penal Saint Zhou Shan is the protector of Jinling.

    Orton cold arrogance, "I think you have guessed where I come from, give you a chance to serve me, in the future, I may be able to take you out of the earth and cross into the stars".

    Zhou Shan's eyes narrowed, "I'm not sure where you're coming from.

    Orton snickered, "District indigenous still dare to play with me, Asta landing location in this section, do not tell me you have not seen him, tell you, the Academy ranking I am much higher than him, follow me than follow him have a future".

    Zhou Shan gripped the giant axe, "we are earthlings, not indigenous".

    The corners of Orton's mouth curved up, "it seems that still not convinced, I'll let you know the gap between the natives and us supermen", finished, a sword suddenly appeared, directly stabbed at Zhou Shan.

    Everyone did not expect Orton said to strike, Zhou Shan did not expect, but Zhou Shan reaction is very fast, extremely rich in combat experience, the huge axe axe handle up swing away from the long sword, follow the momentum of 360 degrees rotation from the bottom to chop, Orton amazed, good fast reaction ability, he could not help but to Zhou Shan pay attention to a few points, the long sword stirring, the huge axe will block a blow, but the body was shocked flying a hundred meters, hands numb.

    The wave of air from the sword and axe collision chopped in an arc towards the gathering place, at once, the earth was cut with cracks up to a hundred meters long, many people were affected by the waves and fled in fear.

    "What a force," Orton surprised.

    Zhou Shan held a huge axe ruthlessly cut to Orton, Orton sneered, outside the body waves of energy, long sword cross-file, this blow steadily blocked Zhou Shan huge axe.

    Zhou Shan gaze, eyes narrowed, and attacked again.

    "You want to press me outside this gathering? It doesn't matter, I will convince you", finished, Orton longsword and giant axe again collided, the body was pressed back by the huge force, directly flew out of the sky above the Golden Gathering.

    Just exchange of blows, although brief, but shocked countless people, humans can actually soar in the air to fight, each move is enough to split the earth, this is the power of the gods it!

    Feng Hong and others had worried eyes, the aliens dared to land on Earth must have prepared, they were worried about Zhou Shan.

    On another mountain peak, Xu San trembled, it was the first time he saw a battle between heavenly level powerhouses, it was an eye-opening experience.

    Lu Yin looked outside the city, listening to the faint roar, frowning.

    Every descending student has ring battle armor, which can defend against heaven-level strongman attacks, which makes Orton invincible, he thought he would win, but Zhou Shan is the Seven Saints of China, these seven people definitely get the inheritance of that corpse in Neptune, even if the inheritance is even less is not something Orton can take lightly, can stand in Neptune, proving that the corpse has the power to stroll through the stars, the depth of such people is unfathomable.

    Lu Yin can underestimate all the evolvers on Earth, but never dare to underestimate the Seven Saints of China, the seven of them are cultivated before the end of the day.

    A few days ago when he saw Ashtar corpse and spaceship, Zhou Shan could not be too surprised, Lu Yin observed the scene very carefully, Orton may not be able to win.

    It didn't take long for a sky-shattering roar to come from outside of Jinling City, countless qi flipped and shot into the sky, tearing through the clouds, and then calm returned.

    Soon, Zhou Shan soared high into the sky, looking a little pale, but did not suffer any injuries, raised his giant axe high, followed by the cheers of millions of survivors in Jinling.

    "You stay here," Lu Yin instructed, then rushed to the outside of the city.

    Zhou Shan and Orton's battle site was not far away, more than 20 kilometers outside the city.

    When Lu Yin arrived, he saw the ruined earth and burning tall buildings, the ground, a decapitation scar clearly visible, stretching into the distance.

    The zombies and mutant beasts that existed around the area had already fled or turned into dust.

    Lu Yin crouched down, touching the chop marks, there is still a trace of harsh qi, this is the power of Zhoushan battle technique, that day to kill the mutant vine is not his full strength, this is the full strength.

    Not far away, the white fragments reflect.

    Lu Yin picked it up, his gaze was fixed, this is the fragment of the ring battle armor, Orton defeated very badly, even the ring battle armor is broken, I do not know if he died, should not die, otherwise Zhou Shan must bring his body back to Jinling.

    Lu Yin re-evaluated the power of the seven Chinese saints, the upper three saints what strength he did not know, but Zhou Shan, perhaps with the peak of the tan realm battle power, can cut the ring battle armor is evidence.

    In the distance came the noise, should be the other ten thousand chiefs arrived, Lu Yin did not want to meet with them, directly left.
